259. Chapter 259 Waiting for you to grow up

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  Chapter 259: When you grow up, you
  can kill someone with just one move.

  What's even more terrifying is that no one can see what method he used.

  I didn't see the light of fighting spirit at all, it seemed that I just relied on skills and physical fitness.

  It's not clear what this person's realm is. If he is a knight, he can see it clearly just by showing off his fighting spirit.

  Could it be a mage?
  But how could a mage be good at close combat?

  Barrow felt incredible and incomprehensible. Although he had heard in the past that top masters were instant kills against the same level, he had never seen a master from this level, and it was not impossible for him to understand the extraordinary system of the East. Characteristics, I just feel that the other party is extremely evil.

  Barrow's eyes flickered, thinking about how to crack it. Suddenly, he caught sight of the igloo in the corner of his vision, and shouted: "Split your hands and catch the little one!" By distracting the opponent and forcing the

  opponent to defend, the flaw will naturally be revealed.

  As soon as these words spread, Elyse's pretty face turned pale in the snow house.

  The cry she just made was completely subconscious. She was very scared. If her black-haired uncle died here, she would not be able to escape.

  Who knew that this would bring disaster to himself and cause trouble to his uncle.

  Several desperadoes had murderous intent flashing in their eyes, turned around and ran towards the igloo, while several others tried to intercept Bai Yu.

  But Bai Yu had turned into an afterimage in mid-air, walked to the front of the snow house like a passing smoke, and stopped them lightly.

  He stood in front of the igloo, turned around and said comforting words: "Don't be afraid."

  Elysee took a hard breath of cold snot, nodded timidly, covered her mouth, and did not dare to say a word or let out any anger.

  The gangster who said before that he could kill Bai Yu in just ten seconds rushed forward first. He was indeed very powerful, with a danger level of nineteen, and he was not far from the Silver Knight.

  A dark yellow fighting spirit clung to the weapon, his eyes burst out with light, and his powerful energy surged as the battle ax fell.

  The three-axe can travel all over the world, relying on its great strength to sink it, and its strength to make bricks fly!
  This move is indeed very powerful. If you resist it head-on, you will definitely be injured, and even a little girl behind you cannot allow Bai Yu to dodge.

  She was too fragile, like a doll full of cracks. A little bit of damage would cost her her life in this bitter cold land.

  This powerful ax brings everyone's hope. They are all eager for this move to suppress this mysterious black-haired young man. Even if it only exposes his flaw for a moment, it will be enough for the other people who surround him to hit him. .

  "Do it while he can't move!"

  Other desperadoes swarmed forward.

  The sturdy man who looked like a Viking pirate with a two-handed battle ax roared with a shocked face: "Back off!" The roar

  spread out with the fighting spirit, and the falling snowflakes were scattered. The other desperadoes subconsciously stopped, but There was no time to stop the forward body.

  "It's late."

  A voice that was calmer and more penetrating than the roar followed.

  The young man standing directly in front of the igloo had a spear in his hand at some point.
  These desperadoes never imagined that this ax could not achieve anything, and it could not even make him move back a centimeter.

  When it comes to the depth of Qi, Bai Yu is far superior to this strong Viking man. When the opponent hits him, it is just the tide hitting the rocks, but his arms are shattered and broken.

  If the fighting spirit is too strong, it will break easily. If it cannot hurt the enemy, it will hurt itself.

  Taking advantage of the opportunity when all these people were approaching, Bai Yu turned his weapon in a circle, at a leisurely speed. With the sharp edge spreading from the tip of the spear, a circle with no visible gap was drawn. .

  Puff, puff, puff... A dull landing sound sounded on the snow.

  Heads fell one after another.

  The light of the flaming phoenix is ​​extinguished at the tip of the spear, and a strand of silk thread is enough to kill a person.

  Bai Yu stepped across the red-spotted snow and looked at the last person: "You are the only one left."

  Barrow raised the cross sword from under his robe. He knew that he could not leave, and the other party would not let him go, so he lost it. Now that he has lost all his valued subordinates, he has no chance of making a comeback.

  The silver-white fighting spirit was released, forming a layer of silver-shining armor around his body. The silver armor clung to his skin, only protecting his chest, leaving his hands, feet, and head intact.

  Bai Yu raised his gun and moved forward, sizing it up and saying, "Is this the Silver Knight's fighting spirit armor? It looks really brittle. If it breaks, it will automatically repair itself?" The Silver Knight's fighting spirit armor is also an outward extension of fighting spirit

  . When I first saw it, I didn’t think it was anything powerful.

  "Who are you..." Barrow gritted his teeth and asked, "Who are you? What you use is definitely not fighting spirit!" "

  Is this important?" Bai Yu asked lightly, a dying person still talks so much. .

  Are you going to tell me my name in front of the Lord of Hell?
  But foreigners are not under the control of the Lord of Hell.

  He opened his mouth in front of the other party and let out a long breath of white mist.

  Although Bai Yu is not following a pure martial arts path, the foundation of his practice still lies in Qi. He should first train Qi and then train Spirit.

  As long as Eastern martial arts cultivators do not reach the realm of martial saints, they will eventually have the problem of running out of energy. Even if their true energy circulates endlessly, it will be exhausted. At this time, it is necessary to introduce energy into the body to regenerate new energy.

  He took the initiative to ventilate, not because he was out of strength, but as a sign that he was going to do something serious next.

  Barrow also realized that he might only have a chance to use his sword, so he immediately became furious and opened his mouth to roar.

  The silver-white fighting spirit continuously swirled and gathered on the swords in both hands, condensing and erupting, and the nearby snowfield was illuminated like daylight.

  Bai Yu raised the spear in his hand and threw it high, power flowing and transforming in his palm.

  The killing intent of the earth... This move should be used to kill people. The more enemies you kill, the stronger the move will be and the deeper your understanding will be.

  The moment the Lion Heart Spear pierced the ground, the silver knight sword also slashed down.

  Roars, roars, silver light, dragon roars... all erupted at the snap of a finger, and then disappeared in an instant.

  Elysee in the igloo tried to open her eyes to see clearly, but her sight was quickly obscured by the waves of snow and strong wind coming towards her.

  The white snow swallowed up her little snow house like a wave and extinguished the fire in the house.

  Elise's body was pressed down by the heavy snowflakes, and she couldn't stand up for a moment. Just when she was about to run out of breath, a hand grabbed her and pulled her out of the snow.

  "Cough cough cough..." the girl coughed.

  She felt a warm embrace. The young man hugged her and patted her back gently, making her cough out the snow in her airway.

  After wiping away her nose and tears, Elise looked back and saw a corpse kneeling on the ground.

  His left hand was missing, and his body was in pieces, like a tomato pierced by bullets. Only one arm was left holding a broken sword.

  "Is he dead?" Elise asked cautiously.

  "He's dead." Bai Yu nodded in response.

  "Then I don't have to run away?"

  "The bad guy is dead, so there's no need to run away anymore. I'll take you home, okay?"

  "Well... go home." Elise lowered her head and grabbed the young man. The hem of his clothes, big tears welling up in his eyes.

  Without the slave-catching group, she could finally escape again.

  I can go back to my home that I will never return to, and see my mother for the last time.

  Bai Yu led her through the snowy field, followed the road, and walked all the way back. After more than three hours, she finally returned to the original village.

  Part of the slave-catching group had already moved away the captured slaves, leaving behind an empty and dilapidated village, with green smoke still floating in the air and the flames extinguished.

  There was no one to clean up the corpses, they were scattered around randomly.

  Elysee dug out her mother's body in the snow.

  But she was of the Gorgon clan, so her head was cut off and taken away, leaving only half of her frozen body.

  This time Elysee did not shed tears. She was somewhat used to it and almost calmly accepted the fact that the body of her loved one was incomplete.

  After that, the body was cremated, the ashes were collected in a container, and the mother was brought back to the family for burial.

  "Your mother's head..." Bai Yu stood in front of the burning fire and said calmly: "It will probably flow into the black market. Whether you can find it depends on your own efforts in the future. After all, this is a shameful commodity. It also depends on luck."

  "Yes, I know, thank you uncle." Elise thanked obediently. After being separated from life and death, she had more time to think calmly and quietly. Although she was still a child, she also She could understand that the young man had no ill intentions towards her. It was the other party who saved her and helped her when she was most desperate.

  Words of thanks cannot be said many times enough.

  But just saying thank you has no effect.

  But she could only say thank you, and she didn't know what she could do to repay her.

  "I don't need your thanks. If you want to thank me, then promise me one thing..."

  Bai Yu looked at the little girl and faced her confused eyes and said: "Grow up well and live well, no matter what your future will be. Whatever you do, you must survive...this is my advice."

  The girl grabbed the corner of her clothes. She understood that even if she wanted revenge, she had to take care of herself.

  "I promise, uncle."

  "So, I'm relieved." Bai Yu put the urn into Elise's hand and said immediately: "Soon, your relatives will come to pick you up, and it's time for me to leave. It's time."

  "Uncle, are you leaving now?" Elise looked a little anxious: "But, but I haven't..." "Not yet?" "No, no,



  she also said I don’t have a reason, it’s just that as an insecure child, I just found someone I can rely on and trust, but I’m about to lose him again.

  After a while, Elise grabbed his little finger: "I don't know uncle yet, and I don't know your name yet."

  Bai Yu was not good at dealing with children, but he didn't want to disappoint the child, so he knelt down and held the He lifted her cheeks and whispered comfort.

  "We will meet again, Elysee."

  "Really?" Elysee was like a drowning person grabbing the straw: "Don't lie to me?"

  "Really, when you grow up, we will definitely Goodbye." Bai Yu promised.

  [The weaving of fate has ended]

  The next moment, he turned into gray mist and disappeared from this place.

  There was a vast expanse of white between the sky and the earth, leaving only the girl standing here alone, covered with the black cloak.

  She grabbed her clothes, wrapped herself in a ball, squatted down and buried her head, not letting herself make any sound.

  (End of chapter)

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