Chapter 49 An eye for an eye

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  Chapter 49 An Eye for an Eye
  In front of the floor-to-ceiling window, the shepherd hung up the call.

  "In this way, the tail has been dealt with."

  "The original layout that took so long cannot be used a second time." "

  It's a pity that part of the information was exposed to Chang Yesi's sight, so the code name must be changed. "

  It doesn't matter. The next game of chess organized by the organization is not in Daxia." The

  gray-haired old man still has a straight back. He looks to be in his sixties, but he is well maintained.

  He slowly walked to the chair and sat down. He rubbed his eyes and seemed a little drowsy.

  "It's time to move."

  It's not that there are no experts in Changye Division... but they just didn't show up.

  Although Nanling City suffered a lot of losses due to changes in the past few years, it has not become a soft persimmon that can be easily manipulated.

  Just leave as soon as possible before the other party completely decides to pull out this nail.

  As long as the traces are completely cleared, no one will know that he is the shepherd.

  There were more than five lackeys used for disguise alone, and some of them were presented to Chang Yesi for their achievements.

  The old man smoothed his hair, leaned on the sofa, slowly closed his eyes, and soon snored peacefully.


  just a few minutes later, he suddenly opened his eyes, and two rays of light burst out from deep in his eyes.

  "Come in!"

  The door more than ten meters away was pushed open, and a strong young man in a black suit approached and clasped his fists.


  "Send someone out to see what's going on!" the old man ordered: "You know where I'm talking about!" "


  The footsteps of the men in black suits quickly faded away.

  The old man rubbed his eyes, his eyelids kept beating, and a bad premonition rose from the bottom of his heart, a vague feeling... but all the lackeys sent out were already dead.

  He subconsciously used his fingers to pull open the collar. For a moment, he felt that his breathing was not smooth, as if someone had strangled his neck with a silk thread.

  But he couldn't leave from here.

  This area is his property, and there are his people everywhere, with people, weapons, and venues... It is absolutely his home field.

  It would be foolish to abandon one's home court just because of some intuition.

  But the intuition of extraordinary people is often very accurate...his is not just intuition, but also a feeling, a burning sensation approaching.

  He had the illusion that a red-hot iron blade was swinging back and forth a few centimeters away from his back... as if he might be burned at any time.

  This feeling of being out of control made him a little irritable, and he picked up the walkie-talkie after less than three minutes.

  "You haven't found out for me yet!"

  "What's going on over there!"


  A slight electric sound came from the walkie-talkie.

  "Wait a minute..."

  A distorted and noisy voice came, accompanied by a violent vibration and shaking, and then there was a loud and noisy explosion.

  All the noise disappeared completely in just ten seconds.

  The intercom was picked up again, and plain words came from it.

  "You can talk now."

  The voice sounded through the intercom, giving the old man a phantom pain like a knife piercing his palm. There was no emotional ups and downs in the cold voice, like a sharp butter knife cutting through it. As easy and cold as flesh.

  "...Who are you?" the old man asked in a low voice, "This is my home. It's a crime for you to break in like this!" The

  other end of the intercom was silent for more than three seconds.

  "Are you... worthy of discussing the law?"

  The other party laughed, and the faint laughter was full of absurdity and surprise, and even more hysterical and crazy.

  "Stay there, shepherd."

  "I'll come to you in a minute."

  The call is interrupted.

  The old man slammed his fist on the coffee table.

  His anger was multiple, because of the other party's arrogance and because his identity was revealed. This anger was actually mixed with fear.

  As a shepherd who had been hiding for many years, when his code name was easily revealed with one sentence, it was like an evil ghost who had not seen the sun for many years was dragged into the sunshine.

  The shepherd's eyes were filled with rage as a result of that sudden feeling of fear.

  "Everyone, obey my orders!"

  His pupils lit up like a bright red halo.

  Through the network of spiritual power, the shepherd gives orders to all his lackeys.

  "Kill this man! He must die——!"

  He put down the walkie-talkie. Even after giving this order, he still didn't feel reassured enough, so he stood up, walked into the indoor elevator, and pressed the button on the third underground floor. button.

  Just when he stepped out of the elevator, a huge roar that exceeded his expectations followed. The violent sound and huge vibration instantly knocked the old man to the ground, leaving him with a bloody head.


  This place is a suburban town in Nanling City.

  In fact, it has already been transformed into a luxurious resort.

  Shepherds make money from their cattle and sheep.

  His ability is very easy to use, and he can easily control and concentrate the wealth of most people.

  Therefore, in this small place on the outskirts of the city, there is a tall building with a total of twelve floors.

  The top of the tall building was shaped into a huge clock face, and a figure was crawling at the top of the clock tower.

  He held a sniper rifle in his hand, turned on the infrared scope, and captured a lone figure.

  There was a faint turbid blood color in the lackey's eyes. He held his breath and pointed the muzzle of the gun at a point in his sight, also aiming at the almost defenseless silhouette.

  Just a second before his finger was about to pull the trigger, a dull sound made him distracted. He subconsciously turned the sniper scope and looked at an object emitting extreme heat.

  Its shape looks somewhat like a car.

  Tanker truck.

  It was moving, but there was no one in the driver's seat.

  And inside the body of the oil tanker, some violent chemical reaction is taking place, so that the outer shell of the oil tank is bulging and cracking, and the blazing temperature reflects the bright red high temperature in the infrared mirror... These are all Proving how dangerous it is, it's like a fully loaded bomb.

  The lackey reacted slowly. He immediately dropped his sniper rifle and prepared to stand up, but it was already too late.

  The locked steering wheel of the tanker allowed it to speed forward, break into the main entrance, and hit the main building sideways.

  The violent collision was the first sound, followed by the explosion when the stress of the shell reached its limit...


  A dazzling light came on, and the entire night was illuminated for a moment.

  It seems as if a small sun has risen from the ground, but if you look closely, it is not a sun but a mushroom cloud.

  The blazing heat wave raged inside the building. Even the twelve-story building was still instantly hollowed out by one-fifth of its belly. The low buildings next to the tall buildings were even ignited by the fire, and the walls collapsed. Cracking, countless gasoline and various soaps, sugar and other industrial products are undergoing violent chemical reactions, splashing out and igniting wherever they land.

  The roaring shock wave swept nearly a kilometer in radius, flying sand and rocks, dark mushroom clouds blew up from the cracks, and countless glass fragments fell down, falling into the flames and melting into a transparent paste.

  Needless to say, the fate of those who were involved was either turned into powder or burned into coke.

  Is it better to live and be used as a tool to drain out the value and lose one's life and self, or is it better to die in an explosion?
  They chose the latter without permission.

  Because the former is not considered alive, but just a walking zombie.

  It was as if flames from hell were engulfing and burning the entire building.

  Explosions are art.

  The huge artwork reflects the flickering fire in the eyes of the editor of destiny.

  Looking at the large fireworks that took me an hour to prepare, I felt a full sense of accomplishment.

  He let out a satisfied sigh: "... What a fucking relief!"

  (End of this chapter)

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