Chapter 14 Special Lessons

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  Chapter 14 Special Lesson
  A billionaire, a genius inventor, and a famous playboy.

  Handsome, rich, romantic, flamboyant, and a born newsmaker...

  Compared with Tony Stark, Russell, who has a similar identity to him, is simply a moral model and a good gentleman.

  "Still the same slut..."

  After muttering silently, Russell prepared to walk into the hotel.

  Although he and Tony are still acquaintances due to some relationships, they are also very indifferent to the other party's current bad personality.

  There may be many people who will like the man who became Iron Man Stark, but they will definitely not like the headstrong, arrogant and self-centered playboy before.

  Although Tony Stark is full of aura and handsomeness, how many people can tolerate being friends if there is no special purpose?
  Maybe you say yes, but Russell?
  Sorry, I don't want to try to bombard you with venomous tongues.

  However, Russell didn't want to say hello. After Tony Stark noticed Russell, his eyes lit up behind his sunglasses, and he walked out of the crowd surrounding him coolly and called out to Russell.

  "Hey, Russell, why don't you just say hello when you see your friends?"

  Russell sighed helplessly and turned around slowly. When he turned around, the helplessness on his face instantly turned into a smile.

  "Tony, you are still so eye-catching!"

  "Haha!" Tony smiled, patted Russell on the shoulder and said, "If you want, you can too."

  Russell shook his head slightly and said: "I will never learn from your chicness and ego.".

  Tony Stark grinned and said: "It's always so fun to talk to you.".

  "Thank you." Russell said without taking it to heart. Seeing that the people around him seemed to be gathering around him again, he said, "Tony, let's go. We are not here to be pillars and models."

  "You're right, I'm here to pick up the girl." Tony nodded in agreement.

  And just when the two of them took steps at the same time and planned to enter the hotel, the people surrounding them and the reporters ran towards the door again.

  Immediately afterwards, the familiar engine roar sounded again, and a black sports car, like a dark night knight, rushed out of the night with a strong aristocratic aura.


  With a beautiful flick, the black sports car stopped. A man with both elegant and dandy temperament opened the car door, took powerful steps, and got out of the car with his beautiful female companion.

  Bruce Wayne, heir to Wayne Industries.

  "Still the same slut..."

  Two identical words appeared from Russell and Tony's mouths. The two were stunned for a moment and looked at each other. Russell raised his eyebrows and said first: "You have no right to talk about Bruce."

  "Haha..." Tony smiled and said: "I lost today, and he actually brought a female companion.".

  Rolling his eyelids, Russell was speechless.

  "Hi, Russell, Tony!"

  Seeing the two people standing together, Bruce greeted with a smile and walked over with his female companion.

  Tony couldn't help but said: "Bruce, since you disappeared and reappeared for a while, you have become more and more prominent."

  "Ah! Are you there?" With an elegant smile, Bruce looked at the two of them, changed the subject, and said, "You didn't bring a female companion?".

  "Bringing a female companion to look for fragrance?" Tony shrugged his shoulders and continued: "That would be boring."

  "That's right." Bruce nodded in agreement and said, "This is an oversight on my part."

  After the words fell, Bruce let go of his hand on the waist of his female companion and said, "Sweetheart, let's go have some fun. I'll go shopping with them.".

  The woman smiled lightly and left slowly without any resentment.

  "Okay, I'm alone now, let's go, Russell, Tony, let's see who gains more tonight." Bruce adjusted his collar.

  Tony took off his valuable sunglasses and threw them into the fountain in the yard. He smiled confidently and said, "No problem, just don't cry then."

  "Ah, that's right!" Turning his head to Russell who looked indifferent, Tony grinned and said to Bruce: "Little Bloom seems a little shy and unfamiliar? How about we teach him a lesson tonight?"

  Bruce nodded and said with a smile: "I'm very happy!".

  Russell twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "No need.".

  "Hey, don't be so polite..."

  The three of them said as they strode into the hotel amidst the flash lights that were as bright as day.


  Russell Bloom, Tony Stark, and Bruce Wayne, when these three people stood together, they were like a whirlpool, attracting the attention of the hotel, and each woman seemed to pounce on them. Like moths of fire, they pounced on the three of them.

  Faced with this group of desperate moths, Bruce and Tony naturally accepted the contact information of some people after carefully selecting them as candidates to spend a good time with today.

  As for Russell...

  "Russell, don't be so formal!" Bruce smiled lightly and said: "The Vanity Fair in front of you is like a forest waiting for you to log wood. Whether you are a socialite or a supermodel star, with your Identity and appearance, as long as you think about it, just click your fingers and you will have a wonderful night."

  "Yes!" Tony nodded in agreement and said with a bad smile: "If you are really embarrassed, I can reluctantly set up a line for you."

  Looking at the two people speechlessly, Russell felt that these two guys were like weirdos who instigated him to do bad things, especially Tony, with the smiling expression on his face. In Russell's opinion, the more he looked at it, the more despicable he was. It was like... A pimp.

  Russell shook his head slightly, picked up the champagne in his hand, took a sip, and said, "No, I'm not interested in that kind of stuff."

  "Yo!" Tony patted Russell's shoulder hard and said, "It seems like you have quite high standards, little Bloom!".

  "Russell, you must understand that this is not for you to choose a lifelong partner, but for you to fill in some brilliant colors for your young and blank youth!" Bruce looked like someone who had come over and gave Russell a gift. A bowl of chicken soup for the 'soul' that teaches children bad things.

  "That's right!" Tony nodded, pointing domineeringly at the women at the reception, and said: "With money in one hand and fame in the other, all the women here will fall at your feet. Even, if you are willing, You can win many people here without giving anything."

  "Some people do it for money, some do it for fame, and we don't lack any of these. Give them what they want, and then take what you need. It's just a clean transaction. You don't need to have any psychological burden." It's true

  . A wonderful lesson, if it wasn't for another unfinished trump card of mine, there is no guarantee that I would be persuaded by the two of them.


  "Tell me, you two didn't go chasing after women tonight, but instead worked hard to 'take lessons' for me. What do you think?" PS: During the new book period, please recommend and

   collect... and love me!

  (End of chapter)

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