Chapter 169 Get familiar with these eyes

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  Chapter 169 Familiarity with these eyes.
  Thor looked at Russell excitedly and said, "Have you seen Thor's hammer?"

  "Yes." Russell waved his hand, dismissed the virtual screen, and said calmly: "I also know where it is. ."

  "Great!" Sol said in surprise: "Take me there!" Russell

  looked at Sol as if he were a fool, and a mocking smile deliberately appeared on the corner of his mouth, saying: "Why?" "

  Just I am the master of Thor's hammer!" Thor said matter-of-factly.

  "Are you its master?" Russell asked strangely: "Didn't you just say that your father deprived you of your power?" "In that case, why do you say that

  you are his master?" "

  You called it "Does it agree?"

  Russell's series of questions made Sol's face turn purple.

  As the god of thunder, as the invincible and respected son of Odin, he has never been questioned so much.

  So, he yelled: "Of course I agree!"

  He no longer wanted to stay in this crappy place!
  In this place, you will not only be knocked unconscious, but you will also be tied up and lose your freedom. You will even face everyone looking at you like a madman and face doubts from others!

  He wants to go back to Asgard!

  He doesn't want to stay in Midgard!

  "Let's do it." Russell said: "I can take you there, but you have to agree to a condition."

  Upon hearing this, Thor's face was happy, but he still said cautiously: "What condition?"

  As the God of Thunder , should be cautious every time he agrees to other people's conditions, because if he agrees, he should do it.

  This was his father's teaching.

  Therefore, he will be cautious when making every promise.

  "The condition is that you agree to my request."

  After waving his hand, Russell continued before Thor spoke: "Don't worry, it's definitely not something you can't help with, it won't be a bad thing, or it goes against your true intentions. Things that embarrass you."

  "You can do it easily."

  Touching the ring on his finger, Russell said softly: "How is it?"

  Saul looked at Russell, and after a few seconds of silence, he nodded and said: "I agreed!"

  "Very good!" Russell snapped his fingers and said with satisfaction: "We have reached an agreement on this matter." "

  Now let's talk about another thing." Russell said with a smile: "I let How do you plan to repay you for regaining your freedom and taking you away from here?"

  "Don't push yourself too far!" Thor whispered, looking at Russell coldly.

  "Tsk, tsk!" Russell wiggled his fingers and said, "You made a mistake, Thor, God of Thunder." "

  Now, you have no right to bargain."

  Thor grimaced and said, "You..."

  Yan Feng Russell rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "But, as I just said, you are my friend, so just treat this as a friend and I will help you." He looked

  suspiciously Looking at Russell, Sol couldn't believe it: "You would be so kind?"

  "Forget it if you don't believe it!" With that, Russell stood up and walked out the door.

  Sol's expression changed rapidly. Just as Russell opened the door, he finally gritted his teeth and said, "I believe it!"

  Russell smiled and turned around, walked towards Sol, and while untying the straps that bound his hands and feet, he said: "Look, I do what I say." Thor, wearing a hospital gown   ,

  jumped up from the hospital bed, looked at Russell deeply, and said, "Now, take me to Thor's Hammer!"

Looking at Sol from top to bottom, Russell said in the displeased look in his eyes: "I think it would be better for you to change clothes first." The hospital gown is

  not divided into a top and pants, but a gray one The hem of the coat hangs down to the knees. For the convenience of treatment, there are no buttons and it is just tied behind the back with some straps.

  In other words, our Thor, from top to bottom, inside and out, is just wearing a wind-swept hospital gown.

  "No need!" Thor strode towards the door and said, "Thor's hammer is important!"

  As long as he wields Thor's hammer, he can leave here, no matter what clothes he wears?
  Leaving the door of the ward, Saul walked towards the hospital entrance with extremely confident steps.

  Seeing this, Russell raised his eyebrows and followed him out.

  "Huh!" Seeing that no one rushed out to stop him, pricking himself with the terrible needle, and injecting himself with some kind of anesthesia, Thor secretly breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, turned around and shouted to Russell: "Hurry up!"

  Russell shrugged, smiled and nodded to the dean who was waiting outside the ward, and still walked slowly under Saul's dissatisfied eyes.

  After walking out of the hospital, Sol took a deep breath, stretched out his arms, and whispered: "The feeling of freedom."

  A gust of wind blew, and a chill came from underneath him, blowing up Saul's injured hospital gown...


  With a scream, a little nurse came out with medicine and lifted the tray in her hand. He threw it out and covered his eyes.

  People walking back and forth looked at Saul blankly, and some even shouted loudly.

  "A mental patient from your hospital has escaped!"

  Russell was speechless. Just when he was about to ask Saul to change his clothes, Saul looked at the surprised eyes around him with great satisfaction and said to Russell: "Did you see that? ? Me! Thor, the God of Thunder! I am so eye-catching everywhere! It makes people marvel!" The

  corner of his mouth twitched, and Russell could not hold his forehead, and walked past Thor with a look of not recognizing the other person.

  "Eh?" Sol tilted his head, lifted his head, and in the strong wind, he took a long step and chased Russell with his clothes flying.

  Seeing Russell sitting in the car, after looking at him curiously, Sol jumped directly into Russell's convertible sports car and said, "Where are we going?" "I'll

  buy you two pieces of clothes first."

  With Sol like this Together, even Russell had to endure strange glances...

  "Hey, let's not waste time!" Thor muttered and said, "Go directly to Thor's Hammer! How about it?" "Not so

  good. ..." Russell said quietly, and said helplessly: "I don't want to be looked at like this all the way." "A look

  of amazement?" Saul chuckled and said, "You should learn to be familiar with these looks. "

  No, that's a look at a fool!" Russell couldn't help but said: "Don't you think that you are dressed like this, abnormal?" Eyes widened, Saul said stiffly: "I think this

  dress is quite... Special..."

  Just when Saul was about to answer, a man wearing the same hospital gown as him, but acting strangely and looking crazy ran out, hugged the tree in front of the hospital tightly, and made an indecent gesture. action.

  The next second, several medical staff chased him out and dragged him in again.

  Sol's face froze, he coughed lightly and said, "I think your suggestion is very good!"

  "Let's go buy clothes!"

  (End of Chapter)

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