39. Chapter 39 Return

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  Chapter 39 Back to file

  Bai Yu put his hand on his forehead: "Sure enough, you have to pay a price for everything."

  The feeling of having his head blown out still remained, making him feel that his head was itchy, as if he wanted to grow a brain. .

  "This is troublesome. No information has been found."

  "The dungeon has been closed. Is it also Zhou Ben, who can only challenge it once a week?"

  Log in to the Chronicle of Heroes and start checking.

  [Shadow Spider Lair]

  Good news: The copy is still there and has not disappeared.

  Bad news: You can't log in directly.

  [Resetting the dungeon requires consuming 1 destiny point]

  "Huh?" Bai Yu was greatly shocked: "Even playing the dungeon requires consuming destiny points?"

  He was just exaggerating.

  What I think in my heart is that if you can repeat trial and error, it is definitely not a loss. It is just a little bit. Blood profit, follow!

  Decisively invest 1 destiny point and log in to the instance again.


  "Why are you in a daze?"

  A hand waved in front of Bai Yu's eyes.

  "...Am I distracted?"

  Bai Yu looked around: "This... doesn't seem to be a familiar fruit stand."

  "What kind of fruit stand..." Su Ruoli lowered his voice and reminded: "You must not do it at this time. Something's wrong, there are three enemies ahead!"

  After hearing these words, Bai Yu had already made a decision.

  When I log in to the dungeon again, does it automatically load files?

  "Let me remind you before taking action." Bai Yu reacted and began to correct the mistakes of the previous round: "I can't sense the unconscious object. There may be some reason for these three people to stay in the passage." "

  伱You mean, there may be hostages?"

  "Hmm... But the other party has nothing in his hand. The hostages should be on the ground." Bai Yu said succinctly: "You go and distract the other party, and I will kill two first-order ones... You Just go and kill the second level, don't waste any extra energy."

  Su Ruoli agreed.

  This time, Bai Yu adapted to Su Ruoli's speed, and the two first-order ones were shot dead directly, while the second-order ones were killed by a sword that sealed their throats before they could react and activate their skills.

  "The cooperation is good." Su Ruoli didn't lose control when he saw the two unconscious classmates because he was reminded to open the window.

  Then he woke up Hua Li and Ruan Qingxue.

  They gave the same clues as before.

  Su Ruoli made the exact same proposal, but this time Bai Yu denied it.

  "You go deal with the organization, and I'll save people." Bai Yu decided to change the order, and his attitude was very firm: "I have the sense of killing intent and can judge the number of shadow spiders to avoid them, but you are afraid that you can't." "

  ... Okay." Su Ruoli also accepted. She knew where her weaknesses and strengths were: "But can you deal with the shadow spider?" "I will

  reserve a bullet for myself."


  separate actions again .

  Bai Yu wanted to find out where the place Hua Li mentioned was.

  When I arrived a few minutes later, I found that the entire place was deserted except for a few pools of blood.


  "No, there are traces of blood dragging here. They were taken away." Hua Li's face changed greatly: "Go and save people!"

  After saying that, he tried to rush forward, but Bai Yu was rude. The shot hit the ground directly, causing her to jump in fright.

  "Calm down little girl, you just rushed in and died in vain." Bai Yu half comforted and half forced: "Just stay here and don't move, do you understand?" When the little girl saw

  Glock 17, she had to agree even if she didn't agree. , nodded like garlic, found a corner to hide.

  Bai Yu started to follow the blood trail alone, and spent a full three minutes going around and around in the spider web.

  He stopped and felt strange: "What's going on with this blood stain... I've been going around in circles for so long, why is there no one there?" Even

  if he followed the blood stain, he was completely lost and couldn't find his way back. road.

  He could only bite the bullet and move forward.

  I felt like a mouse attracted by cheese smeared on the ground, unaware that I had fallen into a trap.

  The blood trail came to an end, and in front of it was a depression that was bottomless.

  With the thought that everything has come.

  He jumped.

  Then there was an extremely crisp sound of bone cracking under his feet.

  Looking around, I saw an extremely familiar scene.

  It was the scene of mountains of corpses that Bai Yu had seen in his memory recall... And on the walls and ceilings around these corpses, human bodies entangled with spider silk hung, and dozens of shadow spiders crawled, They diligently packed the prey into bacon and hung it up.

  The expressions of the students were dull and stiff, and they did not speak. Because they were injected with the toxin of the shadow spider, their whole bodies were paralyzed, they had no sense of pain, and their five senses were completely lost. They could not hear or see.

  This is the deepest part of the Shadow Spider's lair.

  When Bai Yu appeared, dozens of shadow spiders crawling on the wall had jumped down, completely surrounding his non-existent escape route.


  There is no negotiation, only gunfire!
  The gunfire went off and lasted for less than two minutes.

  Bai Yu tried his best to kill seven shadow spiders, which was less than double digits. Compared with more than fifty shadow spiders, it was not considered any damage at all.

  It was just because he made such a fuss that the mountain of bones collapsed.

  Bai Yu was lifted into the air, and he saw clearly the scene in the hill below from a high place... It was a huge shadow spider.

  A full level of thirty-seven is extremely dazzling and conspicuous.

  When he fell to the ground, Bai Yu's leg was broken. He coughed up a mouthful of old blood and his whole body was trembling.

  He used his last bit of strength to raise the muzzle of the gun, pointed it at his temple, and pulled the trigger.



  [Victory and defeat are common things in military affairs. Your Excellency, please try again]

  "This road is a dead end, leading to the depths of the nest, and the spider queen is sleeping inside..."

  Bai Yu sat cross-legged in yoga. Pad.

  The two deaths did not consume much of his mind. He and the shadow aliens had dug out each other's hearts and lungs many times before, so this was nothing.

  "Maybe most of the students have been captured by the shadow spiders. Once they are injured, the smell of blood will attract the shadow spiders..." "The

  thirty-seventh level Spider Queen is far beyond what I can handle now. That monster's The size is not scientific at all. How can an arthropod be so big?"

  "What kind of cheating dungeon can you pass level 15?"

  Bai Yu cursed and pulled out his hair.

  He really couldn't figure it out, so he got up and washed his face, then put down a bowl of noodles and added an egg.

  After eating and drinking enough, Bai Yu replenished his energy and began to re-examine the current problems.

  "Currently, whether Su Ruoli or I go to the nest alone or together, we are going to die. We have no means to deal with the Spider Queen." "If we are

  dealing with members of these organizations, it is not a problem, but this is only Less than one-third of the people could be saved, and at least twenty students in the Spider Queen's lair were captured."

  He noticed a misunderstanding: "But this is a little unreasonable." "

  Students are the target of the organization, and There should be conflicts between the prey of the shadow spiders." "

  The organization spent so much energy to move the first grade of high school class to the collapse area, is it just to give the shadow spiders extra food?" "

  The mountains of corpses... I Remember that when spiders eat, they inject venom to melt it and then suck it instead of chewing it... With the size of the shadow spider, can it leave so many bones?"

  After thinking about it.

  "The information is still not enough."

  [Reset Dungeon]

  [Start to enter]


  "Hey, I have come to my senses..."

  "I have come to my senses." Bai Yu said: "I need more information, preferably We got enough information from the black organization."

  "Are you going to arrest and torture him?" Su Ruoli hesitated, "Can you succeed?"

  "There is no chance to arrest the second-level transcendent, so we will arrest the first-level one." Bai Yu Said: "This is within the controllable range."


  This girl is always very cooperative.

  They are still the same three familiar hapless guys, even their movements and postures are exactly the same.

  The difference is that Bai Yu changed one of the bullets from shooting at the head to shooting at the knees.

  But because he was not killed with the first shot, the battle did not end so quickly.

  It took an extra thirty seconds to kill the second-level extraordinary, and the first-level member who knew he couldn't run away after being shot through the knee was tough enough and killed himself directly.

  Bai Yu: "..."

  He sighed: "It's a waste of time, we should catch another one."

  He raised his gun.

  Su Ruoli's eyes widened: "What are you going to do!"

  "Start your life again."

  Bang -!

  Another copy reset.

  This time, a transcendent was successfully captured. This transcendent seemed not good at fighting and was easier to deal with than before.

  After this person was captured, Bai Yu directly lifted the other person's mask and found that he was a Caucasian... and he was actually a global organization.

  "Can you speak Daxia dialect?"

  "Yes, a little bit."

  "Spit out the information, and I can leave you a whole body." Bai Yu said coldly: "Otherwise, I have a hundred ways to torture you."

  After reciting the top ten tortures of the Qing Dynasty, he put the muzzle of the gun against the opponent's forehead: "How did you control this nest?" "A thaumaturgy... a thaumaturgy that is effective on the

  Spider Queen. "


  "I don't know the specifics. It's a thaumaturgy performed by a high-level extraordinary person." The other party hesitated and couldn't understand: "My level is too low. I really don't know. It can force the Spider Queen to fall into sleep." , will last for several days."

  "Is it because of thaumaturgy that you can go to the shadow spiders to snatch their prey?" "

  Yes, it's because we swallowed the shadow spider toxins and they can't sense it..." "

  Toxin? "Bai Yu raised his eyebrows.

  "This extracted toxin can last for twelve hours, but you must take the antidote before that, otherwise you will suffer intestinal rupture..." "

  Where is the poison?"

  "We all have it!"

  "Where is the antidote. "

  Only superiors have it, none of us..."

  "Superior?" Bai Yu said in a low voice, "For example, Rose Girl?"

  "I, I can't say..." The white man's face was extremely painful: "I said it. You will die."

  "You will die if you don't tell me!" Bai Yu continued to press: "Answer me, what is your organization..." Before he

  finished speaking, he saw this person suddenly rushing towards him with a fierce look in his eyes, and died. Holding Bai Yu tightly, blood gushed out from his seven orifices, and he shouted crazily: "Let's die together!"

  The explosion at close range was too close.

  Su Ruoli's hands were quick and he cut off one of the man's hands. Bai Yu kicked the man's chin and kicked him out of the passage. His body fell to the bottom. The sound of landing was heard for less than a second, followed by a harsh sound. The roaring and crackling sound rang through my ears, like a high-explosive grenade, and blood-red flames filled the air.

  Bai Yu tore off the severed arm and threw it aside. He glanced at the direction of the explosion: "At least we have some useful information now." He took out a

  black glass tube from the body and threw it away without knowing what it was. , I didn’t expect it to be the key item.

  "It looks like there's only enough for one person." Bai Yu shook the glass bottle.

  Su Ruoli raised his hand and asked for it: "Give it to me."

  "Think clearly, if you can't find the antidote, you will die, and if the antidote is in the hands of the cadres of the other organization, you will be at least a third-level transcendent. Even if you are a heroic spirit, you are far from an opponent."

  "It's okay." Su Ruoli pretended to be relaxed and said: "I am still a heroic spirit. I heard that high-level heroic spirits are immune to all attacks and poisons. Maybe I will It will heal without medicine~"

  Bai Yu also smiled: "What you said does make sense."

  He raised his head and drank the toxin in one gulp, dropping the glass tube, not even giving him a chance to lick the bottle.

  "But, I am unreasonable."

  Anyway, it was the editor of fate who was poisoned. What does it have to do with me, Bai?
  (End of chapter)

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