Chapter 92 Give me a reason

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  Chapter 92 Give me a reason

  "Hoo, ho!"

  The exhausted Tony took off the steel mask and lay on the lawn, panting violently.

  Walking towards Tony and taking off his colonial clothes, Russell kicked him and raised his eyebrows: "Do you want to continue?" "No!

  " Tony shook his head and stared blankly at the river of stars hanging in the sky. , after being silent for a few seconds, he suddenly said: "On the day of my accident, after I was attacked and injured, I equipped the colonization suit you gave me and wanted to use the power of the colonization suit to escape, but the suit was removed. ."

  "The colonial suit has been lifted?" Noticing that Tony said the word "deactivated", Russell frowned and said decisively: "Except for the safety device and the user automatically disarming it, the colonial suit cannot be lifted unless it is seriously damaged. !"

  Every inventor is very confident in his invention, and Russell is no exception.

  With his eyes narrowed, Russell looked condescendingly at Tony, who was lying on the ground, looking like he was wearing rags, and said, "Do you doubt me? Do you suspect that I want to kill you or kidnap you?" "Hahaha..." Tony grinned

  . , his eyes flashed slightly, and he said: "Isn't it normal to have such doubts?"

  "Are you afraid that you were fooled by the terrorists, or that the thing in your head is just white liquid with bugs swimming around! ?" Russell squatted down, looked into Tony's eyes, and cursed rarely.

  "Huh?" Tony looked at Russell with strange eyes, as if he didn't believe that the good young man in his eyes had actually cursed someone.

  "Should I kill you or kidnap you? For what? Come on! Give me a reason!" Russell looked at Tony with disdain on his face.

  "Uh..." When Russell asked this question, he originally wanted to take advantage of the question. He took the opportunity to test the steel suit to see how far it was from Russell's. By the way, Tony was venting his depressed mood and looked away with some guilt. , and immediately felt that what he did was really not like himself, so he looked at Russell forcefully.

  Noticing Tony's expression, Russell narrowed his eyes, with a dangerous light, and said: "I kidnap you, are you richer than me?"

  Broome Island has the most profitable paradise in the world, a gathering place for the rich. , and has a leading position in arms and intelligent machinery. As the owner of Broome, Russell does have a little more than his property.

  Well, just a little more! Tony mentally compared the distance with two fingers.

  "Do you have any inventions that I can covet?"

  Russell, who created the colonial clothing, indeed... would not like the weapons he invented.

  "Are you as young and handsome as me?"

  In terms of age, I am indeed...

  wait a minute! If you keep saying this, you will be useless in front of the other party!
  "Stop, stop!" Tony said hurriedly, feeling that he was being called a fool.

  Russell snorted softly and said, "Come on, what's the use of kidnapping someone who is inferior to me in every way?" Tony

  curled his lips and said with a bitter smile, "I was wrong!"

  "Huh?" Russell glanced at the other person in surprise. , said: "Are you lying? Will Stark apologize?"

  "Don't push yourself too far!" Tony shouted and whispered: "Apologise, as a friend."

  Russell always thought that the other party was just talking verbally.

  After waving his hand to Caesar, who had been watching cautiously, and indicating that nothing was wrong here, Russell sat down next to Tony and said, "Is there anything you want to say? As a friend." Tony was stunned

  . He lowered his eyes slightly, and after a few seconds of silence, he slowly talked about what happened to him in the past three months.

  Tony is not suitable to be a narrator. His intermittent narration is mixed with some Tony-style poisonous tongue and pride, plus he occasionally mocks the stupidity of the terrorists. If Russell hadn't vaguely remembered some plots, he would definitely have listened. Confused.

  "It's a pity Ethan..."

  Speaking of the man who had lived with him for three months, Tony's tone was heavy and his face was gloomy. If it weren't for him, he would have become a corpse now.

  It was from the other party that Tony felt the meaning of the word comrade for the first time, and how heavy and depressed he felt after bearing the sacrifice of his comrades.

  He had never told anyone else about these things, not because he didn't want to, but because he didn't have the right person.

  Because of his personality, he only has a handful of friends...well, it should be said that there is no need to count at all.

  Even Rhodes, who has a good relationship with him and can be said to be a friend, has many things that are not suitable to be discussed with him because of his military status. For example, the military is very concerned about how he escaped from the terrorist's lair. of.

  Pepper, although you can tell the other party anything, talking about these things will only make the other party afraid. Tony, who feels that the matter is over, will naturally not mention it again.

  As for Obadiah Stan, who was relatively close to him, he didn't care about this matter at all, and... he still had some doubts about him.

  Therefore, Russell, who had ruled out suspicion, was the most suitable person to talk to. Because Russell and he had similar identities, he regarded Russell as a friend.

  After listening to Tony's narration and seeing that the other party became a lot more relaxed, Russell, who had always had a question, asked: "Where is the safety device of your equipment?" Tony nodded and said, "I also thought about it.

  If I If I remember correctly, I got the colonial clothes that day and after having a meal with you, I went back to the company because I had something to check on." "Well... in order to show off the goods I purchased,

  I I tried it on in the office. As for the safety device, when I was equipping the suit, I felt that it was useless, so I threw it away." He would not say that he

  put on the suit to lift the office The desk inside, posing like a strong man in front of Little Pepper...

  "So you left the safety device in the office, right?"

  "It should be in a corner." Tony's eyes wandered.

  "If you doubt me because of the removal of the colonial costume, then you have never doubted the safety device you threw away?"

  Tony opened his mouth, smiled bitterly, and said, "You should know what this means, right? ."

  "Hmph!" Russell snorted softly, "There are not many people who have the right to enter your office and know that you went to the Middle East." "So


  "So, you don't believe the other thing you thought of One reason, but you suspect that I want someone to kill you?"

  He waved his hand, and before Tony could answer, Russell said: "First of all, let's not say that there is no conflict between you and me, whether it is private or corporate. Secondly, , if I really want to kill you, there are many ways, but I won’t go to unreliable terrorists.”

   PS: Please recommend! The crazy kind!

  (End of chapter)

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