Chapter 1 New World

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  Chapter 1 The New World
  "My child, you are the best gift God has given me, and you are my only... and most satisfactory heir..." "The greatest

  wealth I leave you is not something you can squander throughout your life. The assets, but those with the surname Bloom on them, belong to me and your research results..." "

  You have a good brain, you can carry forward the wealth that belongs to our Bloom..." "

  You What you show me can be slowly revealed to the whole world after I leave, letting them know that our Bloom family has an heir that is far superior to mine!" "But, my son, Russell

  ... Bloom, please remember that this world is far more dangerous than you imagine. Only the power that belongs to us is our most fundamental guarantee..." "The

  paradise world is just a tool that we Bloom use to collect money. , Never be blinded by money, forget our identity as researchers, forget that money is just a tool..." "

  Ford, this old guy in the paradise, you need to pay attention... He has some dangerous ideas... But I believe you The surname Bloom will not be buried..."


  "Master, you are distracted again."

  A voice full of rigidity and solemnity but with a hint of warmth and worry slowly sounded, which made Russell come back to his senses and look at The old housekeeper standing in front of me.

  The neatly combed white hair and the face with a few wrinkles showed the seriousness and rigidity that Russell had seen for more than ten years. A dark butler's tuxedo was worn by an old man, standing straight.

  Like a pine tree, full of power.

  Arthur Campbell.

  The butler of House Bloom, a butler who joined the House of Bloom in his youth.

  Housekeepers play a very important role in many families. Some housekeepers even serve only one family their whole life. Like veterans from ancient dynasties, they have been one of the most trusted members of the family for three generations of heirs. .

  Arthur Campbell is such a butler who is deeply trusted by the Bloom family.

  With an apologetic smile, Russell said: "Sorry, Arthur, I just thought of my father.".

  Although he generally agreed with some of what Old Bloom said before his death, he expressed disagreement with his own thoughts in some small areas. However, since the old man was no longer here, he did not need to show it. After all, then It was his father who had taken care of him for more than ten years, and there was no point in showing it.

  "I'm very sorry for the master's death." Deep sadness appeared in Arthur's eyes. This butler had served Old Bloom for decades, and his feelings were naturally deep.

  Russell, who was standing by the window, waved his hand, turned to look at the sky outside, and said, "Go on, Arthur."

  "Okay, Master." The old butler responded, raised his hand to touch his body, took out a black savings disk with a special verification method, and raised it to Russell.

  He turned around and raised his hand to take it. After turning the finger-sized savings disk several times on Russell's fingertips, Russell held it in his palm and asked softly: "What is this?"

  "My last gift, your late eighteenth birthday gift." Arthur, the old butler who always had a straight face when facing Russell's questions, had an upward curve at the corner of his mouth.

  Russell is now twenty years old, and this eighteen-year-old gift is naturally considered late.

  Russell was startled for a moment, a hint of surprise flashed in his green eyes, he put it solemnly in his pocket and said, "What's in it?".

  "All the master's research data and results, as well as several specially sealed Bloom technologies."

  Raising his eyebrows slightly, Russell asked the question in a positive tone, and said slowly: "In order to stabilize people's understanding of Bloom's technology, Lum Enterprise’s impression and stable company market value?”.

  "Yes, Master." Faced with Russell's question, the old housekeeper smiled.

  "It seems that many people are paying attention to our 'game company'."

  "Yes, there are many." The old butler responded seriously.

  Russell stretched out a hand to grab his hair, then slid it down and naturally fell into his side pocket, and asked in distress: "Will this be a lot of trouble?"

  "No, you have enough shares in Bloom Enterprises and have absolute control." "The

  elders in those companies will look down on a young junior like me." "

  No, they are all spoiled by the master. Yes, they have done a lot of shameful things. One of these things alone is enough to send them to jail for a lifetime, or to be swept out of Broome." "What should I do if the position is vacant?" "Talents are never


  . The company has a large talent reserve, and the headhunting company has also prepared a candidate list for you. There are many people who want to join Bloom." "

  Finally, what about the researchers in the company?"

  "They all respect me and are very interested in me. Bloom has deep enough feelings and has no dissatisfaction with the current salary and benefits." The old butler spoke slowly and gave a clear enough answer.

  "It seems that the old man has prepared everything for me."

  "Bloom Enterprise only belongs to Bloom. This is everything that belongs to you. Although I have spent very little time with you over the years, it is undeniable that , he loves you deeply."

  Looking up at the old butler's concerned eyes, Russell twitched the corners of his lips and said, "Arthur, I want to be quiet."

  "As you wish, my young master." The old housekeeper bent down and quietly exited the room.

  Watching the old housekeeper close the door, Russell turned to the window and looked at the peach tree planted by himself and Old Bloom outside the window. His eyes gradually lost focus and fell into memories.


  Russell Bloom, his name in this life.

  Strictly speaking, this is the name he got after he came back from time and space and merged with the consciousness of the original owner of the body who was only five years old.

  Compared with this life, Russell in his previous life could only be regarded as an ordinary person.

  If he hadn't been writing his graduation thesis and wanted to relax after being tired, using his laptop to watch movies, read comics, or even play games, he accidentally knocked over the water glass. Caused the computer to smoke, and was electrocuted to save his thesis...

  After graduation, he should find a similar job, find a similar woman, have one or two children, watch the children grow up, and His woman grows old together and spends almost his entire life.

  Everyone wants to live a magnificent life, but most people will bury this thought in their hearts and not put it into action.

  Russell is one of those people.

  However, the environment can change people, what kind of class leads what kind of life, so Russell, who came to this world under different circumstances, had to make some changes for a better survival.

  And just when he calmly accepted his new identity and his mentality changed, as a time traveler, he also got his golden finger-the hero system.

  To be precise, it is a system without a name. As for the word hero, he added it himself.

  Because everything presented in the system belongs to the heroes in games, comics and movies that he knew or didn't know before traveling through time.

  (End of chapter)

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