Chapter 38 Killing Music

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  Chapter 38 Killing Music
  "You are..."

  Looking at the Day Walker and Daredevil walking out of the darkness, a vampire standing at the door glared and shouted.

  "Daredevil and Blade!"

  "Correct answer!" Sunwalker smiled solemnly. When the vampire wanted to open the door and rush in to report, he waved his arm and a silver-plated dart landed on the vampire's forehead.

  "This is your reward!"

  "I thought your name was Sunwalker." Daredevil said in confusion, "So your name is Blade?".

  "That's all fine!" He said coldly, Blade showed a wicked smile, and said without any intention: "Are you ready?".

  Daredevil was a little confused, but nodded, waved his arms, and took out his combat baton.

  "Ha!" With a chuckle, Dao Feng kicked open the door and rushed in.

  And at the moment he opened the door, Daredevil finally knew what Blade meant when he asked him if he was ready.

  The loud music sounded like thunder in his ears, and the strong smell of blood even made him feel like he was being soaked in blood. These feelings made him very uncomfortable and even made him feel nauseous. a feeling of.

  "Damn!" He cursed in his heart, and Daredevil gritted his teeth and rushed in.

  He was not sure whether Blade could deal with so many vampires by himself. Moreover, although he was a little uncomfortable due to the music, he had not lost his fighting power. Moreover, he only needed to go in and turn off the music to recover. .

  The pungent smell of blood rushed to my nose, and when my feet stepped on the ground, it was like falling into a pond. There was a sound of rushing water, coupled with the slippery feeling, almost subconsciously, Daredevil The image of his feet stepping on a sea of ​​blood already appeared in his mind.

  Suddenly, Daredevil, whose sense of smell was many times stronger than that of ordinary people, felt his stomach shrink and almost made him vomit.

  At this moment, screams and roars were heard, accompanied by gunshots that gradually sounded.

  "Did Blade take action?" He secretly whispered in his mind, and Daredevil shook his head, holding his own two sticks, and walked towards the DJ booth where the music was being produced.

  However, just as he was about to start, the vampires who discovered Daredevil roared, blocked his way, and pounced on him like madmen.

  His arms danced lightly, and a pair of short sticks seemed to come alive in Daredevil's hands. With the strength that Daredevil had cultivated over a long period of time, combined with Daredevil's unique skills, they fell on the vampire who rushed towards him. , suddenly, there was a sound of cracking bones.

  Daredevil, on the other hand, walked towards the DJ booth step by step with firm steps.

  Compared with Daredevil's gentleness, which only quickly breaks bones and makes the enemy lose their fighting power, Blade seems much colder. He took out a special pistol from under his windbreaker and fired a series of special bullets. Blade's indifferent expression showed , knocking down one vampire after another, directly killing those vampires.

  "Bang, bang!"

  Faced with the massacre by the blade, those vampires were not vegetarians, and they picked up their weapons without hesitation and started to fight back.

  When several vampires with cold weapons surrounded the blade, several vampires in the distance laughed ferociously, and without hesitation, they enveloped the entire area and fired a hail of bullets.

  He dodged and hid beside a vampire. Blade used the weapon in his hand to fire several precise bursts. After killing several vampires in the distance, he waved back the hand holding the pistol and knocked down one of them. After becoming a vampire, she put the gun without bullets back on her waist. At the same time, she held the handle of the knife on her back with her other arm. She pulled it out hard and cut off a vampire's head in a sharp arc.

  "Ha!" He tilted his head, shook off the blood on the samurai sword, smiled solemnly, and said indifferently: "Come on, continue!".

  "Ah! I'm going to rip off your head!" A female vampire covered in blood shouted and rushed forward waving the dagger in her hand.

  Seeing this, the blade sided to avoid the opponent's attack, then bent his knees and hit the female vampire directly. Then he swung the blade and cut her in half.

  The corners of his mouth were raised, and along with the explosive music, the blade was like a beast rushing into the flock, killing!
  At the same time, Daredevil waved his baton among the vampires and beat a unique drum beat.

  "Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang."

  A series of knocks and bone-crushing sounds, paired with the harsh music, actually gave Daredevil, whose head was bombarded by the music, a sense of relief. A feeling of lightness.

  Finally, after knocking down several vampires, Daredevil rushed to the source of the music. His radar was turned on at full strength. After careful identification, he raised his batons with both hands and struck randomly on the DJ stand where the music was playing. The machine was knocked into scrap metal.

  He had heard the sound of music playing on the DJ booth before, so he could accurately find the source.

  The machine on the DJ stage was scrapped. Suddenly, the music lost its source of playback. The space filled with music suddenly became quiet. However, without the suppression of the music, the sounds of fighting and roars suddenly surged into the night. In the ears of the devil.

  However, compared with the music just now, Daredevil still likes these sounds, at least these sounds will not make his ears uncomfortable.

  He ducked back to avoid the claws of the two vampires. Daredevil knocked down the baton in his hand, breaking it into pieces. Then he swung his arm hard as he spun around, and the baton in his hand hit the vampire's thigh. On the head, it was smashed so hard that it flew out with blood flowing out.

  "Hey!" A black figure flashed across with a stunning silver light. After accurately cutting off the head of the vampire that Daredevil smashed away, he stood next to Daredevil and said, "It's time. Don't you want to kill me?"

  Daredevil twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "I think so too, but my weapons are too difficult for these thick-skinned vampires to kill them."

  "Haha!" Blade, who was so happy to kill the vampire, smiled happily and touched the outside of his thigh. Two silver spikes shorter than his forearm appeared in his hand.

  After raising his hand to kill the two vampires, he placed it on Daredevil's hand and said, "Give it back to me when you're done!".

  He spent a lot of money to make each silver nail, but he couldn't just give it away... He

  stretched out his hand and touched the silver nail. After feeling the length of the weapon, Daredevil smiled. He smiled, put away his baton, held a silver nail in one hand, and said, "Okay!".

  After the words fell, the two people quickly rushed into the vampires, waving the weapons in their hands, and using one-shot fatal moves, they killed fewer and fewer vampires, and the vampires they had killed had broken their courage.

  (End of chapter)

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