Chapter 62 Impossible

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  Chapter 62: Impossible
  Gotham, one of the cities with the highest crime rate in the United States, the seat of the Wayne family, and Russell's destination this time.

  After slowly getting off the plane, Russell looked up at the hazy sky without a trace of sunlight, and frowned subconsciously.

  I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but he always felt that the air in Gotham was a bit depressing.

  With a soft breath, Russell opened the phone, pressed a number, and dialed it. The phone just rang once and the call was connected. Then, the old housekeeper's voice rang.

  "Master, have you arrived in Gotham?"

  "Arthur, don't worry!" Russell responded to the old butler and walked out of the airport.

  "Well, I know, I won't wander around alone."

  "Yeah, I know."

  "Okay, Arthur, someone is coming to pick me up, that's it." "

  Okay, I understand, I You'll be safe."

  "Goodbye, Arthur."

  "Huh!" After a long breath, and a series of assurances to the old butler, Russell finally hung up the phone.

  However, the old butler's worries were unfounded. After all, Russell was traveling alone this time, and even Caesar stayed in New York at Russell's request.

  However, for Russell, this would make him more comfortable. After all, under Caesar's nose, it would be extremely difficult to go out and gain achievement points as a Celestial Master without being discovered by Caesar. After all, in Gotham, He doesn't have any secret passages.

  Of course, if Caesar hadn't proved to Russell in front of the old butler that ordinary people would never be able to deal with Russell now in colonial clothing, the old butler would have firmly disagreed with Russell coming to this dangerous place alone.

  But no matter what, he finally came to Gotham alone and was about to start his new career.

  When he thought of this, Russell felt that the depression in the air was reduced a lot.

  He pulled the white baseball cap on his head, pulled his suitcase, and walked out of the airport with a relaxed pace.

  Someone will be there to pick him up, and judging by the time, he should be there by now.

  Following the flow of people pouring out of the airport, after Russell walked out of the terminal, he immediately found the person to pick him up, er, to be more precise, the car.

  There was no way around it. The black sports car full of technological colors was too eye-catching. It had a high rate of turning heads. Plus, the beautiful woman holding a sign with his name on it made it impossible for people to ignore it.

  Pulling down the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, Russell made sure that he had read it correctly. After confirming that the sign held by the beautiful woman was his name, he pushed up the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose, rolled his eyes secretly, and walked over.

  "Hello...are you Mr. Bloom?" the beauty asked, putting down the sign in her hand.

  After Russell nodded to him, he knocked on the driver's window.

  The car window rolled down, and a sleepy face appeared in front of Russell.

  "Hey, it looks like he didn't do anything good last night!" Russell said meaningfully as he looked at Bruce's sleepy appearance.

  Bruce yawned and said, "Don't you know that life is interesting at night?".

  Interesting, do you mean becoming Batman and going out to fight criminals?
  After whispering in his heart, Russell said: "Why did you come to pick me up by yourself?".

  "You came to deliver the goods yourself, can I not come to pick you up personally?" Bruce smiled and said: "There is no one in Bloom? Why did you come out to deliver the goods? Why are you alone? Where is Caesar?" ".

  Russell nodded to the beautiful woman who opened the car door for him. After saying thank you, Russell got into the only seat in the sports car, the passenger seat, and said: "I just want to come to Gotham to have fun, don't be so talkative." You can be so cruel as to call me a delivery person!"

  "Also, it's none of your business whether there's someone in Bloom, Mr. Driver!"

  Bruce twitched the corner of his mouth slightly and said, "You're not just as poisonous!".

  "Haha, each other!"

  After the mutual sarcasm at the meeting, Bruce said while starting the car: "I have prepared a welcome party for you!".

  "Okay, let's forget about this. I didn't come here to have a party with you. Besides, I came out this time confidentially because I wanted to have fun alone." "Confidentially..."

  Bruce His face stiffened and he said: "Well, the reporters noticed me when I drove to the airport, and they should have photographed the sign I just held up. You were also photographed getting into my car, so keep it secret. Something like that, that’s impossible.”

  Fortunately, I even disguised myself!
  "Haha..." Russell smiled coldly and said, "Didn't you buy all those newspapers?".

  "I don't care how they report on me. I've become accustomed to it over the years, so I haven't put much energy into the newspaper. And..." Bruce said helplessly: "You must understand that in Gotham, , some valuable news can be sold for a lot of money, so you can get more than just newspapers."

  When these reporters take photos of valuable things and collect valuable information, they will sell the information to the dark forces in Gotham. Therefore, even if the newspaper office blocks it, the information will still get out.

  In other words, Russell's so-called confidential journey was over before it even began.

  "Let's go!" Russell said helplessly, and then said: "But thank you for coming to pick me up yourself.".

  Bruce nodded slightly, opened the car window, and said to the beautiful woman waiting aside: "Lilia, thank you for your help today. I'll wait for you at the party tonight."

  The beauty known as Lilissa looked surprised and said: "Okay, Mr. Wayne!".

  After the words fell, Bruce closed the car window and drove away.

  As for the beauty, well, it was just a temporary encounter that Bruce had at the airport.

  Even during the day, due to the overcast clouds, the entire Gotham has a dark and depressing atmosphere. With the weird Gothic buildings in the city, the entire Gotham looks like it is waiting for the darkness to fall and is ready to move. beast.

  Through the car window, looking at the buildings passing by quickly outside, Russell suddenly felt that Bruce Wayne, who put on a bat suit and transformed into Batman at night, was really admirable.

  Not everyone can protect a city with a mortal body, especially Gotham, a city that is inextricably linked to the dark forces and has been penetrated even to the very core.

  At least he couldn't, and Russell had always maintained a respect for people who could do what others couldn't do.

  Thinking of this, Russell glanced at the expressionless Bruce Wayne who was driving and wanted to ask him...

  Batman, are you... tired?
  (End of chapter)

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