Chapter 63 The system’s fault

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  Chapter 63 The System’s Pot
  The nightlife in Gotham is very rich.

  I don’t know if other people feel this way, at least for Russell who appears as a heavenly master.

  After he spent the party held by Bruce for him, he returned to his room, and after putting on some disguises in the room, he changed into the costume of the Celestial Master and appeared in the darkness of Gotham.

  As for whether it would arouse the suspicion of some people with ulterior motives, that is, the Celestial Master appeared on the same day that he appeared in Gotham, Russell also thought of the simplest solution, that is, let the Celestial Master and himself It is enough for people to appear once or twice at the same time but in different places.

  Moreover, as long as he wants to gain achievement points as a Celestial Master, it doesn't make any difference if the Celestial Master appears one day late or two days late.

  Besides, his identity is there, especially if there is evidence, how many people would associate a rich man with a vigilante?
  Even if some people doubt this, unless irrefutable evidence is produced, Russell can deny it with a smile and say, "You are overthinking."

  He raised his palm, and a golden energy line appeared. After wrapping around the building in the distance, Russell gently pulled it and swung directly over.

  Standing on the roof of the condescending building, Russell hung his feet outside the building, looking at the splendor below and the Gotham night breeze blowing, looking extremely leisurely.

  The crime rate in Gotham is indeed terrifying. He had only been out for a while when he met a robbery criminal.

  In this regard, he naturally solved the opponent without hesitation.

  Although he didn't accomplish anything, according to his estimation, the other party should have become a number in some cumulative achievement.

  After two clicks on his watch, Russell placed a virtual screen in front of him. He switched on the screen casually, checking the pictures projected by the hummingbird with eyes, waiting for the right moment. target appears.

  Before coming here, he brought a lot of hummingbirds in his system backpack. Of course, there was no record of them.

  Suddenly, the virtual screen in front of him jumped, and a picture popped up involuntarily.

  "Did you commit robbery?" Looking at the displayed screen, Russell whispered and said, "Since we are so lucky today, why not try to prevent the robbery."

  After waving away the virtual screen in front of him, Russell made a decision and jumped directly from a high place. He landed on the roof of a lower house next to him and rushed through the roof of the house towards the place where Hummingbird found the criminal.

  A moment later, Russell fell from the sky, knocked down the robber cleanly, returned the stolen items to the trembling owner, and disappeared.

  He said he was only stopping robberies tonight. Unless there were some special circumstances, he was really just stopping robberies.

  His starting point is just to complete his achievements. Perhaps his behavior is the same as a superhero in the eyes of those he saves, but as for himself, he has never regarded himself as a superhero.

  Because his purpose is impure, and he doesn't have the mentality of a superhero. He is just a 'person' who gains achievement points in the system in order to become stronger. He feels that he cannot afford the word hero.

  Speaking of which, Russell was really helpless.

  As a billionaire, a tall, rich and handsome person in the eyes of others, and even a very high-ranking person who should be a BOSS-level person, he still needs to lower his status and rank, like a thug, roll up his sleeves and go into battle personally, and The enemy is fighting...

  With his identity, shouldn't he wave his hand and give a few orders to his men lightly, asking them to kill the enemy, or hide in the dark and use what he has at his disposal to prevent the enemy from knowing the true nature of the enemy? Will he be crushed into powder when his opponent is?
  Well, it's undeniable that it's really cool to do this, and the boss looks very classy.

  However, the key point is...

  after his confirmation, without his personal participation, he can't get any achievement points! Especially the legendary achievement points! !
  For example, when he killed Frost before, if he hadn't participated in it himself, or just directed Caesar or others to kill the opponent, he would never have gotten the legendary achievement point.

  In the judgment of the system, even if he made plans from beginning to end, directed others to dig holes and fill the soil, and killed the opponent as a secret BOSS, if he did not come forward and participated personally, the chance of getting achievement points would be Quite slim!
  Therefore, even if Russell often went into battle himself and seemed to be lowering his status, he had to roll up his sleeves and do it himself.

  How can he continue to become stronger without achievement points! ?
  This is all the fault of the system! It's the system's fault!

  Iron Man, Batman, Black Panther, etc., their status is not lower than him, why don't they go into battle themselves?

  "Alas, the key is to achieve the point..."

  With a whisper, Russell rushed towards the place where Hummingbird discovered the situation again.


  Just as Russell was grinding out achievements in Gotham, a bat that brought great fear to the dark forces in Gotham City also quietly appeared in the dark night of Gotham City.

  After the last terror gas incident that destroyed Gotham, Batman, who defeated the ninja master who taught him, has become more determined to fight against crime.

  Even in the eyes of many Gotham citizens, Batman has become the patron saint of the night.

  After all, even the police are cooperating with Batman, and the Bat-Light erected on the roof is the best proof.

  When the bat light that reaches the sky lights up, Batman will quietly arrive and work with the police to solve difficult enemies.

  And recently, the bat light came on again.

  As for the reason why the Bat-Light turned on this time, citizens speculated one after another, discussing which abominable criminal was going to be caught by Batman again, and looking forward to the moment when Batman succeeded, as if they had never thought that Batman would fail. Have great confidence in it.

  In fact, Batman seems to have a very headache for his opponent this time.

  Because the enemy's whereabouts are unpredictable, the methods of committing crimes are extremely cruel, committing murder and arson, committing all kinds of crimes, and even arrogantly leaving a business card after each crime...a clown card.

  And until now, although he has been chasing the other party, every time he caught him, it was the scapegoat thrown by the other party, while the real clown was still at large.

  Today, the clown robbed another bank, left a playing card arrogantly, left a lot of mess, and left safely.

  Therefore, Batman must hurry up and find the Joker, because every day he is delayed, the Joker will cause more chaos and harm.

  (End of chapter)

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