148. Chapter 148 Five Hundred Years Ago

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  Chapter 148 Five Hundred Years Ago
  "Speaking of the rumors of stinging snakes, it still stems from the fact that children occasionally disappear in the village." "

  However, life in the village is closer to nature, and it is common for children to disappear occasionally." "

  At first, there were not many people . I didn't care until later someone discovered that more than ten children had suddenly disappeared... The village searched everywhere, but they were nowhere to be found. They even arrested several outsiders and asked them if they were human traffickers, but in the end there was no result."

  " Until many years later, I occasionally passed by..."

  Hu Yanzheng said.

  Interrupted by Bai Yu: "You used the first person."

  Hu Yan added: "This is a story I heard from Amei. Of course it should be in the first person... Don't interrupt me yet." "

  It's an accident. Amei suddenly passed by one day and suddenly felt a sense of relief under her feet. She seemed to have stepped on a somersault cloud and began to fly in the clouds. She was actually three or four meters above the ground." "She was scared and surprised at the time. Did she fly

  ? After a while, it fell back to the ground, and she came here to play several times when she was bored." "

  Until one day, she brought her neighbor's dog here to play nearby, and she also wanted the dog to experience the feeling of flying in the clouds."

  "Unexpectedly, the dog never came down again as soon as it took off. It flew directly to a height of more than ten meters, and then fell into the gap between the mountains and disappeared." "At first, she thought the dog had ascended

  . God, when I came here to look at it another day, I saw some rotten meat and bones falling on the ground, as well as a bell around the dog's neck." "Then, Amei once again felt the feeling of flying in the clouds

  . ..."

  "But this time, she did not continue to enjoy it. Instead, she raised her head and looked into the air. When she was four or five meters above the ground, she finally saw clearly what force made her leave the ground. What caused the children in the village to disappear one after another?"

  At this point, Hu Yan stopped and looked around, as if she was looking for something. Soon she found a mark on the mountain wall, and then raised her head: "It's there Here it is."

  As soon as they finished speaking, the bodies of the two people began to lift off the ground and fly into the air.

  Bai Yu thought to herself that this was nothing but flying in the clouds, feeling like she was being blown upwards by a strong wind.

  But when he raised his head and looked, his scalp suddenly became numb. He kicked the mountain wall and broke away from the upward gravitational force.

  He is already a transcendent person and has excellent eyesight, so he can clearly see what this gravity is.

  "This is..." Bai Yu showed his weapon and asked in a low voice.

  "Hmm." Hu Yan fell back to the ground and looked at the cracks in the rocks: "That is a big snake dormant in the cracks of the mountain wall... It is obviously a demon that has become a spirit. It can open its mouth to the ground to suck in its prey. When it opens its mouth, people on the ground will float, as if they are flying in the clouds. Because adults are heavy enough, they will not fly into its mouth. Any prey that is not heavy enough will be sucked into the sky by it and then swallowed!" "

  This That's right, stinging snakes." Qin Xuezhao sighed: "What a magical nature."

  Bai Yu complained: "No, no, no, this has something to do with nature. Nature cannot create such a high-power vacuum cleaner. "

  Qin Xuezhao asked: "Since you know it's there, why didn't you get rid of it?"

  "Amei's theory is - it's just that it's hidden too well and lives too high, so the villagers can't do anything about it, and After it bites someone, it will soon develop a poisonous effect and die, so we can only let it live here." Hu Yan walked away a few steps and said, "But it seems to be always in the stone wall and unable to leave. Can you kill it? Kill it?"

  Bai Yu smiled faintly: "It's just a stinging snake. From my perspective, it's like inserting a sticker to sell one's ears!" At the same

  time as he finished speaking, he turned on the heroic spirit projection of the ignorant ghost, and used the stinging snake to open its mouth to storm. Taking in the gravity, he stepped on the mountain wall and charged upward.

  The palm of his hand was wiped with Kuaiyu's blade, and the blood soaked the blade.

  Slash through the air, Red Mark·Blood Moon Slash!

  The blood and the light of the sword intertwined and turned into a bloody crescent. This is also the most powerful offensive move of the heroic spirit Wuminggui Mahiru Amemiya. It is not something that this snake can resist. Although its level is At level 17, he is still a target standing still.

  The gaps in the stone wall were filled with bloody crescents, and they widened roughly and forcefully. Blood flowed from the gaps, and tragic screams were heard.

  Soon, the body of a big snake as thick as a bucket but less than three meters long fell to the ground. It was chopped into human characters.

  It was obvious that it couldn't swallow it this time.

  The tongue fell to the ground. Hu Yan calmly took out the prepared glassware to collect the venom from its teeth. Bai Yu also used a knife to pick out the snake's gallbladder and found the venom sac.

  [The gallbladder of stinging snakes]

  [The venom of stinging snakes can be detoxified after taking it]

  There is also an antidote, so now you don’t have to worry about being forced to drink and getting poisoned instead.

  Bai Yu dispersed the heroic spirit projection and said: "The next step is where the wine is."

  "The wine is under the ancestral hall." Seeing that things were going well, Hu Yan said bluntly: "Go back now, the Ghost King's birthday party will be soon. It's started, we must get ready quickly."

  "There is one more question." Bai Yu was not in a hurry to go back immediately, but stopped and asked nonsense: "You are a living person, right?"

  Nonsense: "?"

  I'm not Is the living dead? What the hell am I doing, why don’t I know?
  "You are a stranger, so the stranger's aura is very strong and will be detected..."

  Hu Yan paused for a second and then said: "Then, let's go to a sauna now?"

  Bai Yu: "?"

  He stared with big eyes. Eye: "I'm not playing homophonic jokes with you! Do you think it will be okay if you become a mature person? Then you have to become the kind of person who is completely mature from the inside out!" Hu Yan said obediently: "You tell me."


  You He is a living person, and his aura is too obvious. Once he enters, he will be noticed. Even if the ghost king cannot detect it, other ghosts will definitely be aware of it. When the time comes, you will go away with your brains and brains shattered." Bai Yu described the scene. , making Hu Yan chill for half a second.

  "What about you?"

  "I have my own method, but you can't use this method." Bai Yu said, "If you don't solve this problem, you won't be able to go to the dinner..." "

  Me!" Hu Yan opened his mouth, but Bai Yu said Yu interrupted.

  "You stay here, understand?" Bai Yu emphasized again: "I don't know why you have to follow, but it doesn't make any sense for you to follow." Hu Yan said anxiously: "I have helped you so much,

  you How can you leave me here! I don't care, even if you don't let me go, I have to go!"

  After saying that, he turned around and went up the mountain alone without caring.

  "What are you going to do, to die?" Bai Yu also became a little angry and held down his arms: "I finally saved you, what do you want to do!" "I'm going to take revenge!"

  He shouted with a loud voice. His expression was a bit sharp and his eyes were red: "I want to take revenge!"

  Hu Yan lowered his arms and said bitterly: "I have no meaning in living. I can't think of anything else except revenge."

  Bai Yu looked at the young man and finally asked: "Who do you want to take revenge on?"

  "In the Ghost King's Mansion. The housekeeper...Xu Ying."

  "What kind of hatred?"

  "A blood feud!"

  Bai Yu paused for a moment, and then said: "You are indeed... from Xujia Village."

  Hu Yan smiled bitterly: "I am."

  Qin Xuezhaowai He tilted his head: "But didn't Xujiacun cease to exist hundreds of years ago?"

  Why is there a modern person in a village that no longer exists?

  Descendants of Xujiacun?

  If they were descendants, why would there be such deep hatred?
  "I can help you, but..." Bai Yu looked at Hu Yan: "This time, I just hope you won't hide anything anymore... Hu Yan, is this not your real name?" The young man raised his eyes

  , The red eyes became more feminine.

  He sighed softly: "Nonsense, that's my fake name, my real name is..."

  She bit her lower lip: "Xu Huamei."

  Qin Xuezha asked in shock: "But isn't Xu Huamei a woman?"

  She raised her hand, reached into her clothes from behind, and pulled something off. As the white cloth bag fell down, her chest showed ups and downs, and the makeup on her face was wet with tears and sweat. After wiping it clean, she stood here. The one is a woman dressed in men's clothing with short hair.

  Xu Huamei said softly: "I am a woman...and the only survivor of Xujia Village. I come from...five hundred years ago."

  (End of Chapter)

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