Chapter 2 The Poor and the Rich

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  Chapter 2 The Poor and the Rich

  This is not the world that Russell has lived in all his life.

  It's not even the Marvel world that Russell should be familiar with.

  Even though there are already many names and people he is familiar with in this world.

  He was also very sure of this.

  Because he is a Bloom, the son of Warren Bloom. With just a little effort and attention, he can know from many channels secrets that ordinary people will never come into contact with or know about in their lifetime. .

  Even though he didn't know much, judging from what he knew so far, it was enough to make his scalp numb.

  Umbrella, Maslany International Enterprises, Wayne Industries...

  Anyone who knows a little bit about Marvel should know that these things do not belong to the Marvel world.

  He is an insecure person, or he has always been an insecure person after coming to this strange world, especially when he knows how dangerous the world he is in will become...

  abandon It is not an easy task to reintegrate the concepts and cognitions established in the previous life into a completely different world.

  Russell expressed great envy for those time-traveling predecessors who immediately integrated into a world. After all, it took him a period of time to adapt to his new identity and reshape his outlook on the premise of maintaining mental health and rationality.

  However, even so, he still expressed confusion about the world, the governments of this world, and their fanatical pursuit of arms technology and biotechnology.

  After all, it stands to reason that the general environment of this world is still the same as the world in the previous life. There has not been much change and it is in a relatively peaceful state.

  When a country does not feel threatened by its surroundings and does not intend to invade or expand, whether openly or covertly, even if it develops military power, it will not exceed its energy on people's livelihood.

  However, none of the above situations hold true in this world.

  As for an arms company, even if it can be said to be an important lifeline for a country's security, in a relatively peaceful and stable environment, its market value in the hearts of the people is far less than that of some civilian high-tech companies. of value.

  However, in this world, it is exactly the opposite.

  Whether judging from the performance of Stark Industries in the hearts of the people in the movies he watched in his previous life, or judging from his personal experience in this life, the popularity of arms companies is extremely high.

  Such as Stark Industries, Hammer Military Industries, Osborn Industries, Wayne Industries, Trask Industries, etc.

  As for Bloom Technology, although it is also deeply involved in arms, due to its particularity, it is more like a gaming company in the eyes of the public, with an unparalleled gaming paradise in the world.

  As for arms, let’s not talk about other arms companies. As far as Bloom Enterprises is concerned, Bloom Enterprises’ largest industry is game parks. However, people who really know him know that Bloom’s biochemical Technology and intelligent mechanical technology are where it stands, and the game park is only one aspect of these technologies and can be regarded as an incidental product.


  "Ding, achieve the achievement: inherit the Bloom Enterprise Empire and get some legendary achievement points."

  Hearing the system prompt, standing at the window sill, Russell's eyes lit up with a blank look in his eyes, and he checked his system.

  The system appeared quietly after he traveled through time, after he accepted the fact of time travel and accepted his new identity.

  The system that appeared did not bring him great power, and of course there was no such thing as erasure.

  The system has only four function options.

  Exchange, data, achievements, backpack.

  The first thing I want to talk about is the exchange function of the system.

  The system's redemption function cannot directly redeem heroes, equipment, or skills, but can only redeem materials, which are basically materials that may not be available in this world.

  When Russell saw this, he was helpless because he had no idea what the functions of these materials were, and he even had no idea what he could do with these materials.

  But when he saw the next function of the system, his heart beat violently.

  The data function records the data of heroes in games, comics, and movies that he knew or didn't know in his previous life. Of course, this kind of data is not what you imagine. It just records some of the attack, defense, and skills. Numerical value is something that can fully express the hero's ability.

  Although this function cannot directly give Russell the abilities of those heroes, if the data function and the exchange function are combined, the result will be different!

  He can use the materials in the redemption options to create powerful items with heroic abilities, which he calls hero equipment! In other words, the exchange function of the system is prepared for this.

  Therefore, when he understood that he could not have the powerful ability and power to block and kill gods like other time-traveling protagonists, although he was a little regretful, he was not at all depressed.

  After all, in the world of American comics, there is a saying...

  The poor rely on mutation, and the rich rely on technology!

  What comes from the combination of exchange and data functions is Russell’s own technology! Unique technology!

  However, the materials required for this technology now need to be exchanged using the system, and exchanging materials requires currency.

  There are two sources of money.

  The first one is money and precious metals in this world. That is, Russell can use money and precious metals to convert them into systematic exchange points for exchange.

  However, this kind of exchange can only exchange most of the materials, and for a small part, some special materials require the use of a second currency.

  That's the achievement point in the achievement function.

  Achievement points can be obtained when Russell completes some achievements, as small as breaking the glass as a child, or as large as the achievements he just received by inheriting Bloom's achievements.

  However, because the completed achievements are different, the achievement points of the achievement function are divided into general achievement points and legendary achievement points.

  The difference between the two is that some legendary materials can only be redeemed with legendary achievement points, and there is no other way.

  The legendary achievement point he just got is the only one Russell got after coming to this world.

  As for the last function, the backpack, it is easier to understand, that is Russell's storage space. According to his estimation, there are currently three cubic meters in size.

  In the current backpack, there is a set of colonial equipment that Russell made for himself. It is currently the most complete, only missing the most critical core part - Holy Lance Ranger.

  Now, after he had just obtained the legendary achievement points, he could finally exchange for the 'Perfect Core of the Paladin Ranger' and upgrade this set of colonial equipment to a perfect state.

  (End of chapter)

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