40. Chapter 40 Four and a half hours

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  Chapter 40

  The poison was drunk for four and a half hours.

  That's not a glass of wine.

  "How does it taste?" Su Ruoli asked.

  "It's very bad... It's like adding fermented bean curd and chili sauce to orange soda that has been stored for three days in the summer." Bai Yu covered his mouth: "I don't really want to aftertaste it." Unscrew the kettle, take a sip and rinse your mouth

  . The strange smell dissipates.

  "Is it effective?"

  "I don't know, I have to find a shadow spider to try." Bai Yu flexed his wrist: "But I rushed to drink the poison, and you don't even admire my courage?" "Already

  here I'm impressed. Do you need me to praise you?" Su Ruoli cast an encouraging look: "You did a great job and you are very manly." "...

  Although it is deliberately pretending, I am still very encouraged. ." Bai Yu also responded. A few well-placed jokes can effectively dilute the sense of alienation. Here are some tips for the workplace.

  "If we don't send you to the hospital within twelve hours, you will be poisoned to death." Su Ruoli brought the two of them back to reality with one sentence: "If we can't get out of here within twelve hours, we will die together... ...From now on, we are a complete community of destiny."

  She felt that it was necessary to emphasize this matter.

  Bai Yu just rolled his eyes. There was no need to explain this kind of thing a second time. When he walked in, he didn't expect to leave intact. At worst, I would hand over my body.

  Su Ruoli opened her mouth, but fell silent again.

  Now is not the time for pretentiousness.

  He woke up Hua Li and Ruan Qingxue and got the information.

  Bai Yu made a suggestion this time: "Go to the near side to rescue people first, and then go to the far side. There is no need to spread out at this time. If it is an opponent that cannot be dealt with, it will waste more time." According to him

  , Analyze the situation with your own eyes: "If the students are captured by the shadow spider, it will be relatively safe. At most, they will be hung up as food storage, so they will not die immediately." Su Ruoli asked: "Are you sure

  ? "Yes?"

  "99% sure."

  "...Okay." Su Ruoli nodded in agreement.

  No matter what suggestions Bai Yu puts forward, she will most likely agree in the end. This does not mean that she does not have her own ideas.

  Bai Yu had previously proposed to save only one party, but she rejected it.

  It seems that taking the initiative to drink poison this time has improved Su Ruoli's favorability and unlocked the third option.

  "The direction is over there." Ruan Qingxue took the initiative to stretch out her finger to guide the way.

  Bai Yu and Su Ruoli took their positions in advance.

  "Two extraordinary beings, both of the second level..." Bai Yu closed his eyes, pretending to sense murderous intent, but in fact directly revealed the spoiler based on actual combat experience: "The bald man in the cloak is a summoning mage, who can control skeletons to generate white bones; the other One with yellow hair is very fast and has no special extraordinary abilities. He is a martial artist, but his basic skills are quite solid."

  "Deal with the summoning system first..." "

  No, the summoning system has a bone shield to protect itself, which is difficult to break. First, Kill another martial artist. He has an old injury on his right leg and ankle. Aim for this point." "

  ...Is your perception so strong?" Su Ruoli cast a puzzled look: "You even know the old injury?"

  " Yes, it's all about perception." Bai Yu also returned a firm gaze.

  Su Ruoli pouted slightly, then immediately pulled out the soft sword from his waist, pressed his left hand on the ground, bent his left leg, pressed down his right leg, and started to accumulate strength in a long-distance running starting position.

  Like an agile leopard, when Bai Yu's gunshot sounded as a command, the green light on Chu's waist pulled out an afterimage.

  The first second-level transcendent, Huang Mao, is a martial artist. Bai Yu originally thought he could fight Su Ruoli in more than a dozen moves, but...

  almost in the blink of an eye, Su Ruoli swung three swords, and the first sword was blocked. , the second sword cut off his right leg, and the third sword cut him in half.

  Before Bai Yu's magazine was emptied, the first person had been killed.

  This also confused the other transcendent person.

  It wasn't until Su Ruoli pointed the sword at him that he hurriedly reacted and shouted: "Don't come here!" He

  threw a white bone, which turned into a half-skeleton of some kind of beast in the air and fell directly.

  Immediately afterwards, a flash of green light was thrown out from the gap in the skeleton, and the Chu Yao Sword pierced the summoner's body. The next moment, it was defended by a looming forest-white bone shield.

  "Huh, okay..." He just breathed a sigh of relief, but saw that the bone shield had cracked, and a gun was pointed at him from the side.


  Bai Yu blew away the smoke from the gun: "It hit the center of the eyebrow."

  "Stop being cool and give me a hand..." Su Ruoli's hand came out from under the frame: "It's so heavy."

  Bai Yu just said When she was about to stretch out her hand, Hua Li and Ruan Qingxue ran over first, lifted her up and pulled her out.

  Then the two students began to count the number of people and take care of other students.

  Ruan Qingxue was responsible for soothing her emotions before untying her: "Everyone, please don't make a sound, don't panic, try to talk as little as possible, keep your emotions under control, if anything happens, unless it's a particularly urgent matter, we'll talk about it after you get out, okay?" Hua Li collected the things at hand

  . All available items were used to make temporary medical equipment to bandage and treat the wounded.

  A considerable number of students have been injured after entering the shadow world, because the impact point is not necessarily the ground, but may also be mid-air.

  One of the students was in serious condition. His thigh was directly pierced by the steel bar and he could hardly move. He had to be carried by others on a simple stretcher and could not be pulled out to avoid more blood loss.

  To Bai Yu's deep surprise, all the students were very cooperative, without any disagreements, and there was a certain tacit understanding in the silence... They knew what to do, and they carried out a set of operations smoothly, as if they had experienced earthquake relief. Fire brigade trainee.

  "Is there anything strange?" Su Ruoli found him after pulling out her sword.

  "It's strange..." Bai Yu touched his chin: "Are all students today of such high quality?"

  Su Ruoli was puzzled: "Isn't this basic? It has been taught in school for a long time." "

  School Are these things taught here?"

  "Earthquake relief, disaster drills, two-week winter and summer vacation internships." Su Ruoli read out some casually: "Just this kind of training, everyone has experienced it at least ten times since childhood. , an overall review is required once every half a year on average. It is natural to do this step. If you fail to pass the test, you will be caught to make up lessons." Bai Yu: "...


  ...I still know very little about this world.

  Because we have been living under the direct threat of the shadow world for a long time, education must be practical rather than pretentious. Maybe this is the real compulsory education... "

  Next, move to the other side?" Su Ruoli asked.

  "There is a problem now." Bai Yu counted: "There are already eleven people, and half of the wounded are still there. It is impossible for us to move quickly with the wounded. The shadow spiders are all over the nest, and they are the same as before. Their actions are completely different. For those who cannot get up quickly, manpower must be left to protect their safety...and we still need to find the next twenty or so students." What's more important is that

  these twenty or so students have already His body was completely paralyzed by the poison injected by the shadow spider, and he couldn't even speak, let alone walk.

  This means that people are needed to carry it. At present, there are only six students who can serve as porters. It takes at least four rounds to carry six people in one round.

  In the intricate shadow spider lair...can it be done in time?
  More importantly, during the transportation process, shadow spiders will also come to the door, as well as an unknown number of organization members.

  "It is very difficult, but we must..." Su Ruoli also figured out the problem, but this is not a question of whether it is difficult or not. Should we not save it because it is difficult?
  "Anyway, send this batch of wounded out first."

  Bai Yu nodded: "Let's start transporting them now...I'll go explore the situation on the other side." "

  Be careful."


  Bai Yu waved his hand and stood up and walked away.

  He thought it was impossible to clear the dungeon this time. What he needed to do next was not only to save people, but also to memorize and draw the map of the entire Shadow Spider lair.

  Only by fully understanding the map structure here can you maximize efficiency.

  "I really don't know how much time it will take."

  Bai Yu said to himself: "But this is the only way to do it. After all, I am not a smart person, so I can only use this stupid method."

  He began to measure the entire shadow spider with his steps. nest.

  One of the benefits of a time traveler is his strong memory, which means he doesn't need to run the route a second time, nor does he need to spend a lot of effort to remember the map he ran last time.

  But the Shadow Spider's lair is still complicated, and even if you have a complete memory, you will inevitably get lost, because there are too many unlit black areas on the map.

  The fog of war is everywhere.

  So what you have to do now is to walk through all the forks as much as possible, remember the height differences and dead ends, and determine which way you can go and which way you can't go.

  Reality is not a game. There is no air wall, and there is no ladder to build a ladder. Humans also have knees, and people cannot be killed even if they fall from a height of five meters.

  In the process of running the map, Bai Yu also discovered that although his memory was strong, it was not completely without errors.

  Although I won't forget it, it doesn't mean I can remember it.

  This means... having a universal search engine leading to the memory bank. The memories in it can be retrieved at will, but you will forget what you should search for.

  This is a typical memory bug.

  Due to drinking the poison, Bai Yu's journey was relatively smooth, and he encountered a shadow spider. The latter did not actively attack him, but just quietly dormant in place, because these shadow spiders could not enter many areas.

  If you take the initiative to get close and try to use the "brother, give way" move, you will be attacked and driven away.

  However, Bai Yu successfully found the shadow spider's lair.

  After spending two hours running the map, I finally came to the conclusion that... there is a shortcut, but you can only enter, not exit.

  Wanting to rescue people, Bai Yu tried the shortest path known, but it still took nearly thirty minutes.

  This was even when he was ignored by the shadow spider, and encountered the shadow spider no less than three times on the way.

  The good news is that we only saw a group of three remaining organization members, all of whom were first-level extraordinary. They controlled two students and were easily solved by Bai Yu.

  After that, there is the boring process of running the map, transporting people back one after another.

  Bai Yu did not forget to look for his own shadow, and asked all the students who were rescued and still conscious. No student had seen the young Bai Yu.

  Just like that, half of the fifth hour passed.

  Just when Bai Yu finished transporting for the fifth time and the number of students rescued reached twenty-three, he felt a strong...aura.

  A literal scent, a floral scent.

  In the dead and silent shadow world collapse area, a bright red petal fell into his palm.

  The copy starts four and a half hours later.

  The third-level extraordinary rose girl arrived.

   Adjust the update time.

    If there are saved manuscripts, the updated chapters will be released at six o'clock.

    Previously, the time was set at eight o'clock to make more complaints even. However, it seems that Qidian is different from Shuke. Readers' desire to complain is not very high, but their desire to attack is the same as the next version.

  (End of chapter)

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