Chapter 72 Yama Luosi; Parading day and night

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  Chapter 72 Yama Luosi;
  The person who wanders around day and night claims to be the day-traveling god of Yama Luosi.

  Bai Yu has never heard of it, nor has he seen it.

  There is some knowledge in this part, but it is not much and not detailed.

  Just like a person doesn't actually study the specific composition of his country's central agencies, he can't understand every department. Even the number of local official departments and their specific responsibilities may not be fully understood.

  Riyu Shen Jiang Heng said: "Little girl, don't worry. Your boyfriend is fine. He has not been infected with demonic energy."

  Tao Rusu unexpectedly did not correct the other party's mistakes. Perhaps he did not listen at all, but stared at The man in the cloak looked surprised: "Yan Luosi...?"

  Bai Yu took out his mobile phone and started searching, and clicked on the first noun introduction.

  Yama Division - one of the ten divisions of Daxia, in charge of punishments, life and death, all serious sins are subject to its jurisdiction, extraordinary, evil, demonic creatures cannot escape from the law of Yama, life is controlled in a cage, and death is purified Reincarnation.

  "Exactly." Jiang Heng cupped his hands: "Yan Luosi rarely walks in the world, but he is also one of the ten divisions of Daxia. We, the Sun Traveling Gods, are the exorcists of demons." "It is not Xuan Tiansi who subdues demons and exorcises demons.

  " A job?" Tao Rusu asked strangely.

  "No, Xuantian Division is in charge of the outside, while Yama Luo Division is in charge." Jiang Heng's laughter was meaningful: "Even if Xuantian Division caught the culprit, he would eventually have to be sent to Yama Luo Division for trial. All fallen demons , all are punished by Yama Luosi."

  "But I remember that Yama Luosi always travels in pairs." Tao Rusu looked at the day and night gods: "The day and night gods are a pair, the black and white impermanence is a pair, the bull head and horse face are a pair, the civil and military gods are a pair The judges are a pair."

  "Ahem!" At this point, Jiang Heng coughed involuntarily: "Well, there are exceptions occasionally..." "Exceptions

  , oh?"

  "Why do you make things difficult for others as soon as they meet?" Bai Bai Yu pulled Tao Rusu and whispered.

  "Today, the God of Travel is late, so of course I have to blame him." Tao Rusu looked back: "You helped him, I'm just looking for some benefits for you." The God of Japan said helplessly:

  " I can hear whispers in person..."

  Tao Rusu thought for a moment and turned around.

  "You can hear it even if you turn your back. Why do you two little friends have to hide your ears and steal the bell to bury me?"

  Jiang Heng held the mask and smiled helplessly: "I am not someone who doesn't want to repay... Don't worry, little friends, I will help you. Xia Chang, I have seen that it has been entered into Yama Luosi's book of life and death. The accumulation of such merits is real and will bring indescribable benefits in the future." "

  That was given by Yama Luosi's system. You don't have to do it yourself. Can you give me some ideas?" Tao Rusu asked narrowly.

  "It's a pity that there will be no yellow and white things in the world when the wandering god walks next day." "

  I've helped you all, so I'll give you some..." Tao Rusu blinked his eyes, the prostitute monster wanted to get some wool no matter what: " Fifty dollars is fine."

  Jiang Heng had probably never seen such a girl. He scratched his head, thought for a moment and said, "Well, if you two can help me next time, I can teach you a trick on my own initiative. What you learned during your lifetime... Of course, this has nothing to do with the God of Travel and Yama, it is just an agreement between us." "If

  you want to investigate the origin of the demon, you should find another way, we don't have the ability." Tao Rushu He held his chest and squinted his eyes.

  "This is my job, how can I hand it over to civilians?" Jiang Heng naturally would not force anyone to do anything difficult for him: "I asked you two to help me with something else. This matter is..." The tall Japanese travel god bent down slightly

  . , lowered his voice and said: "I would like to ask you two to help me find someone."


  Jiang Heng's tone was a little more embarrassed and helpless: "It's... my partner, the Night Traveler."

  "Pfft..." Tao Rusu couldn't help laughing: "Did you really lose your partner?"

  "Ye Youshen just took office not long ago, so she is too young." Jiang Heng sighed: "She also took Di Ting away by the way. , As a result, my side is also stretched, and it is difficult to find the source of the demon. If I delay like this, I am afraid it will attract followers of the evil star." "Evil star?" Bai Yu felt like he had never read a book

  . Zhangyu: "What evil star?"

  "Rahu, the evil star, is a madman who is keen on hunting down demons. He vows to wipe out everyone related to demons in this world, and will completely destroy them even if there is the slightest sign." Youshen's tone was very cold: "No matter how many casualties it caused, I did not hesitate to destroy one-third of Huzhongtian and two fairy islands with my own hands... Yama Luosi's Nether Prison was also shot through with an arrow. Many innocent people died, and the Daxia Central Center suffered heavy losses as a result... Just like the human demons I just sent away with the Five Ghost Moving Art, in the eyes of the evil star and its followers, they are all dirty things that must be killed and burned. But most demonic bodies do not become demons voluntarily, and if the symptoms are relatively mild, they may not be able to be saved."

  He paused at this point: "I'm sorry, I said too much... Although it is very dangerous, it is basically harmless to ordinary people. As long as the source of the demon is dealt with earlier, these evil star thugs will definitely not be attracted... So if you two are free, please help me find a partner." "Do you

  have any photos?" Tao Rusu asked.

  "No, we are not allowed to show our true faces when we are walking outside. How can we have photos?" Jiang Heng shook his head: "When you enter Yama Luosi, all the past life must stay in the past, and the past cannot be traced back." "Then why don't you just go directly

  ? Asking Chang Yesi for help?"

  "...Hey." Jiang Heng sighed: "Please ask Chang Yesi for help. This matter will definitely be reported back to Yan Luo Si, and she will definitely be punished. Ye Youshen is still young, so it is inevitable that she will make mistakes. I also moved my sympathy. Heart."

  "If you want to be punished, you must be punished together." Tao Rusu whispered to Bai Yu: "I don't want to have my salary deducted, I guess." "How to find it?"

  Bai Yu asked after roughly understanding the situation.

  "You can always find it. We, the Day and Night Gods, are different from ordinary people. We are not flesh and blood." Jiang Heng thought for a while and provided another clue: "The Night God is a female, very young in appearance. She once had a Nanling household registration. At the same time, There is a red hair - there are only so many clues. If she avoids her, I will not be able to find her location. The Night Walker is better at hiding than me... If you see her, please don't go up to talk to her directly. Use this number to contact her. I, I will arrive as soon as possible."

  After leaving his contact information, Jiang Heng was about to leave.

  Tao Rusu curiously asked: "If we find someone for help, which trick will you teach us?"

  Riyushen replied generously: "Of course it is the trick I was most proud of in my extraordinary skill."

  He quickly walked away.

  Leaving the two of them standing there, Tao Rusu held her hands and turned to look at Bai Yu: "Do you still owe me something?" "

  Um...thank you?"

  "You're welcome." Tao Rusu stretched out his hand. He lazily stretched out his hand and pointed at Bai Yu's nose: "Also, next time, remember not to be the first to rush forward if something like this happens... If you die in front of me, I won't be able to sleep well at night. "Yes!"

  "I just thought it could be saved." Bai Yu had his own reasons and confidence, but the other party didn't know it, so he wouldn't blame the other party for caring.

  "Yes, yes, you always have a point." Tao Rusu snorted: "But I don't have many friends, so you have to take good care of yourself. If you die, I will be sad for at least a long time."

  "Just half a day?"

  "It's quite a lot. After all, I have a cold nature, and my parents don't care about it." Tao Rusu glanced at the flaming clouds on the horizon: "The bus is here, I should go, then You can go look for Night Gods when you have time, and remember to let me pay for the on-site teachings of Day Gods when the time comes." After

  getting on the bus, she leaned against the row of windows, stuck out her tongue at Bai Yu, and then He turned his head away, still seeming a little unhappy.

  A girl's mood is as difficult to understand as the summer weather.

  It was sunny and sunny just now, but now there are some clouds.

  "I'm back."

  Bai Yu walked towards home.

  He didn't notice that in a bookstore not far away, a red-haired figure pushed out the door, holding a copy of "Speaking is an Art" in his hand, and walked on the same road. Follow up slowly.

  (End of chapter)

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