352. Chapter 352 Twenty Years Ago

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  Chapter 352: Twenty years ago,
  time flew by and another ten days passed.

  In these ten days, Bai Yu didn't do anything big.

  An ordinary life, an ordinary chronicle of the liver hero.

  The mileage of the Dragon Vein Realm has reached fifty miles, officially entering the second half of the journey.

  During this period, they also raided hell several times in a row, and the three people's realms improved rapidly.

  Elise, who finally stepped into the second level, was the one who improved the fastest. Coupled with Bai Yu's good luck, she has eaten two devil hearts in a row this week.

  This thing is as good as a gem of experience for any Western practitioner. She also lived up to Bai Yu's expectations. Not only did she catch up, she also came from behind.

  According to her time flow rate, it only took less than a month to reach level twenty-seven.

  Amemiya Mahiru, inspired by Bai Yu deliberately, began to study Shinto Geninryu, and initially achieved results.

  Since the two heroic spirits worked so hard, Bai Yu could naturally wait for the experience feedback of the two girls to feed him.

  He is also already at level twenty-seven.

  Calculating the time, it doesn't take long to break through to the second level.

  This has already begun to hit the third level, which is really ridiculously fast.

  Even Mu Yaoxi and Su Ruoli's upgrade speed was obviously not as exaggerated as his.

  Of course, the most difficult thing is not the speed of upgrading, but the leap of realm... What stops thousands of troops is not level 21 to level 30, but the threshold from level 30 to level 31.

  Levels are easy to obtain, but realms are difficult to rise.

  Anyone can go from the first year of high school to the third year of high school, but there are still only a few who get into top universities. This is the difference.

  In the world of extraordinary people, there is no opportunity to take make-up exams and repeat exams. The only way to go is to overcome obstacles.

  If you sail against the current, you will retreat if you don't advance.

  The harder I work in Chronicle of Heroes, the more I run around in Horai Academy.

  Either go to Danding Academy to find a class to hang up, or go to Qianchen Society to sort and collect them.

  I see Bai Feng Ai every Thursday when I go out at night, and her swordsmanship level has indeed improved compared to the last time, which proves that Bai Yu's theory of cyclic perpetual motion can be realized.

  Most students have a regular schedule when they go to school, and he also gets into the mood in advance.

  At this time, there is only the last week before the new students enroll, which means that there are only a few days left before the end of the summer vacation. At the same time, the first batch of freshmen admitted to Penglai is about to complete the entrance examination.

  Bai Yu was a little excited to see his old classmates after thinking about it.

  After all, he had already stirred up troubles before these freshmen entered school, and was already regarded by the old students as the leader of the new generation.

  Some people have already started fighting crickets electronically on the Penglai Academy forum, comparing Bai Yu's combat prowess with other Jiao Yang's combat prowess when they entered school.

  The 'Qianchen Society Support Group' appeared from nowhere and successfully engaged in a verbal battle with scholars, quoted scriptures, analyzed them in real time, and released videos.

  Finally, after fighting for thousands of floors, he unilaterally announced that Bai Yu was the strongest newcomer in ten years by banning him if he couldn't argue.

  Bai Yu's reputation could not go down at all during this period, but whether it was flattery or mean words, it greatly increased his reputation.

  This is not a good thing in the media era. If there is a slight disturbance, people from all over the country will come to eat.

  In fact, his fame has not only stayed in Penglai, but has also spread to universities across Daxia.

  Being able to have a relationship with Huang Qixia, she didn't even take a step back when facing Long Jianquan, and her two innate heroic bloodline men could instantly kill the third level at the second level... All kinds of exaggerated news that did not deviate from the truth seemed to have wings and flew out.

  Students from the four major watch schools already know that Penglai Academy already has one of the strongest newcomers in ten years before school starts.

  The 'Qianchen Society Support Group' touts this: If Bai Yu can break through to the third level in his freshman year, then he will be the strongest newcomer in a hundred years; if he can break through to the grandmaster in his sophomore year, he will be the seventh Haoyue!
  Those who are interested add fuel to the flames, and those who are happy take care of the food.

  Many people are beginning to look forward to Bai Yu's next performance and whether he can accomplish this feat.

  Although these reputations are currently limited to the student group, they have laid a solid foundation for subsequent fermentation.

  If you want to become famous in Penglai Academy, you must be on the famous list.

  This is also what many students who don't agree with his strength are talking about now.

  Bai Yu has not participated in the ranking competition so far. When he enters the top rankings, whether he can withstand the pressure of ranking competition will be the key.

  Of course, entering the charts is only the first step.

  There will be more tests to follow.

  The most important thing is the college league and Shenwu Cup. The battle between the four major watch schools and Penglai has been going on for a long time.

  Long Jianquan's battle to become famous was fought against the Haoyue title holders of the four major watch schools in the league.

  The Shenwu Cup is a warrior competition held by the Shenwu Division and is held on average once every four years.

  Because it is open to all of Daxia, the scale is larger.

  It's a pity that no matter which one it is, Bai Yu doesn't have much time left.

  The Shenwu Cup starts in a year; the college league starts in five months.

  Typically freshmen don't get drafted.

  If you want to participate, you must at least be in the top thirty of the rankings to be eligible.

  Someone on the forum has already laid out Bai Yu's route to fame in the future. According to the route planned by the other party, he only needs to complete one of the three goals within the first grade, and he will definitely be able to secure his position as the strongest in ten years. , no one can question it anymore.

  The first is to enter the top 30 on the ranking list; the second is to be promoted to the third level of extraordinary; the third is to successfully defend Penglai's title in the college league.

  I have to say that although this group of people were idle, they at least made their words clear.

  These are not problems in Bai Yu's eyes. As long as he can be promoted to the third level, everything will become simple and easy.

  It's just that he doesn't intend to cater to the outside world's opinions, and he will honestly find a time to take the Danshi certificate test.

  It always felt weird that he needed his adopted son Hua Yuan to open a room for him to refine elixirs. At present, the news that he can make alchemy has not been spread, it is only spread in a small area, or some people are suspicious, but there is no evidence, probably no one will believe that he is so good at fighting and can refine third-grade elixirs.

  Today Bai Yu decided to relax and have a rest. When he turned around, he saw Tao Rusu nestled on the sofa watching TV, laughing while watching, holding potato chips in her hand, wearing hot pants, exposing her navel and flat and smooth belly. , calves kicking everywhere.

  It has not yet entered autumn, but the weather on Penglai Island is not that hot, and she is becoming less and less particular about dressing and grooming.

  Before, I always dressed politely before leaving the bedroom, but now I can even run around the villa in my underwear... When will the increase in favorability unlock this special outfit?
  He picked up the blanket and threw it to cover her face: "Put on your clothes."

  Tao Rusu practiced too hard yesterday and was resting today. She had just applied a layer of maintenance ointment on her body. Of course she didn't want to put on clothes. She pouted and said, "You don't look at it anyway." "How do you know I don't look at it

  ? "

  Since you saw it, why do you have to cover it up?"


  The logic is closed.

  Duk duk duk -

  the knock on the door gave Bai Yu a reason, and he winked. The latter could only reluctantly go to the basement and put on a long coat.

  At this time Su Ruoli opened the entrance door, and there were two acquaintances standing outside the door.

  No, familiar dragon.

  Long Zuoyou and Long Mingcheng.

  Bai Yu waved his hand: "Close the door and let the dogs out."

  Qin Xuezha, who was sitting and drinking tea, raised his hand, and with a whoosh, the snake-belly sword flew out, and the sword tip pointed directly at the two of them, but it did not hurt them. Like a dangerous cobra, it keeps shaking its neck from side to side, sending out threatening tremors.

  Long Zuoyou cupped his fists and said, "We are here to visit you sincerely, but can we have time to talk?"

  Bai Yu was too lazy to pay attention and wanted to close the door directly.

  Tao Rusu walked up the stairs after hearing the noise and saw the two people outside the door, and her expression suddenly changed.

  When Long Zuoyou was thinking about how to persuade, Tao Rusu said: "Let them come in."

  Bai Yu turned sideways: "Are you sure?"

  "Most of the dragons are hard bones, and they will become soft after a beating." Tao Rusu said. Rusu crossed her arms and raised her voice: "You'd better not come empty-handed."

  Long Mingcheng took out the gift and said: "This is a seventy-year-old dragon blood coral."

  "Oh~ why are you two standing at the door blowing the wind? Please come in quickly~" Tao Rusu's voice suddenly became sweet.

  Long Mingcheng: "..."

  Bai Yu said scornfully from the side: "What kind of dragon blood coral, is this all you have?"

  Tao Rusu leaned closer and whispered: "The market price of seventy-year-old dragon blood coral is at least one hundred. Wan, it has the effect of nourishing yin and nourishing yang and prolonging life. It is a favorite among old guys who want to live longer."

  Damn it, it's enough for me to buy a house in Nanling City!

  Bai Yu coughed, and his voice became a gentleman: "You two, please come in quickly, Ruoli... use our best tea!"

  Long Zuoyou: "..."

  This really belongs to that old guy Bai Potian. grandson?

  He was not so tactful when he was young. He was a loser who even smashed a hundred and fifty-year-old dragon-blood coral.

  There is a saying that you should not hit the gift-giver with your hand.

  Bai Yu was short-handed, so he let the two of them into the room and served tea.

  But this does not mean that the contradiction between the two parties does not exist. Now it is just giving the other party a chance to speak.

  Hitting someone if they don't like it is something only children do.

  Adults only care about profit.

  One million buys a chance to talk. It's not cheap but it's not expensive either.

  "Time is precious." Bai Yu got straight to the point: "Let's get down to business."

  Bai Potian mentioned some information, but did not go into depth. He probably knew that the Dragon Clan would take the initiative to come over for an interview.

  Interview means seeking peace.

  Is the significance of the Dragon King's direct bloodline so important?
  Bai Yu is thoughtful.

  The old-fashioned and serious Ryuzuo Yu is an iconic dragon, but although he is old-fashioned, he is not stupid, and he also chooses to get to the point directly in one sentence.

  "Miss Tao, I would like to discuss a business deal with you on behalf of Dragon Country."

  "What business?"

  "As long as you help us complete the water walking ceremony of Dragon Country, we can help you awaken the Dragon King's bloodline in your body.

  " Zuo You said one sentence at a time: "Only in this way can you check and balance the overlord bloodline in your body and achieve a state that your father has not achieved."

  Tao Rusu frowned: "What are you talking about?"

  Long Zuoyou picked up the teacup. I put it down because it was too hot.

  He said one sentence at a time: "This matter is the secret of Longzhixiang, and it is also a scandal." "Three key

  people are involved."

  "Ao Muxue, Zhen Shifang, Bai Potian."

  " This matter starts from twenty years ago..."

  (End of chapter)

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