Chapter 210 Enemy

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  Chapter 210
  The base where the enemy imprisoned the children not only imprisoned the children, it was also a research base for Stryker.

  Sneaking all the way, he noticed the miserable condition of the mutants who were used as experimental subjects, which made Qin's anger continue to rise. Phantom Cat had tears in his eyes. Even Black Widow and Hawkeye felt that Stryker's The experiment was too cruel.

  "I hope those children are okay." Qin whispered in her heart.

  If something happened to those children, Professor X would definitely be extremely sad and might even do some irrational things because of it.

  And Professor X who has lost his reason and self-moral restraint...

  just thinking about it will make people shudder.

  The lights in the base seemed relatively dim. Although it made the base look a bit eerie, it helped the four Black Widows infiltrate and search.

  Research room, material library, anatomy room, database...

  Under Qin's guidance, the four of them walked through the passages. With the help of the phantom cat's ability, the four of them solved some necessary problems without encountering any obstacles. soldiers, one side keeps going down.

  After a while, the four people stopped.

  Looking at the iron gate in front of her, Qin's eyes showed excitement, and she whispered: "The children are behind here."

  Black Widow asked: "Are there any enemies inside?"

  Shaking her head, Qin said: "I No one was detected."

  "Then let's go in!" Phantom Cat seemed impatient.

  Along the way, Phantom Cat became more and more courageous, and she was about to rescue her classmates, which made her tremble with excitement.

  "Katie!" Sensing the phantom cat's mood, Qin touched the phantom cat's head and said, "Katie, you and the agent, please go and open the door for everyone, and then bring everyone here. "

  The four of them, because of the phantom cat's ability, had an unimpeded journey, but it was much more difficult for others to get in.

  The phantom cat nodded and said: "I understand."

  Although she really wanted the students who were locked up here to see her heroic appearance in rescuing them at the first sight, but she was obedient and understood that at this time, she still It’s more important to bring other people here.

  Qin looked at Barton seriously and said, "Mr. Agent, please protect Katie."

  Hawkeye nodded silently and grabbed Katie's hand.

  "Ready, Mr. Agent." Smiling at Hawkeye, the phantom cat ran towards the direction from which his group came.

  Seeing this, Qin turned around and reached out to press the door in front of her. Using her mind power, the door was quietly opened.

  However, just when Qin was about to open the door and go in, the black widow reached out and took Qin's arm.

  "Huh?" Qin looked at Black Widow in confusion.

  Black Widow asked with confusion: "Don't you think it's a little strange?"

  "What do you mean?"

  Black Widow said thoughtfully: "We came all the way here and we can see how tight the guards are, but now... ...Such an important place, no one is guarding it?" "

  But, I did not sense the presence of enemies inside." Qin was extremely confident in her ability, and said with a hint of anxiety: "I sensed the presence of those children The fear and fear."

  "You are used to your abilities, but for those of us without superpowers, caution and caution are the necessary abilities for us to survive." Black Widow said lightly, then said : "There are no guards here, it's too abnormal."

  "So, I suggest that we wait until others come here before we go in."

  Qin bit her lip, feeling the fear coming from the children. Feeling anxious, he shook his head and said, "No, I can't wait

  any longer." "If I had appeared a minute earlier, I could have calmed those children earlier. I have to go in."

  As a teacher, at this time, for myself student, her heart was already in chaos.

  With that said, Qin gently opened the door and walked in carefully.

  Seeing this, the black widow sighed helplessly, like a ghost, using Qin's body to hide her figure, flashed into the door and hid herself.

  Under the dim light, there are special cells.

  It's said to be a prison cell, but it's more like a special 'box' that's less than one meter square.

  Inside the box, there are children of all sizes.

  The children all had haggard faces and fear in their eyes, which made Qin grit her teeth unconsciously.

  The power of the soul filled the air, and she felt the fear of those children. Qin felt the same, and even felt that fear was like reality because she felt the fear of many people, making her unable to breathe.

  Taking a few breaths in pain, Qin quickly gathered her spiritual power and called the names of the children across the cage.

  Hearing the noise, the children looked at Qin, and the excited voice of Teacher Qin rang out in the dark prison.

  Seeing the miserable condition of the children, Qin's eyes filled with tears and she kept whispering her consent.

  And at this moment, in a corner where no one noticed, two eyes without any emotion fell on Qin.

  The next second, the owners of the two sights disappeared silently on the spot like a wisp of smoke. And almost at the same time, with a wisp of smoke and a faint sound of 'pop', two figures appeared one after the other. Appearing around Qin, the dagger in his hand was like a poisonous snake, stabbing Qin's heart and head.

  At the same time, Black Widow, who saw this scene in the dark, her eyes turned cold and she hurriedly rushed out of her hiding place.

  At this time, Qin felt that she was in danger, and looked at the approaching weapon, but her eyes narrowed slightly, and a black spot the size of a needle tip appeared in the depth of the pupil, rotating rapidly like a black hole.


  A scream appeared from Qin's mouth, and terrifying telepathy burst out from her body, shooting around her body like a substance.

  "Bang, bang!"

  There were two soft sounds, and the two enemies flew backwards as if they were hit by invisible fists.

  Upon seeing this, Black Widow was surprised by Qin's sudden burst of power, but she still seized the opportunity and stabbed the enemy in the back with the widow's sting.

  However, with two soft sounds, the two enemies who flew out disappeared again in a puff of black smoke.

  Qin panted slightly, looking at the two enemies warily, a trace of cold sweat appeared on her forehead.

  Even though she saw these two people, her spiritual power did not sense them at all, as if these two people were weapons without spiritual fluctuations.

  "Be careful, they are difficult to deal with!" Black Widow came over and whispered to Qin.

  Qin nodded slightly and whispered: "Sorry, I should have listened to you and been more careful."

  (End of Chapter)

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