Chapter 20 Firefox in Action

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  Chapter 20:

  After the Firefox in action finally let out a breath of anger from Russell who deliberately made him wait, the wind brought by Nick Fury's walk showed a lightness.

  Coulson had a look of curiosity on his face. It was rare to see such a director.

  After opening the car door and waiting for Nick Fury to get in, Coulson started the car and asked curiously: "Director, how was the conversation?".

  "It's very pleasant. It gave me a lot of surprises." Nick Fury touched an extra ring on the finger of his left hand.

  "What about the thing called colonial clothing?" Looking back at his immediate boss, Coulson started the car and drove slowly.

  "A pretty perfect product." Nick Fury gave a rare high evaluation, which surprised Coulson slightly.

  "Surprised?" Nick Fury asked rarely, perhaps because he was in a good mood.

  Coulson looked at the road ahead seriously, nodded and said: "Yes, even the super soldier serum does not have such a high evaluation in your eyes, Director."

  "Colson, you also know that the Super Soldier Serum is perfectly effective, but it still has very big drawbacks!" "

  First, it is the success rate. Even the only successful case is based on a large number of failure cases. , Secondly, the serum will affect a person's character and indirectly change a person."

  "Yes, I understand this." Colson nodded and pricked up his ears.

  Nick Fury lowered his head and glanced at the ring on his finger, and said faintly: "And Little Bloom's colonial costume perfectly avoided these two points, and successfully demonstrated to me that the colonial costume is no weaker than the super. The ability of Soldier Serum, therefore, deserves my very perfect evaluation!"

  "Let's go, Coulson, summon SHIELD scientists to study what I got."

  "Did the director buy the breeding suit?" Coulson asked innocently.

  Nick Fury grinned, showing his white teeth, and asked: "Do you have to spend money to buy things?".

  Colson was silent, feeling very sympathetic to Russell's experience.


  At the same time, on the other side, Russell, who was tricked into wearing a colonial costume by Nick Fury, remembered that black face deeply in his heart.

  He didn't expect that Nick Fury, besides being gloomy, was also a shameless person!

  "Haha!" With a chuckle, Russell shook his head and said secretly: "I want to get the breeding suit in advance and study it."

  "Come on!"

  "But if you dare to hack my stuff, humph, I'll remember it!"

  With a silent thought in his heart, Russell put down the coffee cup in his hand, stood up and walked out.

  He planned to go get some air or find something to do for himself, otherwise he would sit here all the time, that black face would reappear in his mind, which was really irritating.

  However, just when he reached the door, Caesar walked over quickly and said: "Master, Firefox has discovered it.".

  "Huh?" Russell raised his eyebrows and said, "Has she finally discovered something after such a long time?"

  "Let's go and take a look!" With a faint smile, Russell at the door turned around and walked inside.

  Sitting in the viewing room of Bloom's old house, Russell leaned lazily on the back of the sofa, pointed to the sofa on the other side, and said: "Sit, Caesar."

  Caesar sat down expressionlessly, raised his arm, and clicked twice on a small virtual screen that popped up on his palm. The picture transmitted by the hummingbird appeared on the big screen in front of the viewing room.

  Picking up the drink brought by the maid, Russell said: "Turn off the lights, you can go out.".

  The maid nodded, silently turned off the lights, and closed the door to the viewing room.

  "Let me see what Firefox will do, let me see her belief." After thinking silently in his heart, Russell turned his attention to the screen.


  The Assassin's League, or the Mutual Aid Society, is a special assassin organization with a long tradition that pursues the principle of 'Kill one person and save a thousand people'.

  In their view, they kill people in the name of fate, and the purpose of killing is to resolve the crisis caused by the killed person in advance and to save more people.

  They are assassins of fate, and their beliefs are noble, and Firefox, as well as Mr. X, who was killed by Caesar, are one of the trump cards in this killer organization.

  The sting that has entered the heart is the hardest thing to pull out. The feeling like a stain on a pure white wall is very eye-catching, and people can't help but focus on that stain. .

  Ever since the day when Russell was assassinated, Firefox had a thorn planted in Russell's heart. She tried to pull it out with indifference and forgetfulness, but unfortunately, it had no effect.

  Not wanting to, or deliberately not wanting to, made her remember Russell's words more clearly in her spare time, and the way Russell looked at her at that time, which made her upset.

  Therefore, she decided to take action to remove the thorn in her heart and regain her peace. However, as she slowly investigated, she, who had never doubted the mutual aid association, not only did not remove the thorn in her heart, but she felt that the thorn in her heart was still there. Amid more and more doubts, Absorption of Nutrition slowly grew stronger.

  Finally, after several days of investigation, she set her sights on the archives that could solve all her doubts.

  The archives room has always been managed by their leader Sloan. Files of targets who have been assassinated or who are about to be assassinated will be placed here. Except for Sloan, they assassins have never entered here.

  The Destiny Loom gave hints on the gauze weaved. After Stone interpreted it, he handed them the information on the target to be assassinated, and then they completed the assassination. The whole process was very simple.

  In the past, she had no doubts about the whole process, but now, as the thorn in her heart grew bigger and bigger, and doubts gradually rose in her heart, she suddenly felt that the whole process of completing the task was a bit too simple and arbitrary. Prompts, interpretations, determination of assassination targets, and even assignment of tasks, almost the entire process is in Sloan's hands.

  What if, Sloan...

  Firefox couldn't help but feel chills in his heart when he thought of places that he would never have thought of before.

  So, when her doubts became more and more intense, she set her sights on the archives room.

  While Sloan was dealing with other things, Firefox skillfully opened the door of the locked archives room and walked into the archives room that no one except Sloan had ever entered.

  There are rows of bookshelves in the archives room, and on those bookshelves, there are assassination files. Those files are all tasks they have completed.

  In addition, she only saw him being targeted by Sloan after he interpreted the gauze of fate, but the assassination mission had not yet begun.

  Walking to the workbench placed by Sloan in the archives room, Firefox glanced and noticed some strange things. Then he pinched them with his hands and narrowed his eyes slightly.

  (End of chapter)

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