149. Chapter 149 Not willing to accept fate

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  Chapter 149 Not Accepting Fate

  "Nonsense, it's my fake identity."

  "My real name is Xu Huamei."

  "The story I told before is indeed a fabrication, but it's not entirely a fabrication..."

  "Indeed, there was such a person as Hu Yan... I was the one who harmed him." ...


  Huamei was born in Xujiacun. Her family was of ordinary wealth and harmonious. Xujiacun was also a place with outstanding people, and it was only a short distance from the county. Not far away, there were several scholarly families in Xujia Village, and they also produced many high-ranking officials.

  Her childhood life was relatively happy. Unlike rural children living in poor areas, she did not need to get up early and come home late to farm the fields, and she did not have to worry about her livelihood.

  Instead, he studied in a private school built in the village, and planned to go to the county to manage the restaurant business in the future, find a suitable husband, and embark on a normal life track.

  Unfortunately, life is always fickle.

  When she was thirteen years old, Xu Ying, a businessman in the village, claimed that he had discovered a mine in the mountains and planned to build a mine.

  At first, the villagers always disagreed, because doing so would destroy the feng shui of Xujia Village... and easily bring disaster.

  He failed to pass the village decision-making, but privately recruited young people and found a group of idlers to force the mine to open. He also sold some clan elders at a high price, divided one group and suppressed another group, adding carrots to sticks.

  In the end, Xujiacun agreed to open the mine, and it lasted for more than three years... There were also benefits. The people here had another way of making a living, and the jade mines dug out were of good quality, and there was even a slightly famous jade expert in the local area. The market and economy have indeed developed.

  But the problem was not careful, that is, the people in Xujiacun gradually became sickly. Many members of the original scholarly families suffered from serious illnesses and had to move out to recuperate.

  At that time, Xu Huamei didn't know what caused the result, but one of her relatives also died because of it.

  Her father and some co-workers went to work in the mine, but a collapse occurred, and even though the whole village tried to rescue them, they still could not save anyone.

  Xu Ying only took out the money to settle the matter.

  How could Xu Huamei and other family members agree?

  But just over half a year had passed, and her family was still the only one still gritting their teeth and asking Xu Ying to give an explanation and kowtow to admit his mistake.

  The yamen police officer who originally went to the county to find him only made a hurried trip and left after saying that the procedures were complete and he could continue to mine.

  All efforts were in vain.

  Xu Huamei vowed to make Xu Ying pay the price. Less than half a year after the mine collapsed, a sudden local earthquake directly caused the mountain to collapse. The excavated mine cave collapsed, and the entire mountain belly cracked and sunk, and an earth dragon turned over. After that, Xujiacun suffered almost half of its casualties.

  The old village chief shouted that this was a divine punishment and wanted to seek justice from Xu Ying.

  Xu Ying came back happily. He said that he had seen immortals and received dreams from his ancestors. This was a great thing. If you follow him up the mountain, you can become immortals!

  He half-forced and half-coaxed the people from Xujia Village up the mountain.

  Only Xu Hua Mei could not believe him, so she hid quietly and followed him from a distance.

  After waiting on the mountain, Xu Ying introduced the immortal.

  That was not an immortal, but a ferocious ghost king.

  It emerged from the collapsed mountain, killed almost everyone present, and drank the blood of the living creatures.

  Only Xu Ying survived. It was not that he was special, but that he had already surrendered to the Ghost King.

  He servilely flattered the Ghost King and accepted a large amount of the Ghost King's cold ghost energy but did not die. Instead, he transformed into a half-human, half-ghost monster and became the Ghost King's butler.

  He became a dog tamed by the Ghost King.

  He took the dead ghosts down the mountain and continued to hunt those who did not go up the mountain.

  Xujiacun suddenly turned into a purgatory on earth, and the people who returned had either turned into ghosts or turned into corpses.

  Xu Huamei knew that she couldn't stay any longer. She was full of hatred but could do nothing. She had no choice but to go to the capital to file a complaint and find someone to help her, so she left Xujiacun, where she was born and raised.

  Just when I walked out of the village gate, the place had turned into a ghost.

  As a result, she lost her way out here, walking back and forth in the gray fog, but no matter how she walked, she couldn't find a way out. She was thirsty, hungry and tired, and her spirit reached its limit. .

  When he was filled with despair, he found a mountain wall and jumped down.

  Perhaps her fate was not meant to be cut off, so she hung on a branch and was picked up by someone.

  The person who picked him up was called Hu Yan.


  "Hu Yan is a mountaineer. He likes to climb mountains and is cheerful and handsome." "

  I met him two years ago." "

  He told me where this place is and where I come from... ...I didn't expect that five hundred years would have passed just by being lost among the ghosts for a while."

  Xu Huamei smiled bitterly: "But I can only accept this fact and accept his He helped me find a night job in Nanling City and stayed at his house." "

  In the first year or so, I almost forgot where I came from and regarded myself as a half-modern person. Look."

  "All kinds of unaccustomed things have been overcome. Even the deep hatred of parents, relatives, and tribesmen are almost forgotten, because the life here is really good." "

  He is really good to me."

  "It's just... I I still killed him."

  The girl raised her eyes, her voice was low and depressed: "From the time I walked out of the ghost world, I have been cursed by the ghost king... I am from Xujia Village. This is the fact that we are connected by blood. People who are close to me either become weak, become seriously ill, or become unfortunate." "

  He is the same, bedridden and cannot afford to be sick."

  "I didn't know why at first, until I went there one day I went to a temple dedicated to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and the temple official of that temple told me the fact that I was cursed." "Just like the

  story I told, Xu Huamei is an evil ghost who doesn't know good or evil. You are an evil spirit who can kill your lover!"

  She looked at the hands given to her, her eyes red.

  "I am a person from five hundred years ago, and I still retain the curse of the ghost." "

  It remains in my blood, making me alive but worse than death. Everyone who is close to me will become unfortunate!"

  " I don’t want to continue hurting him.”

  “I didn’t even dare to go to the hospital to see him!”

  “So, I came back here.”

  “This is my home, my grave, and my destiny.”

  She faced the silence The young man and the woman asked: "Besides, where else can I go? I have nowhere to go. The only reason why I am alive now is to kill that beast Xu Ying and take revenge!" Her story is not the same

  . It’s not long, I’ve tried to be as concise as possible.

  For Xu Huamei, Xu Ying was indeed a person of deep hatred.

  It was also because of Xuying's mining of ores that the mountain collapsed, destroying the feng shui and bringing disaster.

  Modern people Bai Yu didn't believe in Feng Shui in the past, but since it exists in this world as a form of extraordinary power, destroying it can only be said to be wrong and stupid.

  "I can understand your motivation for revenge..." Bai Yu whispered: "I sympathize with your experience." It was already very painful to

  come to a completely unfamiliar place five hundred years later, and it was not easy to meet a good person. But he became seriously ill because of himself.

  The destination of both eras was broken, and she returned here both out of despair and helplessness.

  How can people who are already in hell be afraid of death?
  "I don't need your sympathy, I need your help." Xu Huanmei looked at Bai Yu: "I need you to help me get revenge! I hope you don't underestimate me because I am a weak woman." Bai

  Yuyi Time doesn’t know how to answer.

  Xu Huamei undoubtedly wanted to challenge the fate that had been imposed on her, and as the editor of fate, he couldn't help but agree with the legitimacy and bravery of her actions.

  Not everyone has the courage to challenge fate. Even if she is still a weak woman, she cannot be called a weak one.

  This was not the first time he had witnessed her bravery and determination.

  "I can agree to you going to the mountain with me." Bai Yu nodded slowly: "You have convinced me. At least in this matter, I cannot object, and I am not qualified to dictate your decision." ...Otherwise I will

  become He found the double-standard dog that he hated the most.

  Xu Huamei showed a grateful smile: "If I didn't have someone in my heart, maybe I would really fall in love with you...thank you."

  Qin Xuexu still had lingering worries: "Is it really okay? Although I don't want to do this Said, but even if she goes, she won't be able to take revenge."

  "She should have already made a plan. Even if we don't come, she will go, which proves that she has a plan. The poisonous wine proves this. She is indeed good at it. I came here prepared for revenge."

  Bai Yu had already made a decision, and Qin Xuezhao had no choice but to follow the good example.

  The young man said to Xu Huanmei: "Do it as you think."

  "I have a plan for a long time." Xu Huanmei said one after another: "If you are worried about my strange aura being exposed, then there is no need to worry... I brought a red wedding dress, just treat it as a birthday gift for the Ghost King’s birthday banquet, and let me feed the ghosts with my body.”

  (End of this chapter)

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