181. Chapter 181 How could this happen three times!

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  Chapter 181 How could this happen three times!

  In the afternoon.

  Bai Yu returned to school.

  Because there are no cultural classes at all in the afternoon, only martial arts classes.

  Under normal circumstances, it was wrong for Bai Yu to skip classes like this. However, given that he had performed well in the past and had already achieved extraordinary breakthroughs, the dean was too lazy to take care of him. As long as he did not lead other students into trouble, he was allowed to roam around freely.

  When a few talented students gather together, they can strengthen each other, and at the same time, they can effectively avoid hurting the self-esteem of other students. It's a double win.

  However, the more important reason is that Zhang Chushan, the responsible class teacher, has left, and the first class of the third grade of high school is currently in a somewhat free-range state.

  Although the school doesn't want to do this, it is helpless because there are not enough teachers.

  The previous Shepherd incident caused a considerable number of teachers to face the dual choice of transfer or resignation.

  So, students began to teach themselves.

  If the martial arts teacher doesn't have time, it's up to the students to teach, and this task naturally falls on Su Ruoli.

  She was a little pushy at first, but after a few lessons, she naturally got used to it and even picked up the pointer.

  Su Ruoli herself is an innate heroic spirit, and she is definitely enough to teach ordinary students martial arts. She is even more reliable than some martial arts teachers. In addition, she is also a student herself, so she speaks with a more familiar feeling. She is instantly popular among the entire third grade of high school. Few fans.

  In the past, the scope of activities was limited to one class, but now it has expanded to half of the entire grade.

  Bai Yu carried the packaged ferocious beast meat and prepared to go find Qin Xue to take a bath. However, he found no one in the classroom. After asking in the office, he found out that three classes happened to be taking a martial arts class together.

  We bumped into a class, so we took the class together.

  When Bai Yu arrived at the martial arts classroom, more than a hundred students gathered together and were divided into three square formations.

  Bai Yu subconsciously sat next to Tao Rusu.

  "What are you doing here?" A question mark rose above Tao Rusu's head.

  "What are you doing there?" Hua Li waved: "That's Class 3!"

  Bai Yu then realized: "I made a mistake."

  Just as he was about to stand up, Tao Rusu held down his shoulders: " Forget it, if you make a mistake, just make it, don't move, I'm giving lectures above."

  It could be seen that Xiao Taozi was quite happy.

  However, this scene happened to be seen by Su Ruoli who was giving the lecture above. She couldn't say anything and continued to teach... The martial arts class in high school did not have much complicated content. It was just the basics of physical training and Qi training. If you want to rely on the course It is very difficult to break through the extraordinary content, so the focus is still on sparring and feeding moves.

  Most students don't know the importance of fighting, so they need to have the foundation and strength to practice.

  After Su Ruoli saw Bai Yu arrive, the speed of his lectures obviously sped up a lot. He finished the scheduled fifteen minutes in just five minutes and went straight into the sparring process.

  "Next, students who have entered the extraordinary realm, please stand up!"

  She clapped her hands and signaled.

  Then three people in the class stood up.

  Tao Rusu, Qin Xuezha, and...Liu Neng.

  Kong Wen: "?"

  He glanced at Liu Neng: "Let me go, when did your boy break through to the extraordinary?" "

  Just yesterday, he just broke through yesterday." Liu Neng was also a little embarrassed: "It was also because of luck. ."

  "Congratulations." Su Ruoli was happy for his old classmate. Liu Neng's talent was at the yellow level, so it was not particularly surprising that he could break through to the extraordinary.

  "Is there more?" Su Ruoli continued to ask.

  Sitting in the crowd, Bai Yu suddenly felt a thorn in his back. He looked around and saw only Hua Li and Kong Wen in his own class... Wu Shanshan and Qiu Tongtong from Class 5 and several other passers-by ABC were staring at him.

  He had to stand up.

  I wanted to give him a try, but I was caught and used as a sparring partner.

  This rise immediately attracted a lot of attention, because Bai Yu was already a celebrity in Nanling No. 3 Middle School...because he had a childhood sweetheart that everyone, regardless of gender, envied.

  In addition, he only had a white talent, so many people were shocked that he could step into the extraordinary.

  Kong Wen chuckled and said, "You're not surprised, you're surprised! This is complete wood, complete white elm, complete..." Before he could finish his words,

  Hua Li slapped him on the back of the head: "Why are you so proud!" Kong

  Wen rubbed his face: "If he doesn't speak and pretends to be a master, then someone must help explain it. Why can't I help my brother pretend to be awesome? What's the difference between him pretending and me pretending?" Bai Yu narrowed his eyes

  , You can feel the hostility in the crowd to some extent...Young and frivolous people are prone to rebellious and competitive psychology.

  Many of them come from hostility from girls.

  He couldn't help but feel a little pain in his balls.

  "Then, these guys will be sparring with you next...please pay attention to avoid injury." Su Ruoli shouted and separated the field into several areas.

  She walked past Bai Yu and patted him on the shoulder: "Go quickly, many people want to see your skills!" "

  You are afraid that the world will not be chaotic..." Bai Yu looked helpless.

  "No way, I just want everyone to see your handsome side." Su Ruoli clenched her fists and cheered: "Come on, my good Yujing~" Very good... He pulled me


  again A wave of hatred.

  But it’s normal and understandable.

  Bai Yu sighed in his heart. The biggest injury he suffered while playing basketball in his previous life was not being blocked or intercepted, but that the opponent had a girlfriend who brought water and towels but he did not.

  "If you want to spar with me, please line up your team consciously."

  After choosing an open space, he said to a large group of people behind him.

  Only then did I notice that there were quite a few people here, many of whom I knew personally, including classmates and acquaintances.

  He touched his chin: "I actually suggest that you go sparring with the girls. After all, they are good-looking and feel good after being beaten. That's called beauty. Although the meal is fists, it is better than being beaten by a big man like me. Butt?"

  "Okay, stop talking nonsense and start quickly." Wu Shanshan knew Bai Yu's lazy temper and sharp tongue, so she decisively stopped the other party's group ridicule and hatred. She took a step forward: "I'll do it first. !"

  She directly made a familiar starting move.


  "Learned it in the martial arts school!" Wu Shanshan also directly explained that her family background was quite good, but she had no knowledge of extraordinary inheritance.

  "The posture is good, but how much real ability does it have?" Bai Yu put one hand behind his back: "Please." Wu Shanshan's

  eyes focused, stepped forward, and launched an attack with Bagua Youshen palm.

  Baguazhang seems to be a palm technique, but in fact the footwork is also particularly important.

  Baguazhang does not focus on strong attacks. It usually uses mud steps as its basic footwork. It is like walking in the mud. When it is raised, it is like pulling out the legs in the mud. When it is lowered, it has the meaning of stepping on it. Therefore, Baguazhang usually does not take big leaps. , but play steadily, with fast but not big steps.

  Of course Wu Shanshan also knew about it, but when she got close and was about to use her strength, she didn't even see it clearly and slipped out on the spot.

  "The lower body is unstable, and you dare to show your back in front of your face... Of course you can show your back at the same level, but I am one level higher than you. If you dare to do this, you are looking for a fight. Although Bagua is a dirty trick, you are turning too slowly. Got it!" Bai Yu commented sharply: "Next one!"

  Wu Shanshan was not injured, but was pushed in the back.

  Baguazhang will turn around in the face. This was shown in the movie Ip Man. It seems to have a huge flaw, but whoever dares to catch this flaw will inevitably encounter a fierce counterattack. But Bai Yu broke this deliberately set trap in person... Naturally, he showed strength far beyond that of students of the same level.

  The next person to appear was Qiu Tongtong. She blinked and showed her cute little tiger teeth: "Be merciful, classmate Bai."

  Bai Yu still made the same move: "Please."

  Qiu Tongtong was also trained in the martial arts school, but she just practiced It's not Baguazhang, but Wing Chun. This boxing technique has very high upper and lower limits.

  Both sides made more than ten attacks and defenses in the blink of an eye, but because Qiu Tongtong didn't reveal much of a flaw, the two-pin clamp was used very steadily, and the lower body was stationary. Naturally, Bai Yu didn't raise his hand to push away and break the balance.

  However, it is a feeding move after all, so you can’t have too many.

  When the one hundredth second passed, Bai Yu pushed his elbow forward to break Qiu Tongtong's defense.

  But at this moment, Qiu Tongtong actually moved backwards, widened the distance in the blink of an eye, and even made a difficult leap and punch.

  Bai Yu: "?"

  Wu Shanshan understood clearly and was overjoyed: "Tongtong! Are you in a stress period?"

  Qiu Tongtong came back to her senses and looked at her hands: "It seems, it's really true!"

  She was incredulous Said: "I tried so many times before but it didn't work. This, this is amazing! Classmate Bai, you are so amazing!"

  Bai Yu: "emmmmm..."

  He immediately shook his head and said: "It's just a coincidence, it's just your hard work. What does the effect of hard training have to do with me?"

  This explanation was unanimously recognized by everyone.

  The next moment, Cheng Niansheng, a classmate of the same class, came up: "Bai Yu, we have been classmates for three years, please be merciful."

  "What boxing techniques have you practiced?"


  "Then I will naturally be gentler."

  The voice was just right here. Falling, with a snap, there was a sharp collision on Bai Yu's left hand, almost leaving an afterimage.

  Cheng Niansheng's legs and feet were like the wind and he began to attack fiercely. Bai Yu continued to defend, but also changed from one hand to two hands.

  "What is this?" There was a student next to him who didn't recognize him.

  "Sawat." Hua Li, who is well-informed, recognized it at a glance: "It is a Western kicking martial art, also known as Saifa Dou... The characteristic is that it is a fighting technique that requires wearing shoes. His name Savate means "old shoe" in French."

  "It's so vicious." Qiu Tongtong frowned.

  "But he's very capable." Wu Shanshan was not worried at all. After seeing with her own eyes how Bai Yu locked up a second-level evil spirit in the theater and beat him wildly, she didn't think anyone here was Bai Yu's. Opponents, including Su Ruoli...she only needs a few sweet words to surrender directly to the enemy.

  In the dazzling attack and defense, Bai Yu also calculated the time correctly and also kicked him with color.

  The soles of their right legs collided head-on, creating a dull sound in the field.

  The students were stunned.

  Because the kick just now was very powerful.

  Even Cheng Niansheng himself paused for three seconds after being knocked back.

  "I..." He said with a puzzled look on his face: "Are you in a stress period?"

  The students turned their heads to look at Bai Yu in silence.

  Two feeding moves, two stress periods?
  Is this something?
  Bai Yu himself thought it was outrageous, outrageous. Is this the Law of Guarantee activated? Or is it just good luck?

  But he must cover it up by saying: "Look at what I'm doing? This is the result of his efforts! I just got a promotion effect, don't have any weird ideas! This has happened twice in a row. We've gone so far, it's absolutely impossible for this to happen three times in a row!"

  "I'm next!"

  Hua Li dropped the mineral water in his hand and ran up.

  "Aren't you going back to inherit the family business?" Bai Yu said directly: "You don't want to take the martial arts exam, so why are you joining in the fun?" "Don't

  people in Daxia just like to join in the fun?" Hua Li chuckled: "Let me try Give it a try, what if you really are a treasure boy who can consecrate the light? It doesn't cost any money, so give it a try!"

  "Dream on you." Bai Yu shook his head.

  Who would have thought that the person on the side had already started counting: "One hundred seconds! Start!"

  "I'm coming up, ow!" Hua Li rushed up, using tiger claws... no, cat claws.

  One hundred seconds passed quickly.

  Facing Bai Yu's first counterattack, Hua Li's reaction was particularly strong. He actually stepped on Bai Yu's shoulders and jumped nearly ten meters in height, landing on the second floor of the gymnasium.

  Now even a fool can see that she has reached a stress period.

  "Second stress..." Hua Li was pleasantly surprised.

  The other students turned to look at Bai Yu, and they all said that it was only three times. This was the third time... What should I say?
  …There’s no way to explain this damn thing.

  ...The principle of guarantee is used randomly again!
  ...Why am I having such a hard time myself, but I am so accurate when giving tricks to others?
  Bai Yu continued to resist stubbornly: "Classmates, please calm down!"

  He noticed the glowing eyes of others and took a step back: "Please believe in science. This kind of thing is impossible. Even if it happens three times, it is An illusion! It's all fake, it's an illusion, it's your collective hysteria, there's no one who can consecrate it...you...fuck you!"

  (End of this chapter)

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