8.Chapter 8 Death

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  Chapter 8 Death God
  Takao recognized the license plate of this car. It was one of the vehicles they just drove past...it was originally intended to be handed over to logistics for recycling.

  So who is this young man?
  It's natural that he can't recognize it.

  There was no way to connect this murderous young man with the decrepit old man just now.

  No matter who the other party is, they are here to kill people.

  Maybe it was an enemy, maybe it was sent by a hostile organization...

  Takao picked up the iron rod, turned the middle end of the stick, split it, and turned it into two swing sticks on the left and right.

  "No matter who you are..."

  He held the weapon, and a surge of energy slowly swirled around him: "Now that you have taken action, be prepared to lose your life here."


  People who enter this field are no longer ordinary people.

  The physical strength and reflex nerves are several times that of ordinary people, and these increases are only one of the manifestations of the second growth of extraordinary people.

  Human bodies and souls cannot carry extraordinary factors, so they need secondary growth.

  With the eyesight and reflex speed of ordinary people, it is impossible to catch up with bullets. However, for extraordinary people, it is not difficult to dodge bullets. They can dodge if they can see clearly.

  It is true that some extraordinary beings are good at long-range attacks. They will add some special enhancement to the bullets or bows they shoot, making them faster, or able to deflect their trajectories, or have stronger penetration... …

  but these are actually not big problems.

  Because even a bullet hit can't kill anyone.

  On the contrary... Takao silently gathered the energy in his body on his crutches, and his attack could easily break the granite.

  High-level extraordinary people use cold weapons without exception, because the attack power of cold weapons is directly proportional to their own strength, while the attack power of small hot weapons has an upper limit even if it is increased.

  Takao's judgment is that a simple bullet cannot kill him, as long as it does not hit the head or vitals... On the other hand, as long as one of his attacks hits the opponent, he will definitely die.

  Just like how I dealt with that old guy before.

  He decisively chose the same strategy.

  shorten the distance!

  Stomping heavily on the ground with both feet, he continuously rocked left and right in a Z-shaped movement while raising his left hand and placing it on his head.

  His eyes locked on each other.

  ——Shoot! Shoot!

  He was shouting in his heart, no matter how you shoot, I will definitely be able to dodge. Even if you can't dodge, if you try to take a bullet, you will definitely die if you let me get close. I will smash your head!
  The young man in black clothes possessed by the evil spirit did raise his gun, but it was not pointed at him, but fired in a completely skewed direction.

  The bullet passed through the air as if it had no supernatural power attached to it.

  Gao Wei was stunned for a moment, and then he started laughing inside.

  It seems that he has thought too much. This man is not a supernatural being at all, just an ordinary gunman. Looking at his ridiculous reaction, even a three-year-old child is better than him... Bang

  Takao fell to the ground, his head kissed the ground hard, his limbs fell limply, and blood gushed out along the water.

  His eyes widened. Perhaps because of the extraordinary vitality, he did not die immediately.

  But he didn't understand how he was shot.

  And why was the shot location the back of the head.

  The shot was clearly crooked...

  and he would never understand why he was shot. The young man did not intend to explain to him, so he walked directly in front of him and pulled the gun.

  boom! boom! boom!
  Three consecutive shots.

  The blood stains spread, and the person was completely dead.

  Bai Yu put the gun back on his side...the shot he just fired was actually a ricochet.

  With the blessing of "Bullet Time" from Takajiro Kiryu, coupled with his more than sixty years of experience in using firearms.

  This can already be called pistol proficiency, and its accuracy is as good as that of a city hunter.

  Before pulling the trigger, he knew clearly that this would be a ricochet, and he could completely calculate its ricochet trajectory, as if a red line had marked it.

  It doesn't matter even if the calculation is completely wrong, there is still another layer of insurance.

  This was the tenth bullet fired, and it was also Bai Yu's lucky bullet.

  A shot blessed by both sides allowed this extraordinary person with a level of up to 19 to be knocked down with one shot... He was also too careless, because he had won the same type of Kiryu before so he was so careless, completely ignoring the fragile back of his head. .

  After Bai Yu finished refilling the gun, he walked into the van. He had just been focused on crashing the car and forcing it to stop, but he had forgotten the safety of Nishino Kaoru inside.

  In fact, because there were no seat belts or airbags, she was hit hard. Fortunately, there were many corpses stuffed in the back seat as meat cushions.

  Bai Yu opened the van and saw the dazed Nishino Kaoru. She felt the pull and subconsciously cried: "No, please... help, help..." Bai Yu held her mouth and said, "Calm down

  , I'm not one of them."

  Nishino Kaoru woke up a little after hearing the sound. She didn't know what was going on. When she looked at Bai Yu, she directly recognized him as an old man: "Grandpa Kiryu!"

  She untied her hands . Then she hugged her and choked with tears: "I still, I thought you had..." The

  corners of her eyes were red and swollen, and her eyes were bloodshot, but she was extremely excited. It was obvious that she was in a state of post-traumatic stress.

  Bai Yu reached out and put his hand on her shoulder, patting her lightly: "Okay, it's okay... You're safe now." "Where are those people?" "They're all dead." "Dead




  Me Killed."

  When Bai Yu said these words, there was no fluctuation in his heart, as if he had just crushed a few ants to death.

  He thought that a considerable part of this state of possession was probably based on the experience and memory of Mr. Kiryu. If it were an ordinary young man like him, his hands would shake just by shooting.

  "I, we have to leave here immediately and run quickly, otherwise they will retaliate." Nishino Kaoru panicked, but the panic was not because the other party killed someone. She knew very well that the other party killed someone to protect herself. The girl immediately grabbed the young man In her eyes, the other person was still the old man with a rickety back: "We have to hurry..." "

  You should leave." Bai Yu said calmly: "There seems to be a lot of cash in the other car, which was collected just now." Just take the protection money and leave here."

  Nishino Kaoru nodded obediently: "Grandpa Kiryu, let's go together."

  "You are the only one who wants to leave."

  Nishino Kaoru was stunned, her face full of tears It's the fear and helplessness of Liushenwuzhu: "You, do you want to drive me away?"

  "I still have something to do." Bai Yu turned around and withdrew his palm from her hand: "If you go there, you probably won't be able to come back."

  Nishino Xun's shoulders were shaking, and she could understand what the other party was going to do: " Can't you go?"

  "No." Bai Yu imitated the old man's tone and touched her hair: "You are alone, okay, understand?"

  Nishino Xun burst into tears: "But I am alone, I still can't. Where can we go?"

  "Nanling." Bai Yu blurted out subconsciously.


  "Nanling City in Daxia is a very good place." Bai Yu's hands began to automatically tidy up her messy hair: "If this place is too cruel to you, then go to another place, a foreign country In a foreign country, as big as the world is, there will always be a place for you."

  He put down his hand and pushed her shoulder gently: "Go, go as far away as possible, and escape to a place that allows you to be happy. Let's go somewhere... That's it, my old man's life is almost over, and your life has just begun."

  After saying that, Bai Yu turned around and walked towards the vehicle.

  Behind him, Nishino Kaoru stared at the figure that pulled her out of the abyss and then fell into it again.

  The car engine roared, accompanied by a roar, and the red car lights disappeared at the end of the rain curtain.

  Nishino Kaoru looked at the money bag that was thrown on the ground and was wet by the rain, and fell to the ground. It took her a long time to regain the strength to stand up.


  murmuring the name, she picked up the purse and walked slowly further away.

  She wants to leave here and go to a more distant place, where she can find peace and happiness.

  Even if you are alone.


  The cloud chariot roars.

  Bai Yu is racing.

  It turns out that the old man also has research on vehicles, and his driving skills are quite good. The drifting around corners one after another keeps the adrenaline secreting.

  "I'm even more impressed by you, old man."

  Bai Yu murmured to himself, turning his gaze sideways, as if he could see a handsome middle-aged man sitting next to him, raising the corners of his lips very helpfully.

  Although it is the projection of the heroic spirit, although it can no longer be seen now, Bai Yu can feel how high-spirited and heroic this old man would be when he was young.

  This similar heroic spirit also fermented rapidly under his chest and continued to accumulate.

  Although this is not something that belongs to Baiyu itself, the feeling left behind is real, just like a finger touching the water, the running water will not change, but the fingertips will become moist, and the touch will remain.

  Bai Yu knew very well where the Baichuan Group's headquarters was.

  There are hints.

  It took him nearly half of the three hours to arrive despite driving at top speed.

  Because the place where the Baichuan Group was hiding was not located in the city at all, but in a villa in the mountains in a nearby town. There seemed to be some kind of organ selling market there, as well as a secretly hidden casino.

  Before the car broke down completely, he sped all the way to the vicinity of the villa.

  Looking at the main entrance of the villa directly in front of him, Bai Yu held the steering wheel.

  He raised the cigarette case with his right hand, clapped his left hand, threw up the cigarette, opened his mouth and bit the cigarette filter.

  He fired a shot into the sky and lit a cigarette with the muzzle of the gun.

  He didn't have the habit of smoking, but at this moment he suddenly wanted to take a puff, and since he wasn't using his own body, it wouldn't be a big deal if he took two puffs.

  The car that was almost falling apart also made a low roar like a dying horse. If it had a soul, I wonder if it would feel high at this time.

  "Get ready, you bastards."

  Ren Xia let out a breath of white mist: "Your Grandpa Death is here."

  (End of Chapter)

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