182. Chapter 182 Slap me harder, please!

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  Chapter 182: Slap me harder, please!
  Regardless of whether Bai Yu believed it or not, they believed it anyway.

  He looked like he was rushing to ask for guidance.

  After all, a beating can bring about a period of stress, which is what many students dream of.

  Entering the stress period means being exposed to the extraordinary. There is still more than a month before the college entrance examination. For many students, the extraordinary is out of reach. It really depends on luck.

  In the entire Nanling No. 3 Middle School, there are only seven students who have become extraordinary.

  The average number of transcendences in previous years is 3.6.

  It can be seen that the number of people is small.

  By the way, even if you step into the extraordinary, you may not be able to guarantee success.

  An ordinary or even first-class martial arts university is enough, but if you want to enter a top university, you still have to look at your own strength. Just like Penglai Academy, you need to take an entrance test and pass it before you can enroll.

  At this stage, every bit of progress is important.

  Because the level of most people has stagnated at this stage.

  The sprint started as early as the second semester of the third year of high school. At that time, wealthy families had already begun to use elixirs vigorously and spend a lot of money on the trumpet.

  It was also at this stage that Hua Li's body curve changed from slightly undulating to concave and convex. Several classmates asked her for specific methods, but she could only say haha. You can't tell others that it's overnutrition, right?

  Ordinary families, even if they are unable to purchase large-scale tonics, will still save money and purchase some elixirs through various channels. Qi and Blood Pills, Mingmu Pills, and Jingxin Pills will basically be out of stock during this period.

  Take the situation of Class 1 as an example. Basically, each person has to take one pill a week. In just one semester, he can eat up a family's five or six years of savings.

  If you want to become stronger, you need to spend money.

  If you don’t spend money, you can’t keep up.

  What's even more tragic is that even if you spend a lot of money, you can't keep up.

  Because of the limitations of talent, character, and a bit of inspiration, if you want to step into the extraordinary, it is indeed the cream of the crop.

  Sparring with Bai Yu sent him through several periods of stress... Even if he didn't have to do anything in the future, just staying in the school to teach would have countless people flocking to him to beg him for a beating... In

  fact , there are signs of this now.

  Bai Yu wanted to leave, but unfortunately he was surrounded by a crowd.

  Even other students watching the theater nearby also came over.

  We can only continue to fight.

  However, this was the first time Bai Yu knew that his guarantee rule could also take effect on other people. This had never happened before, and usually it could only happen to him.

  Is it because his own strength has improved that his super powers have been further strengthened?
  But this thing is originally a law of cause and effect. If it continues to be strengthened, it will not penetrate the continental plate with ten punches?

  But he also wants to try to see how far the current guarantee rules can evolve.

  When they fought against Tao Rusu, Qin Xuezhao, and Su Ruoli before, they were unable to promote their opponent's evolution.

  But hitting someone weaker than yourself seems to be a stressful period with one punch.

  But there are too many people here, and if word really spreads, it won’t have a good impact on me.

  He stretched out his hand and said, "Okay, be quiet!"

  The students all fell silent.

  Bai Yu raised a finger: "I can continue to teach you tricks, but there will be a maximum of five people, and they must be people whose own level is close to the stress period." Looking at it, the

  students are usually at level seven. Above, but only six or seven have reached level ten.

  He said and waited for the students to continue their recommendation.

  After a while, the first one came on stage.

  He is a boy from Class 5 named Zhao Gang. He has a strong build and a simple and honest expression. His talent is at the dark yellow level and he seems to have some special bloodline.

  But because of this, it is very difficult for him to break through to transcendence, because the higher the bloodline intensity, the higher the energy required. The same ladle of water can fill a teapot, but not a bucket.

  "Please." Bai Yu spoke concisely and clasped his fists.

  Both sides stood still and began to move.

  The boxing technique practiced by the opponent should be some kind of family-inherited boxing technique. Bai Yu had never seen it before. It was powerful and heavy, but slow and had many flaws.

  In this way, more than thirty moves passed, and the time came to the one hundredth second.

  As the person next to him successfully checked his watch, Bai Yu also launched a counterattack.

  At this moment, he clearly noticed that his guarantee law was taking effect... He couldn't tell what kind of effect it was, but he just felt that it was spreading out through spiritual power.

  At this moment, anything you touch can be transmitted.

  However, it does not have such a strong effect of the law of cause and effect, and is more like an extension of the spiritual power of subjective will.

  In other words, adding an 'enlightenment' special effect to your fist will only be effective on people who are weaker than you.

  This is still within the realm of ten consecutive guarantees, and it has indeed produced some subtle changes that have never happened before.

  Its effective scope is expanding.

  This is naturally a good thing because it is controllable.

  Yes, it's controllable.

  In the past, Bai Yu was always worried about the loss of control of his superpower because he was completely unable to realize when it would take effect and when it would take effect randomly.

  But now, as long as the guarantee is triggered by oneself, one can clearly realize whether it has been activated.

  Now even different ways of using it have been developed, not because it has changed, but because it has changed itself.

  Does that mean that as long as I keep getting stronger, I will be able to fully control it one day?

  With this thought in mind, Bai Yu's fist landed on the opponent's chest, and the latter's upper body clothes immediately exploded.

  The bones beneath the muscle where the fist hit suddenly hardened, as if forming a layer of steel and iron armor for defense.

  The sound that spreads out is extremely clear.

  Bai Yu withdrew his fist, and Zhao Gang stood there with a confused expression for three or two seconds. When he came to his senses, he opened his eyes: "That was..." "Are

  you in a stress period too?" Hua Li stood beside him. asked tentatively.

  "No..." Zhao Gang shook his head.

  The classmates next to me couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. Sure enough, this kind of thing couldn't happen three times in a row.

  Bai Yu crossed his arms and didn't intend to explain.

  Several students who came to join in the fun lost interest and turned around to the side.

  "Anyone else plans to continue sparring?" Bai Yu raised his voice.

  Although many people left to watch the excitement, the students who were originally gathered here were still very enthusiastic.

  Just as Bai Yu was about to continue feeding, a voice came from outside the crowd.

  The assistant teacher outside the martial arts class shouted: "Bai Yu, is Bai Yu here? The director asked you to go to the principal's office!" Upon seeing this,

  Bai Yu immediately responded: "Come over now!"

  He turned back to look at the others: "I'm sorry. Dear classmates, I have something to do,

  so I’ll take a step first.” After saying that, he crossed the crowd and followed the teaching assistant outside the door.

  This time he leaves.

  The crowd will also disperse.

  Someone patted Zhao Gang on the shoulder: "Let's go, Gangzi, why are you dazed? Did that punch just hurt you internally?" "

  No, I'm just a little unbelievable..."

  "What's unbelievable?"

  Zhao Gang shook Clenching his fist, the bones under the entire arm made another crackling sound.

  The strange sound attracted the attention of others.

  Cheng Niansheng exclaimed, "Isn't this right for you?"

  In order to verify what he was thinking, he took a few steps back, jumped up suddenly, and kicked Zhao Gang in the back before the crowd could even issue a warning. .

  The kick was cut off midway.

  Cheng Niansheng almost fell to the ground. He touched his calf and took a breath: "It's really true." "What is it really

  ?" Wu Shanshan was puzzled: "Don't speak half-heartedly!"

  "Let him speak for himself. "Cheng Niansheng immediately turned around and walked out of the martial arts arena: "Oh, I have a stomachache. Let's go to the toilet first." "

  What's the mess." Wu Shanshan put her hands on her hips, and then noticed from the corner of her eye that Qiu Tongtong was also applying oil on the soles of her feet: "Tong Tong, where are you going?"

  "I have a stomachache too, so I started kissing you." Qiu Tongtong exited the martial arts arena and left her figure behind for the others.

  "Didn't your relatives just leave?" Wu Shanshan looked confused. She looked at the others: "Why are they acting weird? And Zhao Gang, what's wrong with you?"

  Zhao Gang patted his forehead and walked over excitedly. Walking away, after hearing this question, he suddenly showed a healthy smile.

  "I'm extraordinary."

  There was silence.

  Three seconds later, the crowd burst into noise, and the person who looked indifferent just now felt like he had turned into a clown.

  "Holy shit! So you're not in a stress period, but you're directly extraordinary?"

  "Three stressors, one extraordinary?"

  "Bai Yu's fist is full of energy, right?" "

  Fart, I'm going to come. I went to a Buddhist temple to consecrate this time, and a stick of incense worth a thousand and eighty dollars is not of any use!" "

  Ouch, ouch, I'm going to get beaten, even if I get beaten, I'm willing to do it, don't stop me, I'm going to get beaten!"

  " Climb, it's your turn for such a good thing!"

  "Father, where is my foster father! Fengxian is here!" There was

  noisy, noisy, complaining, laughing and cursing, it was just a mess.

  "Fuck!" Hua Li suddenly swore: "Those two people just now!"


  "They must have realized it, so they ran away! What a stomachache, I think they are obviously itchy!"

  Everyone: "!!!"

  Hua Li immediately turned around and rushed out of the door: "Hurry, hurry, hurry, we can't let them get the first step!"

  A large group of people rushed out of the martial arts classroom.

  Several people who were still feeding people all looked over.

  After Su Ruoli approached, he grabbed a classmate who hit the door and bounced back: "Weiwei, what's wrong with you? What are you doing?" "Go and



  "If you don't go, it will be too late. ! There are many people waiting in line to be spanked by Bai Yu!" "


  Su Ruoli opened her mouth and froze in place.

  Watching the other party rush out the door.

  However, Weiwei seemed to have remembered something, and turned around and ran back, holding her hand: "Ruoli!"

  She was a little embarrassed, but she gritted her teeth and said, "You and Bai Yu are childhood sweethearts, and you have a great relationship. It's better, isn't it?"

  "I've been my classmate for three years and I haven't asked you for anything...can you intercede for me?" "

  Can Bai Yu punch me?"


  Su Ruoli: "..."

  After being a classmate for three years, this is the first time I heard such a strange request.

  She turned back to the others and cast a pleading look.

  Students, who knows?
  (End of chapter)

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