Chapter 9 Sunrise

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  Chapter 9 Sunrise
  A gangster cadre had just finished dinner with a full belly.

  He knew that there was important business to discuss today, so he was assigned to guard. If the head was not around, he would be the person responsible for the security here.

  However, he didn't even bring a gun because it wasn't necessary.

  Ruotou went out to catch the goods and came back soon. He was not worried at all that Ruotou would miss. He was an extraordinary person.

  Will someone break into this Jidao hideout hidden in the mountains?

  How could it be possible...

  who would dare to break in without a long-sighted mind?

  The steel gate here is a gateway to death for many people, but for some it is also a door to wealth and power, and some people are willing to sacrifice their lives for this door.

  The guards did not fully fulfill their duties at their posts, because they had long been accustomed to ruling the roost in this dark place.

  The cadre of the Baichuan Group smacked his lips, feeling that tonight's meal was a bit bland, but when he thought about the big business that was done tonight, he began to look forward to it.

  Of course the bonus is part of it, but what he is most looking forward to is the one with gang characteristics...

  Since Team Leader Baichuan likes to treat people to X-Ti Sheng... Although this cadre is not interested in this way of eating, he likes to lick the plate because of this dish The plates of dishes all taste good and often require careful selection.

  He couldn't help but begin to look forward to the arrival of the night, and was even so excited that his head was congested, so much so that he couldn't help but have a little tinnitus.

  He patted his ears, feeling a little weird, and turned to look at the thug next to him: "Did you hear any noise?" The thug

  looked out the door: "It seemed like there was some noise?"

  "Like a car engine?"

  " Yes, it's like something is hitting..."

  The sound came from far away, and the Jidao cadre suddenly turned his head, only to see outside the steel door, a car roared towards him at an extremely fast speed, colliding head-on. Like an out-of-control beast.

  It came so fast that even if it was seen, the body would not have time to react.

  The ferocious steel beast came forward and crushed the iron door under the wheels. In just a split second, the three guards were stunned.

  The Jidao cadre stood there blankly, looking at the broken door. His facial muscles began to twitch, and an extremely violent emotion dominated his whole body.

  Dare to drive into it!

  Why are you!
  how dare you!
  Make him roar with a tongue-splitting sound: "ki——sa——ma!"

  His roar was answered by gunfire.

  The Yakuza cadre fell, with a hole in the back of his head and a lotus blossom on his tongue.

  He maintained an angry expression until his death, as if he wanted to defend the Yakuza group until his death.

  The car door was opened, and the young man blew out a mouthful of white mist and flicked the ashes from his cigarette.

  He looked around and saw that security forces were also attracting them. Since it was a Yakuza organization, they must have guns in their hands, and there was a high probability that there would be a lot of them.

  This Baichuan group seems to be only second-rate among many gangs, but its official number is in the hundreds, which shows how many cannibals this huge profit chain supports.

  After seeing that there were only about forty minutes left, he began to sweep.

  Yes, sweep.

  One person and one gun.

  Bai Yu had experienced firsthand how fierce the old man was at his peak. He was truly a ruthless man who could kill thousands of people easily, just like the protagonist in a Hollywood hero movie who seemed to have immortality.

  Because there was no second transcendent, the entire battle was almost a one-man massacre.

  They are also holding firearms. If one party hits the target and the other party misses, the result is doomed.

  Just like the same FPS players, some have human body drawings, and some can kill hundreds of people in a round... If the latter also has a complete set of plug-ins, it will be a one-sided massacre.

  The existence of bullet time allowed him to pass the level with almost no injuries. The only injury was due to a shock bomb that interfered with the five senses.

  However, since they had lost Wakatou, when the gang members suffered about 30% casualties, their meager courage had already collapsed, and other gang members could run and escape.

  There's nothing to say. The fleeing Yakuza are not worth chasing. We don't have the skill and there's no need.

  They are just small groups of people.

  When Bai Yu walked inside the villa, there were only three or two security guards left. One of them rushed over with a samurai sword, but after falling down, the tip of the knife was inserted into his neck.

  Facing the murderous resurrected evil ghosts, these Yakuza were frightened out of their wits.

  He walked straight forward and broke into the conference room.

  The soundproofing of the conference room was quite good, and the leader of the Baichuan Group and another old man wearing a bottle were celebrating something, talking and laughing.

  It seems that there is no problem happening outside.

  "Who are you? No one taught you the rules!"

  Team leader Baichuan was extremely dissatisfied after being interrupted in the conversation. This is a man who looks like a smiling Buddha. He seems to be a kind businessman, but in fact he is a The Yakuza leader with tattoos.

  The other old man opposite him had a rather sinister expression, but he was actually a businessman.

  Bai Yu didn't look at the two people, but looked at the table.

  Having killed dozens of people before, so much blood was enough to cool down the anger a little.

  But the moment he stepped here, he felt that his anger was not enough.

  Damn, these dogecoins are actually still eating women's bodies... People who live a good life always have this perverted hobby.

  Bai Yu couldn't tell whether it was his own anger or the anger from Kiryu Takajiro... maybe both.

  He clearly saw the despairing and gloomy look of the girl lying on the table.

  She is dead.

  A sharp steak knife stuck in his neck.

  He stretched out his hand, but instead of covering her eyes, he turned the round table in a circle so that her eyes were focused on the two beasts in human skin.

  "Watch it carefully,"

  he said.

  Then he put the gun back into his waist.

  Close the door, lock it, remove the key, and throw it out the window.

  Angry flames flowed in his chest, and the cruel evil ghost showed its sharp fangs towards the beasts that deserved death. He took a step forward...

  Because the sound insulation of the room was excellent, there was no sound from outside the door. People know what happened.

  All that could be heard was the rising and falling sharp voices.

  Finally, after two dull gunshots, he walked out.

  Bai Yu walked out holding the girl's body, took off his coat and wrapped it around her. When he walked out of the room, he was in a trance...

  He really couldn't remember some of the scenes just now.

  Or maybe the person just now wasn't him.

  There’s no need to watch the scene in the conference room. It’s just that evil has its own consequences, and it’s off-putting if you watch it too much.

  [Countdown: 00:19:54]

  There are still the last twenty minutes.

  There is no one in the villa, but after such a long time, the Fuso Metropolitan Police Department has not arrived... It seems that being too secretive is not a good thing.

  Bai Yu didn't have time to send the girl's body back.

  He walked back to the main entrance of the manor alone, moved out a stool, and sat on it, silently staring at the white fish belly that gradually appeared in the distance.

  "What a sunrise."

  Bai Yu suddenly heard a voice.

  He looked back and saw a handsome-looking middle-aged man sitting on a chair.

  He looked at the rising sun in the sky and leaned back on the chair. His whole body was aging rapidly, his skin became dry, and his figure shrank slightly. He was already an octogenarian.

  He looked at the corpses all over the yard and laughed, as if what he saw was not blood, but dust that had been swept away.

  "A vast expanse of white."

  "It's so clean..."

  The old man lowered his right hand and leaned against the back of the chair, closing his eyes with a slight smile on his lips as he fell into a perfect sleep.

  Bai Yu looked deeply at this figure, as if he wanted to engrav it in his mind forever.

  As the sun rises and shines, he disappears, like a ghost that never existed.


  It’s dawn.

  The morning sun shines on my face.

  When Bai Yu woke up, his neck was a little sore, and he realized that he had slept on the floor of the warehouse for half the night.

  He touched his neck, feeling slightly exhausted both mentally and physically. Although he had slept all night, his memory was intact.

  He could still remember everything that happened last night.

  When he thought of killing the Ji Dao with the old man, he couldn't help but feel excited.

  Then he stood up decisively and rushed into the toilet.

  Bai Yu was just an ordinary superpower user in his previous life. He had never fired a gun or killed anyone, let alone sliced ​​Ling Chi's flesh with a knife.

  However, the memory fragments projected by the heroic spirits are too real, and the feeling of ravaging life is extremely real.

  Now without the blessing of the old man's murderous Renxia spirit, he was vomiting directly.

  Physical nausea takes time to get used to.

  Fortunately, Bai Yu didn't eat anything at all yesterday, and all he vomited out was some sour water.

  But because of this, he was so hungry that he wanted to eat someone alive, and at the same time, he felt like he had to vomit out everything he ate.

  After ten minutes of tossing and washing, Bai Yu felt that the mental stimulation and fluctuations gradually subsided before returning to the room.

  Sit down on the carpet and enter "Chronicles of Heroes", and the prompts after completion will follow.

  [Fate has been woven]

  [Ren Xia · Ending]

  [Acquire 100 destiny points]

  [Unlock all heroic spirit information panels]

  Bai Yu clicks on the heroic spirit options to confirm the heroic spirit information panel.

  [Takajiro Kiryu]

  [Human Race·Male]

  [Age: 30 (93)]

  [Rank: Extraordinary Second Level]

  [Realm: Real World]

  [Position: Physics/Assassin]

  [Personal Occupation: Ren Xia]

  [Professional Characteristics: Increases damage to all enemies with evil attributes, weakens the opponent's momentum, and enhances one's own momentum]

  [Inherent talent: Perception of murderous intent (blue); Advanced precision (purple)]

  [Skills: Firearms proficiency (87%·Proficient), Vehicle driving (55 ·Easy to master)]

  [Mystery: The Principle of Heroic Spirits·Bullet Time (First Awakening)]

  [Equipment: GLOCK17; 9mm Parabellum Pistol Bullet]

  [Fitness: 70%]

  [Quality: One Star (Extreme State)]

  [Evaluation: A one-star long-range shooter who has reached the limit of growth]

  (End of this chapter)

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