Chapter 48 Eight Sections

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  Chapter 48 Chapter 8

  In the small bedroom, Lu Yuan punched forward with his upper body bare and hit an empty blow.

  The fist tore through the air, making a sharp sound.

  "12 points of strength."

  After adding points, he tested it himself in private.

  The bench press was over 200 kilograms, and the boxing strength also soared to more than 240 kilograms.

  He has almost reached the amateur eighth-dan boxing standard.

  Although it was still not as crisp as when Lin Zhiqin hit an air strike, every punch he threw now was fierce and powerful.

  "Every 1 point of increase in strength is almost a 1.5 times increase, which is very exaggerated." "

  But the reaction force has also suddenly become much larger. Fortunately, my physique is strong enough!"

  After adding points for so long, Lu Yuan has discovered it.

  The four basic attributes of strength, agility, physical fitness and intelligence may seem distinct, but in fact they are closely related.

  They check and balance each other and achieve each other.

  His original idea of ​​adding expertise points may be difficult to realize at this stage.

  Because the human body is not a game character after all. If a certain ability is particularly outstanding and the four are imbalanced, his whole person may "collapse" before he becomes a "superman".

  It's like a machine. All the gears in the original machine fit together perfectly.

  If one of them suddenly changes specifications, the operation of the entire machine will inevitably fail.

  "I have no choice but to become a hexagonal warrior."

  Lu Yuan stopped punching, put down his hands, and slowly calmed down his breathing.

  In the past two days, he and Lin Zhiqin went to Mosa to play again, and they also won easily.

  As Lin Zhiqin said, there are no masters in the preliminaries. The one I met last night was knocked down with just two kicks.

  Not as good as the strong man in the vest for the first time.

  Lu Yuan pulled out a gray cardboard box from under the bed and dug out a book from a pile of dusty comics, which was "Super Machine God 3".

  Carefully take out the small stack of green banknotes inside.

  Ten thousand yuan!

  "Including the scholarships I saved before and this final exam, the total is more than 20,000.

  If you save 100,000, you will take it out."

  Lu Yuan didn't want to see Lu Xinghua and Zheng Qiuling getting angry every day.


  Lu Yuan exhaled a breath after putting the money away again.

  He stood up on the paved mat and prepared for a few seconds.

  Then he clearly saw his pupils dilated and his whole person fell into an almost unconscious state.

  The eighteen movements of the crane-shaped pile were reproduced one by one in Lu Yuan's hands.

  After doing it twice in a row, Lu Yuan came out of the state of [absolute concentration].

  With the blessing of the "plug-in" of level 3 [Absolute Focus], the experience value of the crane-shaped pile has been growing steadily.

  It is estimated that it will take a few days to break through level 3, and there will definitely be an increase in attributes by then.

  "Activate, [Imagine Enemy]!"

  Lu Yuan, who was covered in sweat, was adjusting his breathing to regain his strength, and began to conduct actual combat training of consciousness warfare as usual.

  After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and punched the air in front of him with a thoughtful look on his face.


  Keep throwing punches.

  Constantly adjust your power and punching movements.

  After punching dozens of times in a row, he closed his eyes again
  and repeated the cycle.

  This is considered a required course for Lu Yuan every day now.

  Find Lin Zhiqin and Qin Feng in the consciousness space to "send death", and then constantly imitate the two people's "killing moves" based on their insights at the moment "before death".

  Trying to "reach the sky in one step"!
  This process lasted for more than an hour.

  When Lu Yuan's face showed uncontrollable fatigue, he got up from the mat and sat back at the desk.

  I took out the chocolate I had always kept on hand from my desk drawer.

  He picked up one, tore off the wrapping paper, and stuffed it into his mouth.

  Lu Yuan rummaged through the pile of books at hand, and finally pulled out a "Research on Ancient Languages" and placed it in front of him and slowly read through it.

  This book was found at the Jiaoyan City Library.

  It contains information and introductions in three ancient languages, two of which were circulated during the Baishan period.

  It was precisely because of this that Lu Yuan chose to study in this direction.

  The sun's shadow is slanting westward.


  the sound of the small alarm clock keeps moving forward.

  Lu Yuan closed the book, stood up from the desk, walked to the window and opened the blinds slightly.

  A ray of blazing sunlight shines in immediately.

  At five o'clock in the afternoon in July, the sun is still hot.

  The road, which had been scorched by the scorching sun all day, looked lazy. There were two stray dogs lying down next to the trash can at the entrance of the store downstairs, sticking out their tongues feebly.

  Lu Yuan saw a child on the second floor balcony of a residential building across the street, lifting a bench and struggling to collect clothes.

  He looked at it for a while and then looked away.

  [Congratulations, your [student] career level has been improved! ]

  In one afternoon, I finally gained the last twenty or so experience points of the [Student] profession.

  Rise to level 5.

  Got another 1 attribute point and 1 skill point.

  Leaving aside the attribute points for now, Lu Yuan is confused about how to add skill points.

  It must be added to the core skills, there is no doubt about this.

  The key is to add [Flash of Inspiration] or [Imagine Enemy].

  On the one hand, he disliked the low triggering probability of lv1 [Flash of Inspiration].

  On the other hand, it’s impossible not to add [Imagine Enemy].

  This is related to the unlocking of the second core skill of [Fighter].

  After some weighing, Lu Yuan finally decided to add some [imaginary enemies].

  After 1 skill point, the original level 1 [Imagine Enemy] was raised to level 2. Lu Yuan
  closed his eyes and prepared to try the effect of the upgraded [Imagine Enemy].

  After thinking for a while, he opened it again.

  I haven't had any rest during the whole afternoon of practicing and studying. I have overused my brain. I still feel a little tired. It's not too late to try again in the evening or tomorrow.

  He walked out of the bedroom. No one was home.

  After taking a shower and changing into clean and fresh clothes, I decided to go out.

  Lin Zhiqin also made an appointment for him to play a game tonight.

  He is now going to the martial arts gym and meeting Lin Zhiqin after dinner. The time is almost right.

  After packing up, I went out. When I went downstairs, a woman in her thirties, wearing white professional attire, with a good figure and a good face happened to come up.

  Lu Yuan turned slightly and noticed that the woman was holding something in her hand.

  "Mao Ba brand strong sticky mouse stickers."

  Lu Yuan looked through the plastic bag to see what was inside, his eyes moved slightly, and he couldn't help but ask: "Sister Wang, are there mice in the house?"

  The young woman was startled for a moment and turned to him. Smiling slightly, he nodded and said, "Yes, for some reason in the past two days, there were suddenly mice in the house. They

  almost scared me to death last night."

  Lu Yuan said "oh" and didn't ask any more questions.

  The young woman surnamed Wang is the tenant who lives upstairs in his house. She is divorced and has a child. She works as a clerk in a company in the city center. She knows everyone upstairs and downstairs.

  Lu Yuan didn't know if she had blamed their family for the rat trouble.

  Because his family owned a grain and oil store in the entire building, he was the most suspicious.

  After going down to the first floor, Lu Yuan turned to look at the warehouse behind the store.

  It was pitch dark inside, and he didn't turn on the lights. He could only vaguely see a few sticky stickers placed on the stacked rice bags.

  But he didn't smell the stench that he didn't want to smell the most.

  Lu Yuan felt relieved, closed the door and walked through the store, said hello to his mother Zheng Qiuling and left.

  Speaking of which, my sister Lu Jing has made no noise for some reason during this time.

  Since the last time I went to the hospital to see my grandpa and had a video chat with her for a while, I haven't had much contact with her.

  I just send a few photos or expressions occasionally.


  A man who looked to be in his early thirties covered his chest and limped open the door and walked in.

  From time to time, a few soft groans of pain came out of his mouth.

  Lu Yuan glanced at him twice, and after a while someone walked in quickly and greeted him: "The tenth game will start soon." "


  Lu Yuan held the three-eyed billy goat mask upright in his hand. Putting it on, he stood up calmly and walked towards the preparation room.

  (End of chapter)

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