260.Chapter 260 Dependence on each other

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  Chapter 260: Dependent on each other
  After Bai Yu left, another ten hours passed.

  The two Gorgon women had just arrived at the village that was burned to ruins.

  They looked at each other, seeing shock and panic in each other's eyes.

  "Who on earth was responsible for this murderous attack that turned an entire village into... bandits?" Gorgon's sister covered her mouth and nose and sighed as she looked at the cruel scene around her.

  "Looking at such a crude method, it shouldn't be the case. If it were bandits, their goal was just to grab food. They wouldn't set fire to such a large scale. Setting fire would mean slaughtering the village and leaving no one behind." Sister Gorgon Analyzing: "Many people have died here, but a considerable number of people have disappeared. I speculate that they should be slave-catching groups." "Slavery has been

  almost abolished."

  "Only in Rome, so far it has only passed Thirty years is too short, and many concepts have not changed. Even if there are no slaves, classes still exist, and slavery is gradually liberalized... Many sub-races are no longer slaves, but they still retain the heart of a slave. ." Sister Gorgon paused: "Don't forget that there are some rare populations that are not protected by the law, and are not even considered civilians - this kind of indiscriminate killing by slave-catching groups can never be stopped in the past, and in the future It won't stop."

  During the conversation, they walked to the edge of the house that had been turned into ruins.

  I no longer had high expectations because it was too late.

  We can only hope that my sister can survive and leave some clues to find.

  But what surprised them all was that there was a small figure squatting at the door of the house, covered with a black cloak, huddled into a small ball. A layer of snow fell on my clothes and my head.

  The two girls immediately rushed towards her, ran over in two steps, fell to their knees on the ground, and immediately hugged the girl.

  "She..." Sister Gorgon touched the girl's body and felt the warm body temperature.

  "Well, it seems she fell asleep. She was a little weak, but not injured." After checking, the sister breathed a sigh of relief. She stroked the girl's cheek: "She's still alive. Just be alive... She should be waiting. Us."

  "What about Elise's mother?"

  My sister's eyes fell on the container that Elise was holding tightly. She stretched out her hand to open a gap and saw white ashes.

  His breath suddenly became tight, he closed his eyes in pain, and covered the container tightly.

  The sister on the side also realized something, and pain suddenly appeared in her eyes. Purple-black covered her pupils, and her long dark purple hair also danced, as if poisonous vipers were emitting sharp and angry hisses.

  "Control!" the sister scolded. She stood up with the girl in her arms: "At least Elysee is still alive." "

  ...Yes." The sister lowered her head, tears dripping from her eyes: "I'm just unwilling, very unwilling! "

  My sister turned her head, looked at the pure white snowfield, and took a deep breath of the cold and biting air: "Let's go, let's take them home."

  As the last survivor left, the village was completely reduced to a place of death and silence. It was no longer inhabited for hundreds of years.

  Back in the car seat.

  The two put away the urn, and soon noticed the only other item the girl was carrying, which was the cloak she was wearing.

  Without this large cloak to keep her warm, she would most likely suffer from hypothermia, which would inevitably lead to a serious illness.

  "This cloak..." Sister stroked it: "The stitching is fine, and the material is also very good. Not only does it feel comfortable to the touch, it's not particularly thick, but it's very warm." "It looks like goat skin but not like it.

  " He also said strangely: "Elysee lived in that kind of environment. It is impossible to have such good clothes. This quality cannot be found by princes and nobles." "Why do princes and nobles come to such a place?" Sister Gorgon looked

  at Elysee muttered slightly: "Perhaps we will know what happened only when she wakes up... If there is really a kind person passing by, maybe the reason why Elysee was not captured is also dependent on him. Help... this may be considered a blessing in misfortune."


  "What do you want to say."

  "Do you really think that a few people from the slave catching group can do anything to get the third sister? Her blood is pure. Even above us, even if you don't use your power for many years, it should be enough..."

  "Be careful." The elder sister interrupted her sister, and then closed her eyes: "I understand your worries, but for us, There is no choice to withdraw. If we want to fight for the right to freedom, we must make sacrifices." "

  We have no way to withdraw, but... Elysee is different." Sister Gorgon whispered: "We can hide her Get up and at least ensure her safety first."

  "Concealment means risk."

  "I know, but I don't want to involve Elyse, after all... if it really comes to the point of no return in the future." The younger sister said bitterly. Said: "I hope she can live a peaceful and happy life with the regrets of our family." The

  two miserable women in the game held each other's hands and made the next decision silently.


  [Fate weaving has ended]

  [The rewards for this fate weaving are as follows]

  [Fate points +300]

  [Bond level improvement: 0 → 2 (teaming has an experience bonus of 20%)]

  [Currently, the complete panel of the heroic spirit cannot be obtained. ]

  [Please get it in the next training]

  Bai Yu looked at the pop-up information box and touched his chin, thinking it must be because of the little girl.

  At the moment, she doesn't have the strength to be called a heroic spirit, although she has great potential.

  "Just one fate weave gave me a full three hundred points... It's worthy of a three-star rating." "

  Or maybe it's because the impact is relatively long-term, so it has such a big impact?" "

  Ugh... A poor little girl, how has she been persecuted in the past and in the future? She just wants to live with her family, what can be wrong?"

  Thinking about what happened to Alice, Bai Yu's fist hardened.

  The Western world is too outrageous. It was like the Dark Middle Ages. Regardless of whether there was ideological emancipation or not, Europe was a bunch of bullshit and snake gods.

  The rise and fall of the people are miserable, especially in a pyramid-style monarchy country.

  Although the Roman Empire was a republic, it was essentially a class society because civilians and citizens were treated differently... Citizens were essentially the aristocratic power class, and the entire country supported the citizen class.

  Elysee, who lives at the bottom, has naturally become the target of all kinds of exploitation. Her natural bloodline is not a gift to her, but more like a curse that cannot be forgotten.

  The outcome can be considered tragic.

  Either rely on the special bloodline of the Gorgon to become a hawk dog for those in power;

  or live incognito and live like her mother.

  Of course, it goes without saying that the latter will be difficult in life; the former is the choice of the other two Gorgons, and the outcome can be guessed, and it will probably not be too good.

  If she didn't meet herself, she would undoubtedly die at the hands of Saint Jeanne...

  But now that she has herself, the future variables will naturally have to move again.

  "That's all, let's not think about this for now."

  Bai Yu's eyes stopped at the current destiny point.

  Because of the brisk painting during this period, the destiny points have officially exceeded the three thousand mark.

  Even an infrequent ultimate move like all the heroic spirits attacking with an entire army is enough to be used more than ten times.

  It would be a waste to keep so many destiny points unused. It is a pity that Baiyu has no other functions to consume it at the moment.

  There are only two functions for consuming destiny points.

  One is to reopen the dungeon; the other is to summon heroic spirits.

  Generally speaking, there should be a third usage, which is to draw cards.

  It's a pity that the card drawing interface of Chronicle of Heroes has collapsed. It only has a recording function and no new functions.

  This is where the grass grows. Cards that have already been drawn, even if they are drawn repeatedly, will they be of any use?

  What he needs is a new card pool!
  I don’t have a new Heroic Spirit → Then you go and draw cards → The cards I drew are all old Heroic Spirits → Then you go get a new Heroic Spirit → I don’t have a new Heroic Spirit!
  What a standard logical closed loop, simply impeccable.

  Although two cultivation-type Heroic Spirits are enough for him at present, he would not mind at all if there were a few more Afterimage-level Heroic Spirits, which would immediately form effective combat effectiveness.

  What's more troublesome is that you can't use it casually.

  After a brief struggle, he closed his eyes, breathed evenly and fell into sleep.

  (End of chapter)

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