351. Chapter 351 Don’t get close to me, you will become unfortunate

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  Chapter 351 Don’t get close to me, you will become unfortunate.

  “That’s it for today.”

  Bai Yu ended tonight’s sparring session.

  Bai Fengyai was panting and wiped the sweat from his forehead, but insisted on responding politely: "Yes, thank you for your advice." "

  Have a good rest."

  "From now on, every Thursday night at eight o'clock, I will wait for you at this place. Come here." Bai Yu set the time and said lightly: "Come or not, it's up to you."

  ... But if you don't come, you may not be able to see me again.

  Even if he didn't say this subtext, he knew that Bai Feng Ai would definitely not have the guts to disobey him.

  She wouldn't even ask for leave or "in case something happens" to give herself room for negotiation.

  This has been the education received since childhood.

  Bai Feng, who gave her a mouthful of food, was a benefactor, so he repaid the favor with his life; the master who taught her a lesson was also a benefactor, otherwise she would have to listen to whatever the other party said.

  The teacher's request must be fulfilled even if there is thunder and lightning. If you can't do it, there is something wrong with you.

  "Ayi remembers it." She bowed her head seriously and saluted as a disciple.

  If the conversation during the day was too hasty, it was not enough for her to understand what kind of person her master was.

  This exchange was enough for her to draw a general outline in her heart. The other person was not a serious or unkind person, and could even be said to have a good temper.

  It's just that he is too mysterious, and there seems to be a hidden meaning behind every move that he cannot understand.

  She couldn't even tell the power used by the other party... she could just raise her hand and wave the person around.

  This is not the shikigami used by Onmyoji. Even if the latter is injured, it will not have any impact on him.

  Mystery means the strongest power in the world.

  Bai Feng Ai heard from her master that her mystery also came from the gift of the master. Although she was not greedy enough to want to ask for a secret, she thought that the master who could do such a thing must not be able to consider his intentions. God-like big shot.

  Bai Yu's meeting today has indeed created enough strength and mystery in Bai Feng Yayi's heart.

  There are many benefits to this image.

  For example, it can be used as underwear.

  For another example, there are many things that do not need to be explained. The other party will figure it out on their own, which is Dihua.

  Anyway, no matter how hard the little girl tried, she couldn't figure it out. The reason why the master didn't go to see her master was actually because she was so panicked that she was afraid of being locked up in the basement and wheeling rice.

  As long as Bai Yu doesn't explain, his image will not collapse.

  After he finished speaking, he waved his hand to let Shiromine Ai go back. Before leaving, he added: "You can come alone. There is no need to bring someone who is not very smart." This 'not very smart' person is very smart

  . , naturally referring to Hakumine Torataro.

  But something unexpected happened next.

  "...You are not very smart. Are you saying that I have to observe secretly even though I have been discovered?"

  A beautiful figure walked out of the woods and appeared majestically at the edge of Yongrong Pond. The face reflected in the moonlight was cold and cryptic. There was a bit of surprise hidden, and a bit of joy.

  Mu Yaoxi looked at the editor of fate.

  Bai Feng Yayi, who was about to leave just now, stopped and looked at Mu Yaoxi warily.

  This was her first meeting with the daughter of the Mu family.

  Bai Yu choked.

  Why is Mu Yaoxi here?

  Why did my reminder make you explode?
  Although his poker face didn't break down on the surface, there were already tens of thousands of question marks in his heart.

  It's impossible for Bai Feng Yayi to snitch. She doesn't know Mu Yaoxi at all. So... is it just a coincidence?

  Mu Yaoxi is still the same as always... not very smart.

  Bai Yu's eyes were a little more subtle.

  "Long time no see, Editor of Destiny." Mu Yaoxi's eyes were wary and kind: "The last time we met was more than a month ago, right?" "

  Long time no see, Miss Mu." Bai Yu also said hello and raised his eyebrows. She gestured to Bai Feng Yayi not to worry, they are all acquaintances: "I didn't expect to meet you here." "Didn't you

  ?" Mu Yaoxi asked with obvious disbelief: "The editor of destiny will do something unexpected? You Isn't it like looking at the fate of all beings like looking at the fingerprints on the palm of your hand?"

  Bai Yu thought to herself, why don't I remember that I used this sentence to pretend?

  Bai Fengyai was silent and very obedient, but she was confused in her heart. Are these two people familiar with each other?
  Bai Yu spread his hands in a funny way: "If Miss Mu is in a good mood and wants to go out to bask in the moonlight, do I have to know in advance and lay an ambush?" He shook his head and laughed: "It's just a


  Mu Yaoxi snorted, Noncommittal: "I came here to see this foreign student, and it happened that you were teaching her swordsmanship. Is there really such a coincidence in the world?" Bai Yu asked, "What else?" "I don't care where you appear

  . It's strange, but your motives are still unclear, but there is only one thing I can be sure of." Mu Yaoxi was very sure: "She has the ability to take away the samurai sword, and your help and intervention should be indispensable." "So it turns out that she has the ability to take away the samurai sword

  . It's this matter that aroused your curiosity." Bai Yu understood, and cursed in his heart - are you so short of manpower that you even started targeting international students?
  "This demon sword of Kirigiri has killed many people, and it is quite famous in the weapon refining society." Mu Yaoxi said bluntly: "This matter has been spread on the Penglai forum, and Bai Feng Ayi has become famous because of it." "The swordsman Xiang

  Qing Huh?" Bai Yu smiled disinterestedly: "Does Miss Mu have good intentions, or does she have ulterior motives?"

  Mu Yaoxi suddenly fell silent. She paused for a moment before speaking: "I owe you an apology for what happened last time."

  " Oh?" Bai Yu actually couldn't remember much about the last event.

  "I, Mu Yaoxi, am not a shameless person. I should be grateful for the kindness

  I receive from others." "If I repay a favor, I will pay off what I owe you - but similarly, if you have a mysterious origin, I will also treat you differently. Embankment!"

  After Mu Yaoxi said this, the idea came to her mind.

  Bai Yu knew that Mu Yaoxi was too immature in many aspects, so he teased: "Defensive? Then you should report this matter to the police. It might be more interesting if I also become one of the top ten villains.

  " Yao Xi stamped her feet: "Don't be too pushy! I'm just..."

  She clenched her fists: "I'm just more willing to believe that although you have a mysterious origin, you are ultimately a harmless good person."

  Bai Yu shook his head and denied: "What's the matter? The difference between good and evil is just driven by profit. I have my own purpose, and I don't need to tell you about it...Miss Mu, the night is getting dark, please go back." Mu Yaoxi was speechless with the order to exclude guests


  She suppressed her emotions and couldn't say many words for a while.

  She took a few steps closer, as if she wanted to see through the young man's face and see his heart clearly under his face, but in the end all she saw was Gu Jing's unwavering gaze, and the faint gray mist that followed him.

  It isolates perception and brings an endless sense of weirdness.

  "Who are you and what do you want to do?"

  Mu Yaoxi stood beside him and asked with her face lowered.

  "What do I want to do?"

  Bai Yu repeated it, with a hint of self-reflection.

  This is not a question that he has never considered, but a question that he finally put aside after thinking about it many times.

  What I wanted to do at first was just to protect myself.

  But what I want to do now is a little more than self-protection.

  "I have read history books."

  "There are all kinds of characters in the history books. I am moved by their stories, lamented by their missions, and lamented by their final endings." "Some are heroic or depressing

  . Or legendary, or tragic."

  "On occasion, I think - what would have happened if he had made another choice at this time?" "

  If they had survived, how would the world have changed?"

  " If they succeed, can they change anything?"

  "Maybe nothing will change." "

  But at least they won't leave so much regret."

  Bai Yu read out an ancient poem meaningfully.

  "Kicking over the road of life and death with two feet."

  "Carrying all the sorrows of the past and present on one shoulder."

  He said: "Weaving fate is my pleasure."

  Mu Yaoxi could not understand these sighs.

  But her intuition told her that there was a deeper mystery hidden behind the name of the editor of destiny.

  But her imagination was not strong enough to grasp the meaning behind these exclamations.

  "A reminder."

  "You are just a passerby now, cherish your good luck." "

  Don't get close to me, you will become unfortunate."

  The young man walked past Mu Yaoxi, his back gradually disappearing into the moonlight In the shadows that cannot be illuminated.

  (End of chapter)

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