Chapter 26 Six Paragraphs

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  Chapter 26, Section 6:
  Three men and one woman, passing four people in the distance.

  He walked over to the boxing machine.

  The overall difference between this boxing machine and the boxing pile used for fighting training is that it is much larger and more substantial.

  There is a display screen installed behind the machine, and the number on the screen is 122.23kg.

  I don’t know if the group of men and women in front forgot to clear it, or if they left it on purpose.

  "First-level boxing strength standard: 60kg
  . Second-level boxing strength standard: 80kg.
  Third-level boxing strength standard: 100kg.
  Fourth-level boxing strength standard: 120kg.

  A table of boxing strength standard values ​​corresponding to the martial arts levels is posted next to the boxing power machine.

  It was the same as what Lu Yuan had found online, except that the word "amateur" was removed from the front.

  It is probably to look good and also serve as a disguised motivational effect.

  "One hundred, one hundred shouldn't be difficult."

  One hundred kilograms of boxing strength is the minimum standard for passing the official disciple test of Yuanwu Hall.

  This is also the basic goal Lu Yuan set for himself.

  Get into a stance in front of the boxing machine.

  Staring at the groove in the center of the boxing machine, Lu Yuan's eyes gradually became sharp.

  Take a deep breath.

  Following the most suitable movements in basic boxing techniques, Lu Yuan punched hard.


  The boxing machine made a muffled sound and remained motionless. Its overall structure has extremely strong shock absorption and sound-absorbing effects.

  Lu Yuan raised his head to look at the rapidly beating numbers on the display screen behind the machine.

  When the first word "1" came out, his heart was completely relaxed.

  It must be over 100.

  Soon the complete number popped up - 173.56kg!

  More than one hundred and seventy kilograms!

  Lu Yuan's heart was slightly shaken, but he soon calmed down again.

  An unexpected but reasonable number.

  After all, his strength attribute is two full points higher than the average person, and his bench press easily exceeds 130 kilograms.

  Lu Yuan thought for a while and tried two more punches.

  The result was 168.33kg once and 162.76kg once.

  Lower every time.

  Sure enough, the first punch was in the best shape.

  "I just trained for more than an hour before the test, which consumed a lot of physical strength.

  The injuries to my ribs and back also affected it to some extent.

  If it is in perfect condition, I will probably be able to stabilize at 177."

  Amateur 6th Dan Warrior The standard punching force is one hundred and seventy kilograms!
  In other words, he has reached the sixth-dan level now?

  Even if it was the punch power value that he punched with his own hands, Lu Yuan still felt a little incredible when the facts were right in front of him.

  "Go back and check the specific assessment standards for amateur sixth-dan, as well as benefits and so on." "

  Now, let's pass the assessment for formal disciples first!"

  After a brief excitement, Lu Yuan calmed down.

  Without wasting any time, after clearing the values ​​on the boxing machine, he quickly walked out of the training room.

  At this time, there was still more than half an hour before the martial arts gym staff got off work at 11 noon, so he had to hurry up and get things done.

  "I will go to the Wushu Association next week to get my fourth-dan certificate.

  When I see the guy named Lei again, I will throw the certificate in his face to see if he dares to be crazy in front of me in the future!"

  " Mingyu is awesome! People named Lei probably don’t even have second-dan degrees now. Your four-dan certificate is enough to make him kneel down and call daddy." "The

  dynamometer in the martial arts hall is different from the dynamometer in the martial arts association. The results may be biased.

  To be on the safe side, you should practice more and try to pass in one attempt. You

  will have to wait several days to register once."

  "Don't worry, could I have thought of this?" He

  had just finished testing his boxing strength, and he seemed to be in a good mood. The good-looking young man with short hair smiled and replied casually: "In the past few days, I have focused on strengthening the three strength training, and my boxing strength will probably increase a little bit. Then as long as I

  perform stably, the numerical deviation will not affect me. "

  As he said that, the short-haired young man walked to the bench press stand and lay down.

  Hold the barbell on the rack with both hands and start exerting force.
  The barbell on the rack will not move at all.


  The short-haired young man was stunned for a moment, stood up and checked the weight of the barbell, and quickly shouted: "Who increased it to 130 for me?"

  They were the only ones in the training room this morning.

  He had previously adjusted this bench press to eighty, but now it was set to one hundred and thirty.

  The companions spread their hands and shook their heads, all innocently indicating that they were not responsible.

  "You still have to ask me to adjust it again."

  The short-haired young man frowned dissatisfied.

  But this was not a big deal, and it was over with a few words.

  But at this time, the girl among the group said, "It must be the guy who came in when we were playing on the boxing machine. I just saw

  him practicing here for a long time."

  "That student?" The

  short-haired young man thought for a moment. , and found that it was indeed impressive.

  A tall, thin student boy, wearing the martial arts uniform of a junior student, with a pretty face.


  The girl pointed to the position of the boxing machine and said with certainty: "Looking at us later, he ran to play with the boxing machine." "

  Then it must be him."

  The short-haired young man nodded. , didn’t say anything more, and started to adjust the weight.

  He took off the extra barbell plates from the rack one by one. As he unloaded them, he muttered: "There's something wrong. It's so heavy. Can you push it?" Wait, it doesn't seem right

  The short-haired young man suddenly stopped and looked at the barbell in his hand, thinking of a possibility.

  "How is it possible? Impossible"

  This guess was immediately rejected by him as soon as it came up.

  He continued to unload the barbell plates, but he seemed a little absent-minded, his eyes flashing as if he had been thinking about something.

  After the last barbell plate was removed, the short-haired young man lay back on the bench press rack.

  After trying to push the eighty kilogram weight twice, the short-haired young man suddenly stopped and stood up from the shelf with a snap.

  "I'm really crazy, how is this possible?!"

  As he said this, he quickly walked towards the boxing machine.

  "Mingyu, what are you doing? Are you still taking the test?"

  His companion shouted to him, but the short-haired young man turned a deaf ear.

  He quickly walked to the boxing machine, glanced at the display screen, and was not surprised to see the zero reset screen.

  Just reach out and click a few quick times on the screen.

  "View. Historical data"

  when several values ​​finally popped up in front of the short-haired young man.

  The short-haired young man's pupils suddenly shrank, and his whole body was shaken violently, as if someone had punched him in the face.

  He stared at the data above without blinking.

  A long while.

  Only then did a curse word slowly burst out from his mouth.


  "After filling out the application form, go to your instructor to sign it. After returning it to us, we will arrange an assessment for you within a week." The

  front desk of the martial arts gym is the same one who led Lu Yuan before. The girl was patiently explaining to him the process of applying for the official disciple assessment.

  Lu Yuan had filled out half of the form and immediately stopped writing when he heard this.

  As if doubting whether he heard correctly.

  "Do you still need to get the coach's signature? Do you have to wait another week?"


  The girl nodded and explained: "The process is like this. Before the assessment, you must first get the coach's approval. The coach thinks you have the strength to participate in the assessment. Only then can you apply.

  And this assessment can't be held just for you. It's done in batches a week and is arranged by the martial arts school." "


  Lu Yuan was a little discouraged. The enthusiasm in his heart that had just been tested was like being blown away by the martial arts. A basin of cold water immediately doused it.

  Unfortunately, he originally thought he could get everything done in one day.

  I didn't expect to have to wait another week.

  Okay, just one week.

  Lu Yuan swishly filled out the application form in his hand. After confirming that it was correct, the girl in charge of the reception reminded him thoughtfully.

  "There's still some time before you get off work at noon, so go find your coach to sign it quickly.

  Hand over the form before you get off work, so you don't have to make another trip in the afternoon."

  (End of Chapter)

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