Chapter 47 A flash of inspiration

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  Chapter 47 A flash of

  inspiration The invigilator on the podium was stunned for a moment when he heard Lu Yuan's answer.

  His expression quickly turned cold.

  "Okay, put the test papers on the table, you can go."

  Lu Yuan picked up the stationery and left the examination room calmly.

  "Now students."

  Looking at Lu Yuan's leaving figure, the invigilator shook his head slightly, not sure whether he felt disappointed or amused.

  He walked nonchalantly towards the examination seat far away.

  He casually picked up the test paper on the table, but his eyes froze for the next second.

  What I saw in front of me was not the large blank space as expected, but an answer sheet filled with neatly written fonts.

  His eyes fell on the test paper, moving down one question after another.

  The expression on the invigilator's face quickly changed from initial disdain to shock, and finally disbelief.
  "It's a long way from Class 3, and he handed in the paper in advance again!"

  "It's only been fifteen minutes since the exam started, and I can't believe it." He hasn’t even finished the multiple-choice questions yet! Why did he just hand it in?" "

  What level are you in? He does this in every subject! I see that the papers are all full." "

  What a pervert."

  "Someone fill in the blanks for me. Copy it."


  The invigilator suppressed the buzz in the classroom with a straight face, and turned his head to look at the test paper in his hand.

  He gently wiped the sweat from his forehead, his face was full of complicated words and he couldn't say a word.

  Lu Yuan walked alone on the road to campus.

  There are tall ginkgo trees on both sides of the road. The thick green leaves block the hot midday sun and cast mottled light and shadow under your feet.

  The chirping of cicadas is endless.

  [You have passed an exam, professional experience +7]

  [Your skill history has been improved, experience value +5]

  Lu Yuan walked while checking the message prompts that popped up on the panel, without any fluctuation in his eyes.

  "Even big exams like the final exam, one exam can only add so much experience to me. The knowledge I gained in high school is really a bit shallow for me now."

  Bring up the career panel, what is displayed above is——

  [ Occupation: Student lv4 (788/800)]

  [Basic occupational skills: Language lv5 (133/1600)

  Mathematics lv5 (245/1600)

  Physics lv4 (580/800)

  Chemistry lv4 (434/800)

  Biology lv4 (362/800)

  History lv4 (377/800)

  Geography lv4 (589/800)

  Information Technology lv4 (32/800)]

  During this time, he has been studying advanced mathematics in university courses, and also taught himself a small language.

  But after I upgraded Language and Mathematics to Level 5, I discovered that the basic skills under the [Student] occupation were not Level 5 at all.

  The original idea of ​​using the [Student] panel to quickly brush attribute points suddenly came to nothing, so I had to take my time.

  It was the last session of the final exam just now, and Lu Yuan handed in the paper nearly an hour early.

  There was no class to go back to, so I simply left the school gate, didn't bother to wait for the bus, and walked directly home.

  "Bring me a glass of lemonade, a very large cup."

  After walking for twenty minutes under the scorching sun, when we were still a few blocks away from home, we finally couldn't stand the heat and spent eight dollars at a roadside milk tea shop. I bought a cup of milk tea for 1 yuan.

  Lemonade with ice cubes brings a slight refreshing feeling in your hands.

  Insert the straw and drink the entire glass of lemonade in one go.

  Then he tore off the seal on the cup, poured the remaining lemon slices and ice cubes into his mouth, and chewed them.
  The sour and cold stimulation finally made him feel like his blood was slowly returning.

  I finished the milk tea in a few seconds and threw the empty cup into the trash can on the roadside.

  Lu Yuan then turned his attention back to the career panel in front of him.

  [Professional core skill: Absolute concentration lv3 (active)]

  In addition, there is a new skill that has just been lit up - [Flash of inspiration lv1 (passive)]

  This skill is what Lu Yuan mainly looks at.

  [Flash of Light lv1] (Passive)

  Effect: There is a lower probability of triggering the emergence of inspiration of wisdom, thoughts, and ideas under higher intelligence.

  The second core skill unlocked under this [Student] profession, Lu Yuan studied for several days but failed to understand.

  "The probability of triggering is so low that it's outrageous. In the eight final exams, it didn't trigger even once.

  On the contrary, when I was practicing martial arts, it seemed to have triggered once or twice."

  In fact, Lu Yuan didn't know much about that. Does it count as a successful trigger twice?

  One time was when practicing crane-shaped piles.

  Without entering the [Absolute Concentration] in the unconscious instinctive state of level 3, Lu Yuan was originally stuck on the sixteenth action and was unable to do it.

  But during a certain practice, there was a sudden "buzzing" sound for no reason.

  It was as if a switch was suddenly turned on in his mind, and a large number of practice scenes related to the crane-shaped pile rushed out.

  The body received inexplicable instructions, and it completed the sixteenth movement naturally as if it was enlightened.

  The second time was during actual sparring with Lin Zhiqin.

  It's a similar experience.

  His brain switch was turned on and his body was in stress. He kicked out an extremely "beautiful" kick, which even forced Lin Zhiqin to take half a step back, with a momentary expression of emotion on his face.

  "It's just like the critical hit setting in online games.

  [Flash of Inspiration] can give me a certain probability to do something far better than usual in learning or fighting!
  Unfortunately, my current 'critical hit rate' is too It's low.

  In addition to relying heavily on character and luck, the probability of triggering is also related to another factor?"

  Lu Yuan's 11-point intelligence brain was running at high speed, constantly analyzing.

  He suddenly quickened his pace and hid under the cover of shadow from the blazing light, his eyes flickering at the same time.

  One word pops into my mind -


  "Dad, you came back so early today?"

  When Lu Yuan returned home, he happened to see his father, Lu Xinghua, walking out of his small shop carrying a sack.

  I don't know what's in the bag, it looks heavy.

  "Well, your grandpa will be discharged from the hospital in two days."

  Lu Xinghua carried the sack and walked straight to the trash can placed on the roadside in front of the store. Lu Yuan went over to take a look out of curiosity.

  But his mother, Zheng Qiuling, shouted and called her back.

  "What's good to see? They're all dead rats!"

  Dead rats? !
  Lu Yuan's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly thought of the super giant rat that attacked him in the alleyway when he returned home at night a few days ago.

  "Are there many rats in the store these past two days?"

  Lu Yuan asked casually, but his eyes quickly searched the ceiling and other corners of the store.

  "Who knows where it suddenly came from."

  Zheng Qiuling's expression became a little ugly, and she lowered her voice and said: "There was another one that ran onto my instep this morning. Fortunately, there were no customers in the store at the time. The warehouse. "

  Okay, let's talk less. You don't think there are enough things to do, right?"

  Lu Xinghua came over and interrupted impatiently.

  Zheng Qiuling shut her mouth.

  Lu Xinghua turned to Lu Yuan and told Lu Yuan: "Don't go out and talk nonsense.

  Whoever runs a grain and oil store doesn't have a few mice.

  I have already found someone to deal with it . I
  have already gone up to read and review during the holidays. Don't be in front of me all day long. You're just wandering around, it's annoying to watch."

  Lu Yuan responded with "Oh", not daring to say that he had just finished the exam and was already on summer vacation.

  Dad, Lu Xinghua, has lost a lot of weight during this period. More than a month ago, he was still willing to help Lu Yuan sign up for martial arts classes, and asked him about his studies from time to time.

  Now he doesn't even care if he has final exams.

  The pressure and trivialities of life make the man in front of him overwhelmed, tired and irritable.

  "There is a rat in the house, which proves that the giant rat must not have gone far and is hiding nearby."

  Lu Yuan analyzed in his mind as he went upstairs.

  This conclusion made him feel a little uneasy.

  The last time he encountered a giant rat, the beast's swiftness and ferocity left a deep impression on him.

  It was hard for him to imagine what would happen if an ordinary person accidentally encountered it.

  But he didn't have any good way to deal with it. Even the police could only ask everyone to pay more attention to it. He couldn't go into the sewer to look for it in the summer.

  (End of chapter)

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