Chapter 150 Help Information (Fifth update, please subscribe!)

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  Chapter 150 Help Information (Fifth update, please subscribe!)

  "You said that you came here this time so that I can kill those alien vampires with you?"

  Blade nodded and said, "That's right."

  He leaned back slightly . Damn, feeling the cold feeling coming from the wall, Daredevil said calmly: "Didn't you say that the alien vampire is causing trouble for vampires now?" "

  This should be something you like to see."

  "That should indeed be the case, but..." With a wry smile, Blade said: "Of course I would like to see vampires suffer, but those guys are like infected people carrying viruses, passing one to two, and two to four, like It is a plague that cannot be resisted among vampires."

  "What if all the vampires are transformed by those guys?"

  Daredevil said softly: "The humans who are also his food will suffer."

  "Yes, that's it. "

  But are those vampires really that vulnerable when facing the R variant?" Daredevil asked a little strangely.

  "The R variant has stronger strength and resilience. Ordinary vampires are no match for them."

  "Is that so..." He lowered his head and groaned, Daredevil said: "Then, besides me, who else is in your team? Team members?"

  Hearing this, Dao Feng grinned and said, "Isn't it time to come to you? You must have some suitable candidates!" "So, you

  found me first and asked me to find team members for you? "

  Haha..." He laughed dryly and said seriously: "We must go faster. Those guys have a much stronger desire for blood than vampires." "And this is why I agreed to the vampires.

  " The reason for the invitation is to kill that guy with them."

  "Wait!" Daredevil stretched out a palm and said, "So, you have said so much, but you still haven't told me who the other team members are."

  "So are the only one!" Dao Feng's voice was full of anger.

  "Haha!" Daredevil sneered and said, "You've become really thick-skinned." "


  "Follow me first." Daredevil said helplessly and walked towards his home.


  The morning light falls slowly like gold sand.

  Warm, dazzling and very comfortable.

  But for Russell, it was another experimental day exactly like usual.

  During this period of time, Russell used a lot of achievement points, leaving less than five thousand.

  However, since the achievement points are consumed, of course there will be new gains.

  However, just when Russell entered the laboratory and was about to start the experiment, he received unexpected news and had to give up the research at hand and temporarily left the laboratory.

  The news came from an orphanage that Bloom Company had been funding. An urgent matter happened there and Russell needed to deal with it.

  This kind of thing was handled by his father or Caesar before.

  It's not that because of his father's relationship, he has to handle it personally. Caesar, who has always been responsible for such things, can go alone.

  But he felt that this was a good opportunity to get in touch with X College, so he planned to go by himself this time.

  Russell changed out of his clothes and put on a suit. After Arthur opened the car door for him, he bent sideways and got into the back seat of the car. Under Arthur's watch, he left the old Broome house and headed towards Rush to the welfare home.

  Bloom's old house is some distance away from the orphanage where the accident occurred. Russell, who was sitting idle, reached out and took out his mobile phone and started tapping it casually.

  At this moment, Artemis forwarded a message to him.

  The message came from one of his secret personal communication channels, which was used to contact the Celestial Master. Only Daredevil knew it.

  After the previous Blood God incident, Russell went to Hell's Kitchen several times as a Celestial Master and met Daredevil. At Daredevil's request, the two left each other's contact information.

  After Russell asked Artemis to remember it and handed it over to her for management, because he had hardly used his identity as a heavenly master, he forgot about leaving messages to each other.

  If Daredevil hadn't contacted him suddenly this time...

  With curiosity, Russell clicked on the message.

  "Master Tian, ​​I'm Daredevil. I'll meet you at the same place in Hell's Kitchen today. I need your help in an emergency!"

  After reading the message, Russell was stunned for a moment.

  If he remembered correctly, this was the first time Daredevil spoke to him in a asking for help, and the urgent matter in Daredevil's mouth also aroused his curiosity. However, what made him confused

  Daredevil Where is the old place that Xia mentioned? Is there any old place where they often meet?

  How come he doesn't know!
  The corners of Russell's mouth twitched slightly.

  Forget it, since we are meeting today, we can just go there in the evening.

  After deleting the information, Russell continued to read some news.

  Needless to say, Russell, who had always had real information and hadn’t watched the news for a long time, suddenly found it quite interesting to look at the news reported by reporters, one part true, three parts false, and the rest all based on imagination.

  In addition, some superhero fan sites are also quite interesting.

  Among these websites, the one with the most activity and the most fans, as Russell expected, is Iron Man Tony Stark.

  However, this is also being cleaned up.

  Tony is different from other superheroes who hide and hide their true identity. Instead, because of his character and status as a billionaire, he acts in a high profile and attracts attention.

  In this regard, he is very popular with those teenagers, winning him huge popularity among this group.

  "I wonder if I have a fan website..."

  After curiously entering his name in the search bar, Russell clicked OK, and suddenly, messages popped up.

  Raising his eyebrows, Russell looked at each item.

  "I didn't expect that there are so many fans."

  After looking at his fan website, especially the picture of Tianshi that is the homepage of the page, he was even more surprised.

  "It seems that all my hard work at night has not been in vain!"

  Looking at the posts posted by fans, Russell smiled happily and read them with interest.

  Soon, time passed as Russell kept reading the posts.

  "Master, we're here."

  After stopping the car, Caesar reminded him. He noticed the corners of Russell's mouth that had been tilted up, and a look of surprise flashed across his cold face.

  Did something good happen to the young master?

  "Is this here?" Russell opened the door and got out of the car.

  "Well, the child is right here." Caesar said lightly, looked at a middle-aged woman walking quickly towards this side, and said, "This is the director of the orphanage, Ms. Watson." Russell was insignificant

  . Cha nodded.

   PS: Please subscribe! Sincerely thank you all.

  (End of chapter)

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