Chapter 203 Current Situation

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  Chapter 203 Current Situation

  Although Loki has a lot of thoughts, his power is a flaw. Moreover, with the magic spell in hand, Russell has absolute restriction on Loki.

  Therefore, Russell is not as troubled by Loki's worries as he appears.

  After returning to the old house and telling the butler Arthur that whatever work he had to do could be properly arranged for Loki, Russell dived into the laboratory.

  He needs to store the research data he obtained in Niveda and the synthesis data of materials into the main program of Artemis. Moreover, he also needs to understand what happened during his absence.

  After linking the subroutine device with the data and Artemis together, Russell asked Artemis to call up the major events that had happened in the past six months, as well as the things that needed to be handled by himself.

  The new president of XX country takes office.

  Country XX has issued a new policy.

  XX Research Laboratory...

  Although these things can be called big events, they are of little use to Russell. After Artemis screened them, Russell finally saw the noteworthy news.

  Captain America is back. The superhero who has been missing for decades, Captain America Steve Rogers, returns through the ice.

  "Has this old popsicle finally been found and returned to the current world?"

  Russell smiled slightly and continued to read.

  Magneto escapes from prison.

  Magneto exposed the cruel experiments on mutants, causing huge public opinion!
  Amid the sympathy of the people, Magneto declared war on the Brotherhood of Mutants against the government! He said that as long as there is still a mutant being persecuted, he will fight to the end!

  As he watched, the smile on Russell's face disappeared unconsciously. Taking a deep breath, Russell continued to read.

  Magneto launches an attack on a military base and rescues several mutant victims who were used as weapons!
  Magneto's actions resonated with the mutant community, and mutants appeared one after another to hold the Parade of the Century.

  Mutant crime is on the rise! The situation is getting tense!

  Magneto attacks military bases and research institutes one after another, causing huge panic!
  In order to fight against the Brotherhood, the Avengers were formed!
  "Avengers appeared?" Russell was a little surprised, but after imagining that Nick Fury's Avengers plan was originally designed to deal with this kind of situation, it is not difficult to understand why the Avengers appeared at this time.

  Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, Black Widow, Hawkeye, War Machine.

  Looking at the current Avengers members, Russell said with some confusion: "These few people can't fight against so many mutants." "Are there

  any hidden helpers?"

  With doubts, Russell continued to read. .

  The conflict with the Brotherhood of Mutants continued to intensify, and Professor X's mutant school was implicated. When Professor

  Seeing this, Russell was shocked.

  Doing this is simply courting death!

  Originally, the mutants on Professor X's side had no intention of participating in the battle. Wouldn't this force Professor

  Sure enough, things developed as Russell feared. Professor

  In response, William Stryker responded with a tougher attitude.

  As long as the Brotherhood and the X-Men continue to do things that harm ordinary people, he cannot guarantee the safety of these children.

  This nakedly threatening tone made the mutants and X-Men of the Brotherhood go crazy with rage.

  Although they wanted to expose Stryker's threat to mutant children, Stryker cleverly did not leave any traces for them.

  So, after a series of battles, the two sides temporarily fell into a stalemate due to threats.

  After reading these messages, a feeling that a storm was coming suddenly appeared in Russell's mind.

  Originally, Magneto just wanted to use the topic to seek benefits and protection for mutants, but unexpectedly he gave William Stryker the opportunity to show off his talents.

  For so many years, William Stryker has been an adherent of the theory of the dangers of mutants. This time he seized the opportunity and will definitely try his best to show the dangers of mutants and arouse people's panic.

  As for the Avengers, who first appeared to fight against the Brotherhood of Mutants, now they can only try their best to maintain the situation and prevent this war from breaking out.

  "I really don't know what Stryker is thinking? Do you want to provoke an all-out war between humans and mutants?" After

  muttering softly, Russell looked at the things that needed to be dealt with by himself.

  Bloom Company's affairs were handled by Ada, and no one paid any attention to it. There were only one or two experimental projects that required Russell's authorization. However, after seeing that Ada had given permission, Russell immediately authorized it.

  Finally, Russell looked at the private information that needed to be processed.

  The first message was an email from Nick Fury.

  Because of the threat from Magneto, Nick Fury wanted Russell to provide more powerful clothing and develop new purchasing rights for clothing.

  In this regard, during the time Russell left, Ada had just opened the permission to purchase the colonial clothing Zaun Madman, so Russell did not pay attention to Nick Fury's request.

  In addition, Nick Fury also sent an invitation.

  Invitation to the Avengers.

  Raising his eyebrows, Russell just replied to the question of clothing. As for the invitation, he put it aside.

  The second message, surprisingly, is from Bruce Wayne.

  The message stated that he wanted to meet and talk with Russell.

  After thinking for a while, Russell gave the other party a reply and asked the other party to set a time before telling him.

  The third message is from Tony Stark.

  What Russell didn't expect was also a formal invitation to the Avengers.

  This was from Tony as a member of the Avengers.

  With a click of his finger, Russell put the invitation aside.

  As long as he shows up, I believe these two people will come to visit him soon. When the time comes, it won't be too late for him to talk to each other about the Avengers.

  After processing his information and seeing that all the data had been copied and saved by Artemis, Russell left the laboratory.

  He has been working hard for half a year in Niveda, and he wants to relax in the next time.

  When Russell left the laboratory, it was dark.

  After returning to his room, Russell took a good shower, changed out of his Asgardian clothes, put on a suit that he had not worn for a long time, left the room, and waited quietly in the living room.

  (End of chapter)

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