Chapter 13 Reception

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  Chapter 13 Reception
  time will always wash away the things that life brings to us, whether it is sadness, happiness, or other things.

  After the heavy funeral, as time passed by, perhaps everyone felt that Russell had gradually escaped the shadow of the old Bloom's death, and the number of invitations sent to Bloom's old house gradually increased.

  This is a world of dreams and dreams, but also an extremely realistic world.

  If Russell was not Bloom's heir, not Russell Bloom, he might not be able to get one of those invitations delivered to Bloom's old house even if he tried hard.

  But now, after he inherited Bloom Technology Company, he could choose at will among the invitations delivered to his residence.

  But even so, he felt a headache when he looked at those invitations, because there were still a lot of them, even if these invitations were still left after Arthur had dealt with most of them.

  Of course, if Arthur hadn't taken care of it, it would have been more likely that Russell would have looked at the pockets of invitations and asked the cleaners to throw them all out regardless of whether they were good or bad.

  Now, after Arthur's screening, some of the remaining invitations, according to Arthur, can be attended. Even if there is no benefit, at least it is still useful.

  "Master, it's time for you to leave." The old housekeeper knocked on Russell's door.

  "Got it." Russell responded, opened the door, and appeared in front of Arthur.

  Arthur looked at Russell, carefully adjusted the angle of a button on the sleeve, and said, "Pretty perfect."

  Ever since he was a child, the clothes on Russell's body have not been marked by famous brands. Perhaps in the eyes of those who are blind and only recognize the brand, they feel that these clothes are not relevant to the occasion, but people who are really important to the occasion will notice when they see Russell. Only when I bought the clothes did I realize how big the difference was between these clothes and those mass-produced brands that just had labels attached.

  These clothes, from the inside to the outside, are all specially designed by designers based on Russell's figure and temperament, and are purely handmade. The cost is a bit extravagant, and it also requires a certain status.

  And Russell has not lacked these, not even since he was a child. Therefore, people like them have been wearing this kind of clothes since they were young.

  "Thank you." Russell smiled, turned around and walked downstairs.

  "Wait, Master!"

  "What's wrong?" Russell looked at the old butler who called him. After noticing his eyes, he raised his eyebrows slightly subconsciously.

  He had roughly guessed what the old butler wanted to say.

  "Where is your female companion?"

  Sure enough!

  Russell's mouth twitched and he said: "Arthur, you don't have to bring a female companion for such an occasion!"

  "That's right." Arthur nodded, and then said seriously: "But, Master, you don't look like a young man at all, and you don't have the arrogance you should have at your age."

  In Arthur's memory, Russell had been very sensible since he was a child. He knew what he should work hard to get, and he had never taken the initiative to cause any trouble. He was so sensible that it made people feel distressed.

  And, most importantly, Arthur had never seen Russell bring a woman back to spend the night, not even as an adult... You know, when old

  Bloom was Russell's age, he changed women as well as clothes. , and the young masters of other families, at the young master’s age, also have women!

  Therefore, the young master...

  Arthur's worried eyes made the corners of Russell's mouth slowly twitch.

  Haha, it’s a pity for him too and he’s helpless, okay?

  But what can be done about this? After all, he also wants to complete the cultivation of the abilities he brought during time travel, so that he can add a trump card.

  Although that ability is not heaven-defying, once the training is completed, it is still very good.

  Therefore, he worked hard to keep his Yuanyang body for cultivation...

  However, having said that, given his status in this world, it is indeed a bit... weird that he is still a virgin.

  It's weird, isn't it just because of cultivation... that I can't lose my virginity for the time being?
  Russell rarely complained in his heart, looked at the old butler seriously, and said: "Arthur, it's time to wash your mind and clear away the dirt in your thoughts!".

  "I just want to focus all my energy on research now."

  "Women, is it difficult for me to get now?"

  "Since it is not difficult, then why don't I focus on something worthy of the challenge? What about things?"

  Arthur was stunned, looking at Russell's disdainful expression, and then nodded and said: "The young master is right.".

  Very good, the opponent has been restrained!

  Russell whispered in his heart, and then said: "In this case, I will leave.".

  "Have fun, young master!"


  Tonight's cocktail party is a public one. Apart from some influential business people, there are also some scientists with various names and some research projects in hand but no investment. , as well as highly exposed celebrities and supermodels participated.

  This cocktail party, held in a luxurious hotel, looked very high-end.

  However, after peeling off the flashy coat, we will find that this cocktail party is very similar to the market where aunts often buy vegetables.

  Scientists looking for investment, women trying to catch men, men hunting for evening sports, and patrolling eyes looking for collaborators, all of these are really like the eyes of aunts buying tomatoes and potatoes, picky and demanding, But he has a vicious look.

  Among these cocktail parties for networking, wooing investments, and business talks, one type of people is the most popular, and that is the wealthy people with deep pockets and philanthropy.

  These people are the worthy protagonists of the cocktail party, and they are the targets of many people with ulterior motives.

  For example, Russell just got off the bus.

  When Russell appeared on the scene, in addition to the expected people, many reporters even gathered around, trying to find out any big news from this young successor.

  And just when Russell, with a faint smile, skillfully but helplessly dismissed the people who gathered around him, and planned to enter the hotel, the reporters who were surrounding him a second ago seemed to smell bloody piranhas. She wandered away from him and rushed towards the door in a hurry.

  After a pause in his footsteps, Russell tilted his head and looked over subconsciously.

  A roaring engine, screeching tires, and a beautiful tail-flick that accompanies both.

  When the silver sports car stopped with a strong aura, a man wearing sunglasses and always full of news opened the door and walked out with a bold and confident step.

  Tony Stark, heir to Stark Industries.

  (End of chapter)

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