Chapter 113 x College

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  Chapter 113:
  Shadow takes the X-Men's special Blackbird fighter plane to X Academy. The plane enters autopilot. While Logan and the others were resting on the plane, Russell disconnected the connection of the consciousness projection and let himself lie down. On the bed in the bedroom, I had a good sleep.

  Although the consciousness projection cabin can ensure his physical nutrition and even allow him to use it continuously for half a month without eating, mental fatigue will still be inevitable if the time goes on.

  After a short but very effective rest, Russell woke up to Artemis's cry.

  "Sir, the shadow is about to arrive at its destination."

  Standing up, Russell walked towards the personal elevator and asked, "Is there anything I need to deal with recently?" "

  Mr. Stark has sent you eight party invitations. ."

  Russell raised his eyebrows and said: "Give him a reply and say I don't have time." "

  Mr. Wayne also invites you to watch the modeling competition." "

  Reply Bruce and say that Stark is happy to go. I am temporarily away for something. Not open." Opening the elevator door, Russell continued: "Is there anything else? For example, Ada or Caesar." "

  Miss Ada and Mr. Caesar, there is nothing that you need to deal with."

  "Wow! "Close the elevator door, Russell said: "It seems that my subordinates are very worry-free and very dedicated." "

  Yes, Artemis will always serve you!"

  Walking out of the elevator, Russell said: " Thank you, Artemis."

  "You're welcome, sir." Artemis replied and continued: "Nick Fury from SHIELD has contacted you and wants to ask when you will go to SHIELD. Bureau, they have found some materials of unknown use and hope you will identify them." In

  exchange for Russell being responsible for the clothing, it was in the contract signed by Russell and Nick Fury.

  The various materials collected by SHIELD in the past, present and future include not only ores, but also meteorites, biological materials and other raw materials that SHIELD cannot tell what kind or how to use them. As long as Russell needs it, through Nick Fur All can be used with Rui's consent.

  However, until now, Russell has not been to SHIELD's collection to see if there is any material he needs.

  "Uh..." Russell was stunned for a moment and said: "I forgot about this." During

  this period of time, he was not idle, so he had forgotten about going to the SHIELD collection library. The back of the head.

  "But, identification? Ha! Nick Fury... shows courtesy for nothing, and is either raping or stealing!" Russell murmured, "It must have other purposes." "Then, what is it?" Russell narrowed his eyes

  . Narrowing his eyes, he asked: "Colonial clothing?"

  Now only the colonial clothing would attract Nick Fury's attention.

  Last time, Russell left it up to Ada to control the launch time of new colonial clothing, but Ada has no intention of launching new colonial clothing in the near future.

  So does Nick Fury want to get the new colonial suit from him? Want to keep SHIELD gear updated and stay ahead of the curve?
  "Heh..." With a chuckle, Russell said: "Reply him, I will go and have a look in the near future." "

  Okay, sir."

  "By the way, Artemis, synthesis and comparison of materials, and new How is the simulated manufacturing of colonial equipment?"

  "The synthesis comparison of materials has now added three synthetic materials. The simulated manufacturing of new colonial equipment has not been completed yet, but it has reached 50%."

  System There are many colonial outfits in the system, and Russell cannot make them all. Therefore, Russell first selects some colonial outfits in the system and lets Artemis simulate manufacturing. As long as the simulation manufacturing success rate of a new colonial outfit is Once it reaches 100%, it will be included in the collection.

  Although it may not be manufactured immediately, when manufacturing is needed, the successfully simulated data can be used as soon as possible, reducing the waiting time during manufacturing.

  When he made the Colonial Equipment and Card Master before, he took it out of the simulated manufacturing collection and used it directly.

  "Well done, Artemis."

  Although as an artificial intelligence, Artemis did not need these compliments, Russell still praised it before sitting in the consciousness projection cabin again and lying down.

  The next moment, consciousness was projected, and Russell's consciousness was projected onto the shadow. With his eyes closed, it looked like a sleeping shadow, and he slowly opened his eyes.


  Sol, who was lying on the ground, seemed to feel something, turned around and called Russell.

  Russell put his finger in front of his mouth and whispered: "Shh!" "

  Shhh!" Logan, who was sitting next to Russell, twisted his neck and suddenly made a sound, which made Russell roll his eyes and said: "You're not Are you asleep?"

  Logan had closed his eyes since getting on the plane, and Russell thought the other person was tired.

  "Who said closing your eyes means you're sleeping?"

  Russell narrowed his eyes and said, "You hate flying?"

  "Ha!" Logan looked disdainful. Just as he was about to speak, the falling plane shook slightly due to the airflow. Gen nodded heavily.

  Fortunately, X Academy's fighter jets performed very well and fell very quickly. Logan landed on the ground without letting him feel any new bumps.

  "Okay, we're here." Ororo said with a smile and said to the little naughty: "Let's go, kid."

  Scott opened the hatch and said to Ororo: "Take them to see the professor first. , I'm going downstairs."

  "Okay!" Ororo nodded, but when he walked to the cabin door, he turned back and said with a smile: "You and Qin are really inseparable for a moment, huh?"

  Scott The corner of his mouth twisted, turned around, and urged: "Go quickly."


  The hatch closed, and the fighter plane that landed on the basketball court slowly descended on the elevator platform.

  A few seconds later, the fighter plane disappeared and the basketball court reappeared.

  "Great design." Russell praised it.

  Ororo pursed his lips and smiled, and said: "Please follow me."

  He led the three Russells out of the basketball court and came to the main building leading to the castle-like college. Ororo stopped and spread his arms. Arms, formally welcomed the three people.

  "Welcome to Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters!"

  At this time, it happened to be early morning.

  The right sunlight shone down, coating the X Academy in front of them with a golden coat, and the entire academy exuded a sacred and peaceful feeling.

  On the playground, students who were going to class were in small groups, with bright smiling faces, facing the sunshine of the day, and walked into the classroom while playing.

  Logan was amazed by this paradise-like scene, while Naughty looked at this familiar scene with nostalgia in his eyes.

  As for Russell, he whispered in his heart: "X College, I'm here again."

  (End of this chapter)

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