Chapter 112 Invitation

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  Chapter 112 Invitation

  In the blink of an eye, the enemies that rushed out were wiped out.

  However, after two seconds, except for the weapons on the ground, the corpses that should have been bleeding disappeared as if they melted into the air, leaving no trace. The naughty woman was sucked down, and the red tank was shot away.

  As for the Victoria saber-tooth tiger that was just shot away, it has not been seen since it was shot away.

  "This is..."

  The wound healed quickly, and Logan, who had squeezed out all the bullets, frowned as he looked at the dissipated corpses.

  "A mutant who can clone himself."

  The Cyclops wearing glasses came over, looked at the wounds on Logan's body in surprise, and said, "The ability is good." It was a

  heartfelt exaggeration, but it was a bit condescending.

  "Ha!" Logan sneered, not liking the other party's tone.

  On the contrary, the white-haired Storm, with a hint of lingering breeze, first gave Russell and the two a comfortable smile, and then said: "The ones who just fought with you were the red tank and the saber-toothed tiger, and what appeared behind was the secret... And the clones."

  After a pause, Storm said in a heavy tone: "They are Magneto's men."

  Russell remained calm, but Logan was a little confused.

  Seeing this, Storm held her forehead and said, "You don't know who Magneto is, do you?"

  Of course Russell knew, but there was no need for him to look scared when he heard Magneto's name.

  As for Logan... he seems to really not know, or in other words, the other party has nothing to do with him and has forgotten what he heard.

  "Okay!" Storm said helplessly, "Who is he? I'll tell you later. Now..."

  Looking at the little naughty man in the hail of bullets, not a single bullet flew to where he was, Storm smiled and said, "Look at the target Magneto wants to capture. What's so special about it?" "

  Drizzt, Logan!"

  The little naughty girl called out nervously and leaned closer to the two of them.

  "Don't worry, we are not bad people." Cyclops smiled gently at the little naughty boy and said, "We are from X Academy." "

  Huh, it doesn't sound like a good place." Logan curled his lips and said nothing. After feeling the hostility from the other party, Logan looked at the RV that had been destroyed and even half of the body was still burning, with a sad and bitter look on his face.

  His...little wolf cub was ruined like this...

  Facing the kind-hearted Cyclops and Storm, Naughty forced a smile and said to them, "My name is Naughty."

  "Heh." Storm smiled. , raised his hand and touched the little naughty head, and said: "I am Ororo, and that is Scott."

  The little naughty avoided the other person's hand, and with Storm's stunned expression, said: "You better not touch it. I'm better, but I'm afraid of hurting you."

  Hearing this, Storm was not angry at the seemingly provocative words. Instead, she said thoughtfully, "Is this your ability?" The little naughty girl nodded


  Cyclops smiled gently and said, "I think you need help."

  The little naughty boy looked at Cyclops in confusion.


  The Well, it..."

  "What's wrong with it?" Logan's heart tightened, and he followed Russell's finger and looked over.

  I saw a dog that seemed to be integrated with the snow. It was sitting in the snow with its chest raised and its head raised. A paw was pressed on a bag that was half a man's height. It was looking at Logan with its head tilted.

  "That's that?" Logan pointed to the bag under Sol's paws in surprise and said, "Our money?" "

  Yeah." Russell said with a smile: "I didn't expect that guy to jump out of the car. , dragged a bag down."

  The bag was not big, only half the size of a Sol, but it was big enough to make Logan feel that he was now penniless. He was pleasantly surprised.

  "Thor, I've never thought you were so awesome!"

  Logan said as he walked towards Sol, held Sol's face, and kissed him excitedly.


  Thor looked at Logan in confusion, stretched out a paw and pressed it on the face that was approaching.

  Ugly rejection...

  "Haha! Hahaha!" Russell couldn't help laughing.

  Logan's face darkened, he pushed Saul aside with a slap, put the bag of money in his hand, looked at Saul fiercely, and said, "Dead dog!" "

  Pfft!" Saul spat at Logan. He swore and ran behind Russell.

  It has to be said that time is the most elusive thing. During this period of time, not only did Logan become a lot more obsessed with money, but even Thor became a lot worse.

  "Twisted Fate, Logan, I want to go to the X Academy they are talking about." Looking at the two of them, the little naughty boy was a little reluctant to give up, especially Russell, who was given a second look by the little naughty boy.

  Seeing that the two of them had no expression, the little naughty couldn't help but said: "You guys go with me."

  "No!" Logan waved his hand and said: "Unlucky thing, my car was destroyed as soon as I took you with me! "

  The little naughty pursed his lips and said, "Sorry, Logan! I don't know why they came to me. I will accompany you in the future."

  Logan was stunned for a moment, looking at the stubborn eyes of the other party, and felt in his heart He softened and snorted softly.

  Russell smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, it's just a car, don't take it to heart."

  "Uh-huh!" Looking at Russell sideways, Logan said sourly: "How grand!" He

  looked at Russell teasingly and winked. He blinked and moved his mouth silently.

  He also said that he didn't like him.

  As if glaring at Logan, Russell wiped his neck and said, "Shut up!"

  With a shrug, Logan stuffed a cigar into his mouth.

  At this moment, Storm and Cyclops came over and said to Russell and Russell: "You two can also go back to X Academy with us. X Academy will provide you with help." Storm watched the battle just now

  . , School

  "Oh, help!" Logan puffed out smoke, looking a little disdainful.

  Turning her eyes, Storm said, "For example, I'll give you an identical car."

  Logan's hand holding the cigar shook slightly, and he looked at Russell. Seeing that Russell didn't express anything, he said, "You're not afraid of us. Is he a bad person?"

  "Haha!" Storm said with a smile: "No one can hide their bad thoughts in front of the professor." "

  Oh?" Logan narrowed his eyes and said, "He has the ability to read minds?"

  "To be precise, it's telepathy. In addition to seeing your inner thoughts, it can also read your memories. Therefore, you can't hide bad ideas from the professor." Storm said with a proud look on her face: "Here In terms of aspects, he is the strongest."

  "Seeing the memory..." After murmuring, Logan asked: "What if it is a memory that even the owner of the body has forgotten? Can you also see it?"

  Storm said thoughtfully. He glanced at Logan and said, "Only the professor knows this."

  "However, people's memories cannot disappear for no reason. Even if you forget, it should still exist in a corner of your mind. If that's the case, , the professor should be able to help you."

  After hearing this, Logan was silent for a few seconds, and then said: "I'll go!" After

  finishing his words, he looked at Russell.

  Russell shrugged indifferently and said casually: "Then let's go and have a look."

   PS: Let's get some recommendation votes! 3Q!

  (End of this chapter)

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