Chapter 151 Persuasion (please subscribe)

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  Chapter 151 Persuasion (please subscribe)

  "Mr. Bloom, nice to meet you."

  The dean, with a kind face, greeted Russell with a smile.

  Although he is middle-aged, he is still charming and charming, and with a kind smile on his face, he easily wins people's favor.

  This director is very good and treats the children in the orphanage well, so this orphanage will receive funding from Bloom.

  "Hello, Ms. Watson."

  After shaking the other person's outstretched hand, Russell said directly: "Where is that child?"

  Seeing that Russell went directly to the topic, Watson breathed a sigh of relief and said with a worried face. : "Please follow me."

  "That child is a little scared now."

  "And other children are also a little afraid of him because of his awakening of mutant abilities." "

  Even, because of his mutant abilities, other children are in fear , did something that hurt the child."

  "So, the child couldn't help resisting with his own ability, causing a fire."

  Watson's tone was impartial, and he did not become a mutant because the child awakened mutant abilities. People feel disgusted.

  This is very rare and valuable.

  "Well, it's right to be afraid."

  When most mutants awaken their mutant abilities, they will panic because of the changes that have occurred in themselves. Coupled with the disgust, rejection, and even harm from the people around them, human instincts will be aroused. At this time, because the mutants who have just awakened and cannot control their own abilities will often hurt the people around them.

  This will make other people hate him even more, and he himself will be more at a loss and more scared because he hurts others.

  Of course, this only refers to the majority of people, and does not include those who are mentally strong or psychopathic.

  "This is it."

  After a moment, Dean Watson took Russell outside a dormitory.

  The doors and windows of the dormitory are closed tightly, and even in broad daylight, the curtains are drawn tightly, as if it is another world.

  When they saw Dean Watson approaching, some children who were outside the dormitory door and trying to see through the cracks let out a 'hula', like frightened birds, and hurriedly left.

  Watson smiled helplessly and said to Russell: "I made you laugh, Mr. Bloom."

  Russell smiled slightly to express his understanding, looked at the dormitory and said: "He is in there? What is his name?" "

  John "Allards, just call him John."

  As he spoke, Dean Watson walked to the door of the dormitory, knocked on the door, and in a softer tone than before, said softly: "John, open the door.

  " Not long after landing, a gap opened in the closed door, and a pair of frightened and worried eyes appeared from the gap. After carefully looking at Russell and his party outside the door, he whispered: "Ms. Watson."

  After finishing his words, he looked at Russell and the two curiously.

  "Open the door, John." Watson said softly, pointed at Russell and said: "These are Mr. Bloom and Mr. Caesar." "They are here to

  pick you up to go to a school."

  John's eyes changed from Russell glanced at the two of them, and suddenly there was a strong look of fear in his eyes.


  The door was closed forcefully, and John's trembling voice came from inside.

  "Dean Watson! You said you wouldn't hand me over to bad people!"

  Bad people!

  Russell was stunned, looking at Caesar with a tense face and said, "It must be because of you that he regards us as bad guys."

  Caesar's mouth twitched and he looked at Russell speechlessly.

  "Sorry, he's just insecure." Watson explained to Russell and Russell apologetically, and again in his usual soft tone, he said: "John, I remember making an agreement with you, believe me, if they will hurt If you say so, I won't bring them to see you, my child." "

  You said you wouldn't drive me away!" John yelled, "You lied to me!"

  "I..." Wo Ms. Sen looked confused and didn't know how to speak. Russell waved her hand, walked to the door, knocked twice, and said, "John, right?" "I think you should be

  sixteen soon. " You must be over 20 years old."

  "You should also know the rules of the orphanage. As soon as you reach the age of sixteen, you should leave here and face the society like an adult." "Or, you don't have the courage at all

  . To face your own future?"

  After a long silence, John's deeper voice sounded.

  "But, I am no longer who I used to be. I don't know what to do with my future!" "

  So, you need a new future, a re-planned future." Russell smiled faintly, added fire, and said: "Your future is in the school I take you to."

  "A school?" John opened the door again.

  "That's right." Russell nodded and said, "There, you will have a brand new future." With the inner

  look in his eyes, John was still a little uneasy.

  Seeing this, Watson said softly: "I promise you! John! Mr. Bloom will never hurt you and will definitely take you to a place that suits you!"

  Looking at Watson, maybe he thought of Watson over the years. , taking care of himself, John finally nodded and said: "Okay, I'll go with you, but don't try to lie to me!" "

  If I find out that you lied to me, I will burn you to death!"

  Russell He raised his eyebrows and said, "Don't worry, I won't lie to you."

  Watson smiled and nodded.


  Finally, after three guarantees, John opened the door and said to Russell, "In that case, let's go!" "

  Won't you pack your things? John?" Watson asked with concern.

  "Leave them to others!" As he spoke, John bent down to Watson and said respectfully: "Thank you for taking care of you for so many years, Ms. Watson!"

  Watson's eyes turned red and he reached out to rub John's hand. He turned his head and said to Russell: "Mr. Bloom, I'll leave John to you."

  "Don't worry!" Russell responded and said to John: "Let's go!"

  After saying this, he seemed not to be afraid that John would not follow. Then, he and Caesar walked to the car together.

  But John bowed to Watson again, then turned around and chased Russell.

  Seeing Russell and Russell's car, John was slightly surprised, and then got into the car with full vigilance.

  Seeing this, Russell waved his hand to Dean Watson who was standing there, turned to Caesar and said, "Let's go."

  The car moved slowly, getting farther and farther away from the orphanage, and John looked deeply After taking a look, he pretended to be calm and said: "Mr. Bloom, what is the name of the school you are talking about?"

  After giving the other person a funny look, Russell said, "School X, a school for mutants."

  "School for mutants!" John whispered, a look of longing flashing in his eyes.

  (End of chapter)

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