Chapter 170 Strike (Please subscribe!)

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  Chapter 170 Strike (please subscribe!)
  "What? Picked up?"

  "How could someone pick him up?"

  "Who picked him up?"

  After hearing the nurse's words, one with long hair, The woman with slender eyebrows looked disappointed.

  Dr. Eric, the friend who came with the woman, patted her on the shoulder and said, "Let's go! Jane!" "

  Ha!" Assistant Daisy rolled her eyes, chewed the gum in her mouth, and said, "You When I threw him here last night, I threw him away very simply. Now I regret it!" The

  disappointed Jane did not quarrel with her assistant. After pouting, she said firmly: "Let's go! Let's go find him. !"

  "The nurse said they just left for a while, maybe we will find him!"

  After saying this, he ran out in a hurry.

  "Hey, Jane! You must be crazy!" Daisy yelled, and she and Dr. Eric hurriedly chased after her.

  Jane looked back at Daisy and said firmly: "Yes, I think I'm crazy too! But for my research, I went crazy once, and I think it's worth it!" Daisy paused and bit her mouth hard

  . He looked at the determined Jane and said, "What are you waiting for! Let's go!"

  After saying that, he grabbed Dr. Eric and rushed out.

  Looking at the backs of the two of them, Jane smiled happily.


  At the same time, Russell finally got rid of those strange looks after buying a few clothes for Sol in the store on the street.

  Driving all the way west, Russell rushed to the place where Thor's hammer landed.

  When he came out, he left the matter there to Caesar, and Russell had received news from Caesar half an hour ago.

  S.H.I.E.L.D. is coming.

  When Russell saw the news, he smiled happily.

  Because SHIELD is slow!

  However, SHIELD did not leave, but was waiting for him to return and negotiate with him.

  Soon, Russell and Thor came to the outskirts of the pit where Thor's Hammer was located.

  At this time, Broome's engineering team had surrounded the entire area where Thor's Hammer was located, forming a simple protective area.

  As for the large pit where Thor's Hammer is located, it has been protected in a simple room.

  At this time, with Dakeng as the center, a large number of people were busy, and some simple buildings were being quickly formed, as if a research base was to be established here.

  After stopping the car, Sol couldn't wait to reach out and press the back of the seat, jumped out of the car, and asked Russell: "Where is my hammer?" Russell

  tilted his head and looked at Ke, who was walking towards this side. Erson said: "Be patient, wait until I send this person away first."

  Saul nodded, walked impatiently on the spot, simply leaned against Russell's car, closed his eyes and waited quietly.

  "Mr. Bloom!"

  Coulson greeted Russell with his trademark gentle smile.

  Russell smiled lightly and said: "Agent Coulson."

  With a wry smile, Coulson said: "Mr. Bloom's movements are really fast. We have arrived as fast as we can, but we are still lagging behind." "

  Alas! The director is going to scold me now." Coulson looked distressed.

  Russell smiled and said: "It seems that you are having a hard time in SHIELD."

  "Well, if you don't want to work in SHIELD, come to Bloom!"

  Russell avoided the main question. , instead leading the topic to the other side, Colson smiled bitterly in his heart, nodded gratefully to Russell, and said, "If the day comes, I will." "But, now..."

  paused , Coulson said with some embarrassment: "I wonder, Mr. Bloom, could you let us take a look at the dropped things and give SHIELD a chance to study them?" Coulson put his posture in a more serious

  tone It was low, which made it difficult for Russell to reject the opponent directly.

  However, Thor's Hammer is destined to be unsustainable, so it is better to sell it to the other party now as a favor.

  Thinking of this, Russell secretly laughed in his heart, frowned slightly and said: "Colson, you know, I have invested a lot of resources in this." "I know."

  Colson nodded and said: " But aren't we and Mr. Bloom close collaborators?"

  "That's right!" Russell nodded seriously and said, "You're right, Colson!"

  "We must benefit each other!"

  "SHIELD can participate in the research together!"

  "Huh!?" Coulson was stunned for a moment. He was still thinking about how to convince Russell.

  But how could the other party agree so easily?

  However, no matter what, it was a good thing for them that Russell agreed, so Colson hurriedly said: "Thank you very much, Mr. Bloom."

  "You're welcome!" Russell said with a smile and continued: " But if you want to do research, you have to wait a little longer."

  "I need to establish a basic research base first."

  Coulson smiled and said: "SHIELD can help."

  "Don't bother." Russell He shook his head and said: "It won't take long, it will be done soon."

  Hearing this, Colson could only nodded.

  "Hey! Bloom!" Sol, who was waiting aside, finally said impatiently.

  In his opinion, establishing any research base is simply a waste of time!
  As long as he picks up Mjolnir, that's it! What else will you study then?
  Russell waved his hand and said to Colson: "Sorry Colson, let's talk later. I'll take this guy to do some errands first. This guy has a bad temper." "Okay,

  Mr. Bloom." Colson stood On the side, he smiled and said: "You go first."

  "Follow me, Thor!"

  After shouting, Russell walked towards the rough building that had surrounded Thor's hammer.

  A moment later, with Thor's excited expression, the two walked into the center of the pit and stood next to Mjolnir.

  "My hammer..." Thor whispered excitedly, reaching out and holding Mjolnir.

  Soon he can get his power back, and he can return to Asgard soon!

  Taking a deep breath, suppressing his excitement, Sol raised it forcefully.

  His face changed, and he had a bad feeling.

  Looking down, Thor's hammer was not moving at all.

  how come!
  Thor's face was very ugly. He held the handle of the hammer with both hands and used all his strength until his face turned red, veins popped out, and Thor's hammer did not move at all.

  "Impossible!" Thor roared angrily, holding Mjolnir with both hands again, and pushing his legs hard on the ground, like pulling out a carrot, roaring and exerting force.

  However, until he lay on the ground exhausted, Mjolnir did not move even a little bit.

  Thor never knew his hammer was so heavy.

  "How could it be possible!"

  Lying on his back, Thor muttered absentmindedly, feeling that his soul had been severely hit.

  (End of chapter)

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