Chapter 209 Action

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  Chapter 209 Action
  "Well, in that case, we will take action tonight."

  "As for the plan, that's it."

  As Captain America's clear and powerful voice disappeared, a consensus was reached on behalf of the X-Men and the Avengers. .

  Russell waved his hand to disperse the virtual screen in front of him, glanced at the darkening sky outside, and said to Professor X: "Since you have established cooperation, I will leave." Professor X said strangely: "Russell,

  you Aren't you going to participate in tonight's mission?"

  Russell, who had just completed several achievements and received a sum of achievement points for helping the two parties reach a cooperation, said, "Well, what can I do?" With a slight smile, Professor X said:

  " You who defeated Magneto are very powerful and can do many things." "

  With your help, our actions tonight will be more guaranteed."

  Hearing this, Russell was stunned for a moment.

  Apart from Tony, only SHIELD and Magneto knew about his last defeat of Magneto.

  It was what Magneto and Professor X said.

  So, does Professor X want him to join the fight?

  Although this battle will definitely earn a lot of achievement points, and Russell also intends to participate, but since Professor

  So, Russell smiled slightly and did not answer.

  Seeing   this   ,

  Professor , Black Widow and Hawkeye.   Looking at the Avengers not far away, Russell walked over with the X-Men.   "Russell!" Tony shouted in a low voice and said, "This is Captain. You know the other two."   Russell nodded and said, "Captain, I have admired you for a long time."   Captain America smiled and shook his head. , said: "You're welcome, if you were born a few decades earlier, there would be no super soldiers, and nothing would happen without me."   Captain America has experienced the colonial suit and super soldier made by Russell, so he lamented Russell's colonial suit. Incessantly.   Russell smiled slightly, pointed at the X-Men who came with him, and said: "These are the X-Men who are working with us." "   Wolverine Logan, Cyclops Scott, Storm Oro Luo, Qin and Kitty the Phantom Cat."   The members of the Avengers nodded to the X-Men as a greeting.   But Hawkeye frowned at the Phantom Cat and asked, "Why did you bring a child here?"   In fact, the three naughty people also wanted to participate in this operation together, but Ororo said that Professor , leaving them in X school.   As for the phantom cat Katie, she was brought here because her abilities would be helpful in this rescue.   Cyclops said coldly: "Katie will be very helpful in this operation."   Although he agreed to act with the Avengers, Scott still didn't like the Avengers because of the previous incident.   Wolverine asked curiously: "Hey, where's that big guy of yours?"   Tony tilted his head and said, "Are you sure letting him come will not make things more troublesome."   Judging from Hulk's performance, There's a better chance of smashing things up here.   "Okay!" Captain America looked at everyone and said, "Let's act as we planned before. Time waits for no one. Nick can't hold off Stryker for long."   Nick Fury made excuses to drag Stryker down. Gram, and cut off Stryker's source of information. During this time, the X-Men and the Avengers worked together to rescue the child.   After hearing Captain America's words, everyone nodded.   Captain America looked at Tony and said, "The surveillance and network here will be left to you. Before we rescue those children, we must keep the news here from spreading." Tony smiled confidently and said, "No problem   . "   Captain America nodded, looked at Black Widow and Hawkeye, and said, "It's up to you to sneak in and deal with the guards, clear the way for us, and find the place where the children are detained." The two looked at each other,   silently nod.   "Wait!" At this moment, Scott said: "Let Katie and Qin go together."   Qin can sense the enemies around her and control the enemies immediately before they find them. Katie's ability makes their infiltration easier.   When Scott briefly told the Avengers about their abilities, Captain America smiled and said: "Very good, this will increase our success rate." After saying this, the phantom cat   Katie looked slightly nervous He looked at Qin and said, "Can I?"   Qin smiled slightly, raised his hand and touched the phantom cat's head, and said, "You are much stronger than you know yourself." The   fluctuations in his mind flashed by, Qin took this opportunity to calm down the phantom cat.   Phantom Cat nodded and said to the three of them: "Hold your hands."   Hawkeye and Black Widow looked at each other and did as they were told. After Qin took Phantom Cat's hand, she squeezed it slightly and said to Phantom Cat nodded.   Phantom Cat took a deep breath, watched Qin hold Black Widow's hand, and said: "When you dive in later, follow my command, take a deep breath to give yourself enough air, and don't let go! "   Although Hawkeye and Black Widow were a little confused, they still nodded to express their understanding.   The next second, the phantom cat held Qin's hand tightly and led the three of them to run towards the wall not far away.   Hawkeye and Black Widow squinted slightly, confused.   But in the next moment, they only heard the phantom say "breathe" before taking the lead and crashing into the wall.   A look of astonishment flashed in the eyes of the two people. After taking a deep breath in a hurry, they got into the wall with the force of pulling in front.   It was a blur before his eyes, and when they appeared, they were already in the base.   While they were curious about the phantom cat's abilities, Qin's voice rang in their heads.   "Someone is coming. There are three enemies. I controlled them, and you two subdued them as quickly as possible." The two of them   glanced at Qin, withdrew and hid in the shadows.   A few seconds later, three soldiers came over. Before Qin could control the three with her abilities, Hawkeye and Black Widow quietly appeared and knocked the three to the ground without the other making any sound.   Seeing this, Qin was stunned for a moment, and after understanding that the Black Widows were just showing off their abilities, she smiled indifferently, closed her eyes, and used her abilities to sense.   "Go this way."

  Qin pointed to the left side of the passage in front of her and said, "Those children are down there, and the entrance is over here."

  (End of Chapter)

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