Chapter 39 Target Blade

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  Chapter 39

  The sound of the target Blade's fighting gradually subsided, and the number of vampires who kept attacking the two people was getting smaller and smaller. They stayed away from Daredevil and Blade in fear, and just held their weapons around the two of them, lustfully Neirong had a long mouth, showing his fangs and roaring softly.

  "Are you okay?" Blade, holding the katana in his hand and breathing more rapidly, asked the Daredevil softly, who had suffered some minor injuries.

  Daredevil nodded and said: "No problem!".

  After the words fell, Daredevil's expression changed and he said: "Someone is coming!".

  "Vampire?" Blade grinned, looking at the frightened vampires around him, flicked his katana, and said, "Good luck, I haven't killed enough yet!".

  "Bah, bang, bang!"

  Accompanied by applause, several figures walked out from another passage in the carnival ballroom.

  "Dickon Frost!"

  Looking at the leading vampire, Blade's eyes turned cold and he called out his name.

  Deacon Frost, the leader of the hybrid vampires, leads the vampires who were transformed from humans. He is a radical and arrogant vampire and the absolute enemy of Blade.

  Frost sniffed and said, "How is it? Blade, do you like the atmosphere and smell here?".

  He reached out to take a drop of blood dripping from the ceiling, wiped it on his lips, and said softly: "Do you like it? Hmm!?".

  After a pause, he shouted loudly: "Bastard!".

  Blade picked out his ears, looked at the crazy Frost calmly, and said, "Are you done talking nonsense? Come over here and let me kill you with one knife."

  "Kill me? Haha!" Frost smiled, stretched his neck, and said sternly: "Come on, I'm right here, come and get it if you can!".

  Blade has been hunting vampires for a long time, and has killed countless vampires so far. He has long been regarded as the enemy of vampires. If Frost didn't have some other thoughts, he would not be able to see Blade at all. I can say so much.

  And just when Frost finished speaking, the blade was holding the long knife upside down, stepping on the blood on the ground, dancing lightly with his arms, holding the knife in both hands and slashing hard at Frost.

  A trace of rage and fear flashed in Frost's eyes. He bent his charged legs slightly and was about to jump back to avoid the deadly blade. An inconspicuous sound broke through the air. From the corner of his mouth, he shot towards the blade.

  With that person's ability, if there was no accident, he would definitely be hit by the blade, and when the blade of the blade fell on him, it would be shot directly through the blade's head.

  However, this is no surprise.

  When the fatal dart flew towards the blade, the blade's face was stern. He had stopped moving and subconsciously swung the knife in his hand. However, the flying speed of the dart was too fast, even if he had already reacted. , and still falls short.

  However, fortunately, he is not alone, there is Daredevil.

  When that person made a move, Daredevil, who had noticed the other person's movements with the help of his own radar perception, threw out the silver spike in his hand without hesitation.


  There was a soft sound, and the silver spike directly knocked the dart away. It flew out without losing any force, wiped Frost's face, left a blood mark, and landed on the wall.

  Frost's face became angry, and when he was about to speak, a voice full of appreciation appeared in everyone's ears, along with a figure wearing a windbreaker.

  "As expected of Daredevil, you are indeed alert enough. This makes me want to kill you even more. The price Kingpin gave me is not low." Leather

  windbreaker, bald head without a single hair, darts spinning constantly between fingers The malicious look in his eyes was like a dart that could be thrown out of his hand at any time, making people alert. The most eye-catching thing was the target-like scar on his forehead.

  Hearing that familiar voice, Daredevil unconsciously grabbed his combat baton and said at the same time: "Bullseye!".

  Bullseye smiled, tossed the dart in his hand, and said, "How was it? The meeting ceremony just now was not bad."

  "Bullseye, those are vampires, they are..."

  "So what? Doing things with money is a fair thing." Interrupting the excited Daredevil, Bullseye said: "You are still so naive.".

  "Stop talking nonsense!" Frost yelled impatiently, waved his hand and said: "Then just kill Daredevil, I will capture the Blade alive!".

  Hearing this, Bullseye glanced at Frost coldly, and made a disdainful sound, but showed no intention of taking action. He stood there with his arms folded, while the vampires under Frost roared, He pounced on Daredevil and Blade again.

  In response, Blade stepped forward without any fear, while Daredevil kept more than half of his mind on Bullseye while involving those vampires.

  The blade looked at Frost fiercely. As the light of the blade circulated, the blade was deadly, causing the number of vampires to continue to decrease.

  Looking at the blade getting closer and closer to him, Frost looked at Bullseye and said: "Kingpin didn't ask you to come here just to watch a show!".

  "Tch!" Bullseye sneered. After squeezing out the word "trash" from between his teeth, he stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers twice, saying: "I'll deal with Daredevil. You can capture Blade alive. I know if you've done it or not." Less of those things.”

  After finishing his words, Bullseye waved behind him, and immediately, several men rushed in, holding special machines, and surrounded Daredevil.

  The next second, Bullseye sneered, waved to the people surrounding Daredevil, and reached out to press his ears. Suddenly, a burst of noise that would make ordinary people's heads explode appeared from those machines. , causing Daredevil who was fighting to scream in pain, his head felt heavy, and he fell to the ground.

  Seeing this, Bullseye sneered and said: "Catch him!"

  At this moment, the blade chopped down two vampires, rushed to Daredevil, lifted him up, and waved the katana in his hand. , after cutting off a vampire's arm, he kicked another vampire away and ran towards the door.

  Seeing this, Frost yelled: "Catch him!".

  After the words fell, the four vampires who had been standing beside him rushed out. As the four vampires ran, a layer of water-like black substance quickly spread to their bodies. Suddenly, their speed increased sharply and they chased the blade. .

  Seeing this, he pressed the blade against his waist, and a bomb filled with silver powder was thrown out.

  "Boom!" There was an explosion, and bright silver powder densely filled a large space. When it blocked the line of sight, it also blocked the four vampires. Some unlucky ones even inhaled a lot of silver powder accidentally. A burning sensation appeared in their bodies, causing them to howl out miserably.

  "It's really a waste!" Following Bullseye's whisper, two cold lights flew out from between them, passed through the silver dust that blocked his sight, and shot towards the blade and Daredevil, who was groaning in pain.

   PS: Please recommend! Thanks!

  (End of chapter)

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