Chapter 202 Labor is the most glorious

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  Chapter 202
  Why is labor the most glorious for me?
  Faced with Russell's question, Odin gave a reason that Russell could not refute.

  Because Russell is one of the top people on the planet and can provide Loki with certain protection. Because Russell has considerable power and can suppress Loki. Because Russell is a student of Odin and has a close relationship with Asgard. Because Thor changed after coming into contact with him.

  Therefore, Odin also placed his hope that Loki would change on Russell.

  Russell was speechless.

  The reason is so good!

  Looking at Loki being brought over, Russell couldn't help but press his forehead.

  From now on, he would have to accept this trouble.

  Loki was brought to Odin and Russell by the soldiers with an expressionless face. After removing the shackles that bound Loki, the soldiers retreated.


  Looking at Loki standing quietly, Odin shouted.

  A sarcastic smile suddenly appeared on Loki's face. Loki raised his head slightly, looked at Odin, and said, "What? Have you discussed what to do with me?" "

  Continue to imprison me? Or banish me? Or... kill me. ?"

  A flash of anger flashed in his eyes, and Odin said, "You really want to die that much?"

  "Haha!" Loki sneered and tilted his head.

  Seeing this, Odin said: "I handed you over to Russell. From now on, your freedom, life and death will be decided by him!" Loki's face twitched, he looked

  at Russell fiercely, gritted his teeth and said: "Hand it over!" Give it to him?"

  Odin snorted coldly and said, "Bless yourself! I hope Russell won't kill you because of what you did."

  After the words fell, Odin, who handed the question to Russell, disappeared.

  Loki, on the other hand, stared at Russell coldly, walked over step by step, looked at Russell and said word by word: "Just you?" "

  Alas!" Russell sighed, lifted himself up and covered with magic spells Wen's hand deliberately let Loki see the magic spell on the back of his hand.

  The magic incantation that was exactly the same as Odin's Eternal Spear had a clear pattern, like a natural tattoo.

  Loki's eyes narrowed and he said in disbelief: "How could he give you this thing?"

  Russell's mouth curled up slightly, and he said to the magic incantation on the back of his hand: "Shut up!"

  After finishing the words, the magic incantation With a slight flash, Loki felt an irresistible force coming from his body, causing his mouth to close tightly.

  With his eyes widened, Loki pointed at Russell, looking furious.

  Russell raised his hand.

  Suddenly, Loki shut his mouth knowingly.

  Loki, as a member of the Frost Giant family, can maintain his current appearance entirely because of Odin's seal and magic, which changed him into his current appearance.

  And that seal didn't just change Loki's appearance.

  "That's good!" With a chuckle, Russell raised his hand to Loki and said, "Let's go to the Rainbow Bridge."

  Along the way, Loki seemed very honest.

  After arriving at the Rainbow Bridge, the two met two people who came to see them off.

  Thor and Frigga.

  After Thor nodded to Russell, he walked towards Loki and hugged Loki hard. After Loki pushed him away with a look of disgust, he turned around and hugged Frigga.

  Loki respects his mother the most.

  Raising his hand to lift the spell, Russell stepped aside, giving the other party enough space and time to say goodbye.

  After a while, Frigga kissed Loki gently on the forehead, said goodbye to Russell, and Thor said to Russell: "Loki will give it to you." "If

  he doesn't obey, don't be polite. Just greet him well. He recovers quickly and is in good health."


  What a good brother.

  Under Loki's speechless eyes, Russell chuckled and nodded.

  He and Loki walked to the teleportation room at the other end of the Rainbow Bridge. After Heimdall opened the Rainbow Bridge, the two walked into the Rainbow Bridge and disappeared into Asgard.


  The Rainbow Bridge in Asgard must be praised.

  Russell, who was still in Asgard a moment ago and now appeared in the backyard of his home, whispered in his heart, looked at Caesar, who was the first to appear, smiled slightly, and said: "Caesar! Long time no see!" Caesar curled his lips and said

  to Russell nodded and said: "Welcome home, young master."

  After saying that, he glanced at Loki and looked at Russell with doubtful eyes.

  Russell shook his head and said, "I'll talk to you later."

  "Let Arthur arrange a room first."

  Caesar nodded, turned and left.

  "Haha!" Loki looked around, raised a finger and said, "Let me talk to you about my requirements for the living environment." Russell tilted his head, looked at Loki and said, "

  You Do you think you are qualified to make any demands?"

  "Oh!" Russell knocked on his forehead, looking like he had just remembered, and said to Loki: "That's right!" "

  From today on, your basic necessities, food, clothing, housing and transportation here must be You have to rely on your own labor to get it."

  Loki said angrily: "You want me to learn from Thor before?"

  "Not learn." Russell said lightly: "Everything here does not belong to you. What do you want? To get what you want, shouldn't you work hard?"

  Loki snorted and said, "It's your honor for your so-called god to provide me with these things!" "

  Look!" Russell raised his eyebrows and said : "This is where you are inferior to Thor."

  "You don't know how to use your actions to earn respect."

  "Also, you are not a god."

  Smiling sarcastically at Loki, Russell continued: "Because, You are too weak! If you want to be called a god by others, you must at least defeat me, a mortal." Hearing this,

  remembering the last time he was beaten by Russell, Loki couldn't help but tremble with anger.

  "One more thing!" Russell smiled slightly and said: "If you want to be treated as an equal in front of your father, at least what Sol can do, you should do it too." "Otherwise, why should we be equal

  ? Treat you."

  Loki's lips trembled, his eyes flashed, and he hummed softly.

  "This is your first lesson. Labor is the most glorious thing. Use labor to exchange for respect and the needs of your own life."

  Loki's eyes flashed, and a sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  "You should know what I mean by labor, right?" Russell raised his hand, gently pressed the back of his hand, and said in Loki's stiff expression, "It's not your crooked ideas."

  Loki bit his lip and couldn't help but tremble with anger when he thought of himself mopping the floor.

  "One last reminder." Russell raised a finger and said: "You should understand the function of this magic spell, so don't have any crooked ideas, and don't try to leave me to allow you to move without my permission. place."

  "If you break this rule, I will still keep the collar for you."

  After saying that, under the gaze of Loki's eyes that turned red with frustration, Russell walked towards the room of Bruce's old house. Go inside.

  (End of chapter)

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