Chapter 19 Shameless

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  Chapter 19: Shameless
  Bloom's testing ground, a muscular figure wearing a super soldier's colonial uniform was conducting tests one after another with a speed and strength that would stun ordinary people.

  At the same time, Russell, standing at the edge of the testing ground, was selling his products like a qualified businessman.

  "The colonial equipment was a prototype developed after I learned about the efficacy of the super soldier serum." "

  And the facts have proven that my development direction was right. I used unstable factors that can change people, Everything is concentrated on the equipment for people to equip, and effective control is carried out." "

  You are still the same person, and your original temperament will not change because of the equipment, unless the person who equips it is originally a person. Concealing your true self."

  "Of course, the important thing is that its performance is good enough. After equipping it, you can use your fingers like an arm to adjust your own strength according to the user's wishes, as well as use the capabilities of the colonial equipment. Ability."

  "In short, after a soldier is familiar with the power it brings, he can immediately become a superhuman for you to drive."

  After a pause, Russell said meaningfully: "And, the soldiers under your command, he He is a superman when he puts on his colonial clothes, but when he takes off his colonial clothes, he is not difficult to deal with at all."

  Hearing this, Nick Fury, who was almost done with the experiment, stopped the experiment, took off his colonial clothes while walking, and turned it into a ring. With undisguised admiration, he said: "Not bad. ."

  "Is it just good?" Russell looked at the other person and said dissatisfied: "This is an excellent product with perfect technology and no defects. It is not comparable to those semi-finished products and serums with many defects."

  "Don't be nervous!" Nick Fury rubbed the ring made of colonial clothing on his finger and said: "I have some questions. If my questions can be answered perfectly, I will remove the word "yes" ."

  Russell nodded and said, "Please tell me.".

  In terms of price, Nick Fury already knows. In terms of performance, he has personally experienced it and expressed that he is very satisfied. So the rest is...

  "What about maintenance and supply?"

  "Colonial equipment, although it looks like a Metal armor and the like, but please note that the two are completely different. In addition to excellent defense, colonial armor also has some biological-like characteristics. This characteristic allows it to repair itself after being damaged, even if The damage is serious, but as long as the core is not lost, the special elements that make up it still have the ability to reproduce themselves, and with the supply of sufficient energy, they can recover as before." "In other words,

  it does not require professional maintenance!"

  "Enough energy ?" Nick Fury grasped the key point, crossed his arms and said: "I smell the smell of a trap.".

  "Don't say that!" Russell smiled sheepishly and said, "This is the quality a businessman should have.".

  "Energy is what supports the activities of the colonization equipment. It can also be understood as supply." "The

  special technology of the colonization equipment allows it to absorb the free energy in this space and allow it to 'charge' slowly, but you know , this process will be very slow."

  "Therefore, in order to allow it to recover as quickly as possible, it is necessary to increase the energy supply." "

  As long as there is enough energy, whether it is for battle endurance or post-war maintenance, , this is not a problem!"

  "Hmph!" Ignoring the inspiring part of Russell's words, Nick Fury went straight to the point and said: "Come on, let me see the energy you mentioned, tell me whatever you want, it s price.".

  Nick Fury has realized that if you spend money to buy colonial clothing, energy is absolutely indispensable if you want to make the best use of it, and this is also Russell's second point of making money.

  With a faint smile, Russell put his palm in his pocket, took out the energy liquid he had prepared early in the morning, and said, "This is it.".

  Nick Fury reached out and took the special test tube, which was only about the size of a finger. He looked at the energy liquid inside which was glowing blue but shimmering like little stars, and said, "How to use it?".

  "It's very simple. Just open it and pour it on the suit. The suit will absorb it on its own."

  Nick Fury turned his palm and put the energy liquid in his pocket without blushing under Russell's gaze. , said: "Convenient.".

  With a twitch of the corner of his mouth, Russell looked away from Nick Fury's empty palm. After cursing in his heart, he looked at the other person with determination and said: "As for the price of the reproductive energy fluid, you can rest assured, it will definitely Very friendly."

  This is a long-term business, and Russell doesn't want the price of the energy liquid to cause customers to just shelve it after they buy it.

  A slow flow of water is the way to go.

  Nick Fury also understood that Russell would not set the price of the energy liquid too high, so after receiving Russell's guarantee, he said: "In this case, we can sign the contract."

  After blinking, Russell said: "No, no, these things haven't been officially sold yet. I'm just demonstrating them for you in advance today. So, let's wait until the press conference is held to sign the contract."

  "In that case, I have prepared other contracts."

  "Oh?" Russell raised an eyebrow and said, "In that regard?"

  Nick Fury said generously: "A contract to continue cooperation with Bloom, and a contract to hire you as a special consultant."

  If Russell hadn't shown him something good enough, the second contract wouldn't have happened.

  "Special advisor?"

  With the status of special advisor, some of SHIELD's unique resources and information will be open to him. Russell knows this, so after hesitating, he smiled lightly and said: "Okay!" .

  After a moment, the two contracts were signed, and facing Russell who signed the contract, Nick Fury finally showed a smile and said: "Welcome to SHIELD."

  "SHIELD?" Russell was stunned for a moment. Natasha only said it might be changed last time. Did she decide so quickly?

  "Colson's suggestion, the name came from him, and it was you who said it."

  "Ha!" Russell laughed, "Just mentioned it casually."

  "Okay! It's over, I'm going back!"

  After the words fell, Nick Fury stood up and was about to walk out.

  Seeing this, Russell's face darkened and he said unceremoniously: "Director Fury, you seem to have forgotten to return something to me."

  Not to mention that he didn't give the other party face and deliberately pointed it out. Each set of colonial clothes was exchanged for banknotes. Can the other party's face be exchanged for a cup of Coke? Besides, he wanted to pretend to be stupid and take it away, thus humiliating himself first.

  However, Russell still underestimated the shamelessness of Nick Fury. He saw the black face that Russell wanted to tear into pieces. After showing a smile that was not embarrassing at all, he wondered: "What?".

  He had made up his mind not to return the colonial costume he had just tested, so he said it lightly and left happily with Russell gritting his teeth.

  (End of chapter)

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