Chapter 50 Blood for blood

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  Chapter 50: Blood for blood:
  a tanker truck.

  A lair.

  Serve in one pot.

  Modern technology is so convenient.

  This saves a lot of energy and does not have to deal with the opponent's astonishing number of lackeys.

  However, in this way, he could be considered as killing many people.

  ...No, to be precise, it would be more appropriate to say that it was a corpse that was killed.

  ...How can killing zombies be considered murder?

  Well, it’s not important to talk about these things.

  Bai Yu kicked open the twisted and deformed door in front of him. The shaky iron door fell completely, making a series of twisted and weird sounds.

  The entire belly of the building has been hollowed out, but its architectural structure is still strangely intact. It seems that the hollow building structure and the solid subsidence foundation firmly support the wall structure and the weight of the building. The load-bearing columns are actually intact. No cracking, just some distortion.

  He stretched out his hand and grabbed an almost ethereal thread, which led to the elevator entrance.

  Taking a step forward, there was a grabbing sound under his feet. A man in a black suit who was not dead yet raised his head, spitting blood, and his eyes were filled with murky bloodshot eyes, filled with murderous intent.

  Bai Yu shook his head and had nothing to say about the corpse. Just as he was about to take a step forward, he stopped, picked up a stone from the ground, and threw it away.

  A stone became a deadly throwing weapon, directly piercing the head of the lackey waiting for an opportunity to ambush in the corner.

  Red and white splashed out.

  Bai Yu kicked the elevator door directly, causing the alloy to twist and deform. He didn't know how much strength he had now. He probably wouldn't lose to Yuan Zhisheng in the state of King Bone. The latter could smash through the bronze door with his bare hands. , he can also directly kick the elevator door made of alloy into pieces.

  The elevator shaft leads downward, and you can see that there is a very deep underground. You grab the strong steel rope noose hanging with your bare hands, and swing your body downwards. In a short while, you reach the deepest level of the underground.

  Break open the alloy door and drive straight in. The entire underground decoration style uses a lot of mahogany decoration and red carpets. It is obviously underground, but it is brighter than the ground. The sensor lights illuminate the empty ground.

  The burnt smell of fire drifted through the elevator shaft, and Bai Yu's whole body carried the lingering smell of gunpowder smoke.

  His eyes spanned a distance of hundreds of meters and saw the people standing in the empty basement.

  It was the first time for both parties to meet.

  It's not the first time we meet either.

  Inexplicably, Bai Yu felt familiar.

  The red silk thread was wrapped around his neck, circle after circle, like the punishment given to a hanged person.

  It's him...

  Bai Yu calmly moved forward, his footsteps echoing in the too-empty underground venue. There were only rows of load-bearing pillars. The white lights scattered down, projecting huge white spots one after another on the ground, walking on the ground. On the white spots, there is almost no shadow, and the person and the shadow blend into one.

  "Aren't you going to run away?" Bai Yu made a polite preface: "I actually don't mind playing a game of cat and mouse with you." The shepherd held a cane in both hands, but he stood upright and did

  not It's not needed to maintain balance, and although it looks gray, it doesn't look old at all.

  The crutch in the opponent's hand is just a symbol.

  Ambitious people never grow old.

  The shepherd asked in a deep voice: "Have we met?"

  "Strictly speaking." Bai Yu thought for a while: "This is the first time we have met... I hope this is also the last time."

  The shepherd continued to ask: "You Do you have a grudge against me?"

  "Do you ask the same question to everyone who asks you for debt?"

  Bai Yu flexed his wrist: "I don't have any grudge against you, don't you have any idea? Even if you don't Qiu, don't you think you deserve to die?"

  He took a step forward: "You are sitting in a luxurious villa, drinking red wine and shaking your glass. While talking and laughing, those good people who stick to their professions are dying with hatred one by one. You are overlooking them. Like ants, they can destroy everything with a snap of their fingers - but have you never thought that one day these people will be hanged on the rope?" The

  shepherd was silent for a moment, then he smiled faintly: "You want to say that you are a Master of justice?"

  The old man's eyes were sinister: "But when you came in, you killed countless people." "

  Those people are your lackeys."

  "But they are also alive. Have you not considered the consequences of doing this? The shepherd grinned: "In all these years, I have never killed many people with my own hands. If you just kill anyone, you can kill ten times more than me... Do you want to call yourself a righteous person?" Bai Yu agreed

  : "Yes, when I choose to fight violence with violence, I am no longer much different from you."

  Just like Mr. Kiryu, a hero used force to break the law, and he also knew clearly that what he did was definitely not justice.

  He whispered: "But, this is also a gift from you... I could have been a good person."

  His voice was neither happy nor sad: "Zhou Du, Zhang Chushan, and many others were killed by you. The people who were made into lackeys could have been good people... They should have spent their entire lives in their profession, been loved by others, and still lived in the memories of others decades later, becoming an inspiration to the next generation. "

  But you trampled on all of this, claimed their lives, trampled on their lives, and destroyed their dignity and life creed." "If I can say how

  much beauty I have seen from these people, I've seen so much distortion and viciousness in you...On this point, you can't even describe it, and you won't regret it even if you die." "

  I'm not a messenger of justice, I'm just collecting debts from you on behalf of them and myself..."

  He opened his palms and hooked his hands at the shepherd.

  "You wantonly play with other people's lives, just relying on your own strength." "

  This is also an important lesson you taught me. Human nature is evil. If you want to protect your own kindness, you must become more evil." "Come on

  , Shepherd..."

  He whispered: "I hope you don't die too quickly! I've given you enough time to delay..."

  Pointing his toes to the ground was like a flash of light.


  Bai Yu closed the distance in an instant and was already within ten steps. His voice and figure arrived almost at the same time.

  "If you wait any longer, you won't survive more than three seconds!"

  The murderous intent turned into an afterimage, like a tiger choosing to devour someone.

  When the rabbit was up and the falcon was about to fall, Bai Yu's fist had already penetrated the air, and a ball of blood burst out.

  However, what was hit was not the old and decayed body of the shepherd, but another mass of flesh and blood.

  The roaring sound was deafening, and a huge golden Jian layer rushed over from nowhere, its sharp claws tore through the air, and its forelimbs slapped hard on the ground. The concrete floor cracked instantly and then collapsed.

  Even a tiger cannot be so powerful.
  Bai Yu stepped back a few steps and observed that the size of this beast had surpassed the Siberian tiger, the largest in the past, and was directly catching up with the adult polar bear.

  And the fangs hanging down and protruding from the mouth are even more like the prehistoric giant saber-toothed tiger.

  He recognized it as real at a glance: "Disaster beast?"

  The shepherd's eyes flashed with angry murderous intent, and he shook a bell: "Kill him!"

  The moment the bell rang, the saber-toothed tiger's rear limbs kicked the ground violently, and the movement was so fast, The ground made an embarrassing heavy sound, and it was like a bolt of lightning rushing directly towards Baiyu. Its roar was deafening. Its huge size did not affect its agility in its movements at all. The feline creature is one of the strongest single predators in the world. .

  If it were Bai Yu from before, he might have been knocked down and his neck bitten, and he was ready to start the banquet.

  But the heroic spirit loaded this time was not Ren Xia, but a martial arts cultivator who focused on melee combat.

  Moreover, no matter how fast the speed is, it is meaningless.

  He saw it clearly!
  See with your eyes, know with your heart.

  The critical situation was broken in an instant.

  The body squatted down, and the fingers of the left hand easily clasped the saber-toothed tiger's chin. The right hand bypassed the opponent's sharp claws and clasped the joints. The body sank immediately, and the strength rose from the ground and took root under the feet.

  Four taels is worth a thousand pounds!
  The saber-toothed tiger's head was smashed to the ground. Its own weight and the impact of the killing became the most fatal feedback. The fragile neck and waist bore most of the force. At the moment the ground cracked, the entire skeleton was heard. It makes numerous crisp sounds.

  This isn't over yet.

  Before the saber-toothed tiger landed, he clenched his fists and punched, his true energy circulated, roaring like a dragon, the silver dragon vein mark flashed, and violent violence came out of his body.

  The beast fell ten meters away and fell to the ground, no longer breathing.

  The shepherd's pupils shrank: "Silver Dragon Vein Seal, second level extraordinary...Martial cultivator, what path are you taking! Martial Saint? Hundreds of Schools? Zen Martial Arts? Which party are you from? Shanhai Bureau? Penglaiyuan?" Bai

  Yu His face was expressionless: "These are your last words?" The sneer

  on the shepherd's old and immortal face turned to a ferocious smile: "You think this is all my savings over the years? Since you asked for death, I will send you to see them! "

  His right hand hit the stone on the side hard, and the button was triggered.

  The sirens beeped continuously.

  "Wait for me, you will soon——!"

  The sharp roar stopped abruptly.

  "So much nonsense."

  He fell to his knees on the ground, his chest sunken a full three inches deep, and his eyeballs popped out.

  No breath, dead.

  Bai Yu was somewhat not happy enough, too relaxed, too simple, and it was too easy to kill him with just one punch.

  Immediately he noticed something falling on the ground, an eyeball.

  He picked up the eyeball, which was a prosthetic eye.

  Bai Yu looked at the body again, and was shocked to find that there was no shadow of the shepherd.

  Moreover, Chronicle of Heroes completed the kill without any prompts.

  Wait, could it be...

  As soon as an idea took shape, a violent impact swept over him. He raised his eyes and saw a heavy sword slashing across the sky, carrying a whistling silver sword energy.

  The sword energy slashed down on the wall, leaving deep carvings.

  "...Are you not dead yet?"

  A figure wearing a knight's armor kicked away the corpse on the ground and walked out with heavy steps.

  Most of his head remained pale, except for one eyeball that was moving vividly and making inarticulate sounds.

  Bai Yu smiled with satisfaction.

  "Very good."

  He slowly clenched his right hand into a fist, with silver dragons flying on his fist.

  "I can kill you again!"

  (End of chapter)

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