Chapter 71 Fallen Demonic Body

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  Chapter 71 Fallen into Demonic Body

  "Fallen into Demonic Body?"

  Bai Yu began to search for the answer in his mind.

  This is not the first time I have heard of this related term, but this is the first time I have seen it.

  Tao Rusu was more experienced. Her eyes flickered: "The demon body... There is also a demon in Nanling?" "

  What kind of demon?"

  "You can understand it as a source of pollution... But don't worry about it now, the other party is about to become a demon. Once you fall into the demon body, you will be directly promoted to a high level, which is beyond our ability to handle!"

  Tao Rusu said hurriedly: "Let's notify the nearby patrols quickly..."

  Bai Yu frowned: "It may not be too late to notify you now. "

  This is a bus stop. There are many people waiting nearby, all of them are ordinary people. Even if some people have practiced boxing and kicking, they are not extraordinary.

  Seeing the fallen middle-aged man roaring in pain, he looked around, and the muscles all over his body swelled. His thin body became strong, and strong muscles and skin were exposed under the torn clothes. It also turned into a dead gray, with white fingernails, dry gray hair, and a permeating violent aura in its eyes.

  "Death, you all deserve to die!"

  He let out a vague roar and rushed directly to the old man who was walking slowly beside him.

  Seeing this, Bai Yu couldn't bear it at all.

  Tao Rusu tried to grab his wrist, but was immediately pulled away. She only had time to pull off a button on the other man's sleeve.

  He bent down slightly, activated the heroic spirit projection for a moment, gained the talent of advanced precision, and picked up a pebble-sized gravel from the ground.

  He turned slightly sideways, lunged with his legs, and moved like a baseball pitcher. He slammed his right hand, and the entire right forearm swayed in the air as if it was dislocated due to excessive force, and then reset.

  A full-force stone-throwing attack takes effect.

  The stone hit the fallen demon's head. The stone was not low in hardness, but it still shattered immediately after hitting the opponent's skull.

  His forehead was smashed and bleeding, and the bones could be seen, but the wound healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  Tao Rusu's anxious voice came out at this time: "The human-demonic life behind the fallen demon is very hard!" "I can see

  it." Bai Yu complained, the blood was quite thick.

  But the stone thrown just now had successfully hit the human demon, interrupting its further actions.

  He rushed across the four lanes without stopping, flew into the air, and hit the demon with his knee on the chin. The two of them passed through the billboard on the bus stop at the same time.

  Tearing a rip in the drink sign.

  Immediately after Bai Yu landed, the two Xin Wang styles rolled to distance themselves.

  "Hurry and help the old man away!" he shouted to the people nearby.

  A white-collar worker who had run faster before turned around, gritted his teeth, dropped the coffee he was reluctant to let go of, and rushed up with several others to lift the old man up and run to the canteen not far away.

  It was too late for Tao Rusu to follow her at this time. Because the light was green, several cars passed in front of her, and other people also grabbed her: "Little girl, don't be impulsive!"

  Bai Yu exhaled and shook. He shook his hands and feet and twisted his neck, as if he was the Flame Dragon or the Earth Tiger.

  Even if he was at the first level of Transcendence, it was not like he had never fought before, and the real gap was not as huge as imagined.

  Moreover, what was in front of him was a fallen demon body transformed into a human demon by a thin middle-aged man who had not undergone systematic training, so the threat was not high.

  Too late to say.

  The human demon crouched and launched a surprise attack very quickly, and the attack trajectory of its sharp claws was a set of king's eight punches.

  Bai Yu didn't intend to get hurt. He didn't know if this demonic energy would be contagious. He didn't choose to use his arms to block. After all, the claws looked sharp. If he picked it up, it would definitely tear his skin and flesh.

  But his fists were blessed by his class teacher, and he punched to meet the attack.

  Two sweeping punches followed by a lunge punch.

  Blocked the attack of the human demon head-on, and knocked it into an obvious state of stiffness.

  Seizing the opportunity, Bai Yu rushed forward and directly hit him with half a set of martial arts punches.

  The human demon was howled and screamed after being beaten.

  However, the damage was basically ineffective. His muscle defense was not low, and he recovered in a few seconds.

  ...Fistes and feet are useless. It would be nice to have weapons, but the Lion Heart Spear cannot be used in public.

  ... When Laoban's Heroic Spirit is in his state, he can use dark energy to directly cause the opponent to bleed internally. Unfortunately, my level is still not good enough.

  ...Would you like to use joint techniques? The recovery speed of damaged joints should not be that fast.

  Thinking and thinking.

  He already has a lot of fighting experience. If he takes some injuries and focuses on the vital points, he will have a chance to fight.

  However, Bai Yu hasn't thought about beating the demon to death directly at this time. If he kills him directly, there is no chance.

  Because he felt that he might still be saved.

  Judging from his appearance and listening to what he said, this person is not a bad person, but maybe just an ordinary person. There must be something wrong with him when he suddenly becomes a demon, and he should be caught alive to find out.

  "Why, why!"

  The human demon let out a vague and painful roar. He roared: "I just want to live an ordinary happy life. Why does God do this to me!" No one could answer

  his roar. and pain, but you can hear the despair in his voice.

  The human demon's body began to expand for the second time. As his pain intensified, it seemed that his strength and danger level were also skyrocketing.

  The blur level above the head has jumped to the number 15.

  Bai Yu took a few steps back and gave up the attack plan: "Something is not good..."

  Whoosh -!
  A sharp sound broke through the air, and Bai Yu's movements slowed down a beat.

  He saw it, but at a slower pace.

  It was at this time that he heard the sweet sound of the music box operating again.

  Stressed again?
  good chance!
  Bai Yu was trying to learn and apply his extraordinary skills to deepen his understanding. Although this was very dangerous, he couldn't miss the opportunity.

  At this moment, a chain was suddenly projected from nowhere. The dark steel ingot at the end of the chain hit the human demon's collarbone. The next moment, the dark chain was like a living thing, wrapping around its shoulders and wrapping it around it. Tie tightly to death, the human demon directly smashed his knees to the ground, unable to break away or move at all for a while.

  The chain was shining with the light of talismans, and each talisman seemed to have increased its weight several times, making it impossible to raise its head.

  At this moment, a figure with a cloak floating in the air approached, wearing a heavy coat in the hot weather in May. It was the chains extending from under his sleeves.

  "Kid, are you okay?"

  Under the cloak was a Peking Opera mask with only two eyes exposed, and the voice it made had a slightly mechanical sound: "Sorry for coming a little late, I almost let this demon cause damage to ordinary people... …It almost made my merit today even less.”

  Bai Yu's expression was subtle, and the stress period had to end... There was a feeling of embarrassment, as if Nox's hand flashed and sprinted at full speed, and the Noxian guillotine was about to arrive, only to be killed by Urgot's big move. The person froze in place, and the brief pause represented countless question marks in his heart.

  The visitor walked towards the human demon, and the chains were recovered bit by bit, as if there was a noose iron wheel under his sleeves, making an empty sound. He walked up to the human demon, and sighed in a low voice: "It is sad to fall into the demon body. Sigh... Follow me back to Yama Luosi, and accept the demonic energy to be exorcised. Maybe after the treatment, you will have a chance to return to the human world." After saying that, he took off the

  mask from his face and fastened it on the face of the human demon. superior.

  The violent and furious demon suddenly calmed down. It seemed to have regained its senses. It looked around, blurry tears of blood streaming from its eyes. It lowered its head and knelt on the ground, no longer resisting.

  The cloaked man who took off his mask settled the human-demon, then took out five pieces of paper and threw them on the ground. Instantly, the paper-man expanded and turned into five clouds of evil wind, which wrapped around the human-demon.

  After a whirlwind passed by, there was no trace of the demon anymore.

  The other party took off his mask, but instead of revealing his face, he revealed the next mask.

  Bai Yu couldn't help complaining: "... Where are the matryoshka dolls here?"

  "My friend, that's wrong. Unless I don't want to show my true face to others, I really can't show it to others."

  At this time, Tao Rusu rushed over and pulled her Bai Yu stepped back and looked at the man in the cloak with surprise and uncertainty.

  The crowd around him felt that the cloaked man was sinister and did not dare to approach him for a moment.

  "Who are you?" Tao Rusu asked cautiously.

  "But I forgot to introduce myself." The man in the cloak put away the chain, rolled up his sleeves, and cupped his fists: "I am Yama Luosi, one of the ten divisions of Daxia, and I have met these two children." (This chapter

  ) over)

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