199. Chapter 197 The Black Iron Spear Bearer

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  Chapter 197 The Black Iron Spear Bearer


  In the wilderness on the outskirts of the city, the air showed traces of smooth separation on both sides like water waves.

  A hatch opened in the transparent air, and the floating pedal flew out automatically, quickly building a downward floating ladder in mid-air.

  Someone stepped out of the invisible shuttle.

  A young man with a tall and straight body and handsome appearance slowly walked down the floating ladder.

  There was a person following behind him, a young man who looked to be in his mid-twenties, wearing the uniform of a White Bear Guard, with a shrewd look in his eyes.

  "The participants in the ultimate bloody battle are pure martial arts fighting masters selected by Mosa from various fighting events held across the country. It is said to be

  just a top-level internal invitation event, but it is actually a triennial event held by Mosa. 'Martial Sacrifice'.

  Use high-quality battles and the blood of powerful combatants to sacrifice their 'God of Martial Arts and Hunting'."

  Peregrine Falcon followed Lu Yuan down from the shuttle while quickly reporting the collected intelligence. .

  "Martial Arts Festival?"

  Lu Yuan's eyes fluctuated slightly, remembering the towering altar-like competition arena at the Mosa Club in Jiaoyan City.

  "What's the mortality rate?"

  Peregrine Falcon replied: "It's very high.

  Mosa's ultimate bloody battle does not limit any fighting methods, as long as it does not involve hot weapons.

  If the ultimate reward is not too tempting, it will not be attractive every time. A large number of fighting masters are coming."

  "Reward? What reward?"

  Lu Yuan got off the shuttle and turned to look at the peregrine falcon.

  Peregrine Falcon lowered his head and said quickly: "It is a kind of 'sacred blood' unique to the Mosaic Cult.

  The organization seems to have asked them to go through some of it, and they have also done research.

  However, my authority is too low, and I don't know the specific inside information

  . " Without saying anything, he directly mobilized his authority and searched for information about the Mosaic Cult and divine blood in Huangxiong's internal database.

  Get results quickly.

  "..It is a special substance that contains the power of the evil god. It has an excellent strengthening effect on the mind and body.

  However, it will inevitably have the side effect of physical deformation, which is biased towards the path of evil martial arts."

  Lu Yuan looked at The introduction of Mosa's divine blood made my heart tremble.

  This Mosa divine blood seems to be the same thing as the Red Pearl of the Crow God Cult.

  If he can get it, can he use it to open his second extraordinary panel?
  "How many people can get the divine blood in each ultimate bloody battle?"

  Lu Yuan asked Peregrine Falcon, suppressing the turmoil in his heart.

  Peregrine Falcon said: "No one has received the divine blood for several consecutive sessions.

  The conditions for obtaining divine blood are very strict, and it cannot be obtained by winning the ultimate bloody battle." "

  No one has received it for several consecutive sessions?

  What about these people ? Are you rushing to die?"

  Lu Yuan frowned, unable to understand.

  Peregrine Falcon thought for a while and replied: "Maybe it's because the person in charge of the Mosaic Cult who presided over these final bloody battles received the divine blood from the ultimate bloody battle and was later promoted. The real example is in front of you,

  always It's more convincing."


  Lu Yuan glanced at Peregrine Falcon and asked curiously: "The person in charge of Mosa who presided over the bloody battle was also promoted through the bloody battle?

  What is his name?"

  "Bao Wang.

  Now he is Mo Sa. Sa's black iron spear bearer."

  After Peregrine Falcon answered, he added: "I heard a rumor, but I'm not sure of its authenticity. Do you want to hear it, sir?" "


  Lu Yuan said calmly.

  Peregrine Falcon quickly replied: "The King of Tyrants has a violent personality, is narrow-minded, is determined to retaliate, and is jealous of talents.

  When he obtained Mosa's divine blood, was promoted to Black Iron Spear Bearer, and controlled Mosa's invisible forces in the southeast, he did The first thing he did was to kill all his former enemies.

  Some of them were not even his enemies, they just defeated him in normal martial arts competitions.
  So now there are many rumors outside.

  They all say that these few The reason why no one has been able to obtain the divine blood in the ultimate bloody battle of Mosa

  is because the person in charge, the Tyrant King, secretly increased the difficulty of obtaining the divine blood. The purpose is not to see the second recipient of the divine blood appear after him. .

  Oh, by the way."

  Peregrine Falcon continued to add: "The one your Excellency asked us to track down before was the strong Mosa who killed Xia Weimin of the Xia Kingdom archaeological team and took away Xia Weimin's luggage. It should be the men sent by the tyrant king.


  After listening, Lu Yuan nodded, "Okay, I understand."

  He took out his mobile phone, stood on the roadside and started to take a taxi.

  Peregrine Falcon stood beside him honestly.

  Soon, the appointed taxi will arrive.

  Just when Lu Yuan was about to walk towards the taxi, Peregrine Falcon couldn't help but say again: "Sir, in

  fact, if you are interested in divine blood and the person who killed Xia Weimin.

  With your status as a golden bear , , here, you just need to reveal a little bit of meaning to Mosa.

  The tyrant king will definitely send all the things and people to you."


  Lu Yuan paused, turned his face slightly, and glanced Peregrine Falcon.

  The peregrine falcon immediately made a respectful gesture.

  The next second, Lu Yuan continued to move forward.

  Peregrine Falcon also heard Lu Yuan's faint voice.

  "But that would be meaningless." "


  Peregrine Falcon was stunned.

  After a while, he looked at the back of Lu Yuan getting into the taxi, with a slight look of helplessness on his face.

  Half an hour later, Lu Yuan followed the taxi to a suburb in the east of Chiming City.

  When I got off the taxi, I saw a vast flower field in front of me.

  Chiming is a third-tier small city famous for its flower industry.

  Now is the season of blooming autumn chrysanthemums.

  The eyes are filled with gold and red colors, and the cool breeze brings with it a faint fragrance.

  Several flower farmers carrying hoes on their backs were walking slowly on the field ridge not far away. The road is far away and we follow the road all the way forward.

  After walking through a large field of flowers, I turned into a wide but deserted street, and then found the destination of my trip - an inconspicuous old building.

  As I got closer, I saw the Mosa Fight Club sign hanging in front of the building.

  The familiar goat-headed statue is everywhere.

  Slightly weird decoration style.

  When Lu Yuan walked into the building, he immediately felt a much stronger sense of "scrutiny" than in Jiaoyan Mosa.

  After his intelligence broke through the limit once, his perception was astonishing.

  At first I just felt slightly uncomfortable, but now I feel as if all the billy goat statues hanging on the wall "came alive" in an instant.

  There was scarlet light in the empty eye sockets, staring at him indifferently.

  Lu Yuan didn't take it seriously, walked into the elevator calmly, and pressed the down button.

  Five minutes later, he appeared in a room.




  The short-haired woman sitting across from Lu Yuan, who was entering her identity information into the computer, couldn't help laughing.

  She looked at Lu Yuan with a funny expression.

  Seems like he wants to say something.

  But facing Lu Yuan's calm, deep, and unwavering eyes,
  the laughter stopped unconsciously, and his whole person became serious and upright.




  After logging in the information and reading Lu Yuan's invitation, the short-haired woman reminded Lu Yuan: "Go out and turn right into the third room to get your mask and room key. The bloody battle will take place tomorrow morning

  . It officially starts at nine o'clock.

  You came just in time, our registration will be closed in two hours." "

  Thank you."

  Lu Yuan nodded and thanked the woman.

  Then he got up and left.

  After Lu Yuan walked out of the room, the short-haired woman in front of the computer patted her chest gently and whispered: "Seventeen years old? Who are you bluffing? But she looks good and is young. Don't let her go in tomorrow
  " It’s a pity that you’re here.”

  “Dinner and breakfast will be served by a dedicated person. You can have a good rest in the following time.

  May the light of the God Mosa protect you.”

  Mosa was responsible for sending Mosa up the road. The church members made a strange gesture towards Lu Yuan and then left very politely.

  "They are much more professional than those at Jiaoyan. It seems that because of the divisional headquarters, there are fewer temporary workers. They are basically serious Mosaic believers." Lu Yuan thought casually and walked into the room


  It's just an ordinary hotel standard room. The furniture and decoration look a bit old.

  It didn't matter that Lu Yuan was far away, he sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at the mask he just received in his hand.

  It was the same style as the mask he wore as a feaster in Jiaoyan Mosa, only more exquisite.

  And I don’t know what kind of material it is made of. It is soft in texture and fits perfectly on the face when worn on the face. It does not affect breathing and fighting.

  Lu Yuan put on his mask and walked to the full-length mirror in the room to look at himself casually.

  Then his eyes moved slightly, and the huge mental power suddenly spread out.


  It was like a pebble suddenly fell on the calm water.

  The scenes inside the entire building quickly appeared in Lu Yuan's mind frame by frame like a movie camera.

  He saw a middle-aged man who looked like a retired cadre, making tea in his room.

  I saw a big man with muscles all over his body sitting quietly in the room.

  He saw two naked bodies entangled together.
  A large number of images flooded into Lu Yuan's mind. In the process, the
  billy goat statues hanging in every room, corridor walls and corners of the building seemed to be affected by this spirit. The stimulation from the force made everything buzz and tremble.

  There seemed to be a huge and ancient consciousness awakening in this building.
  The strange phenomenon alerted many fighters with strong martial arts senses, and they ran out of various rooms one after another.

  Lu Yuan didn't take it seriously and continued to explore downwards with his mental power.

  He even had the desire to deliberately stir up the consciousness hidden in the building.

  He was really curious   about what kind of power
  the so-called "god of fighting and hunting" represented behind Mosa .   "Shua——"   When Lu Yuan's mental power detected the lowest level of the building.   suddenly.   A huge, empty cave appeared in front of him.   ——He   saw a "city without a roof"!   It is like a pyramid-like structure, and the top of the pyramid.   There stood a huge black iron throne with countless sharp spears as the background.   Sitting on the throne was a tall and powerful man, who was far more than twice the size of an ordinary person.   The man wore a black iron mask with strange patterns on his face.   It seems that he is listening to the reports of those around him.   An extremely huge billy goat statue hangs above the head of the man in the black iron mask.   When Lu Yuan's mental power invaded this area.   A red light suddenly appeared in the empty eye sockets of the giant billy goat statue.   The masked man on the throne seemed to have sensed something. He raised his head suddenly and yelled, "Who?!" "   Wha—"   Lu Yuan withdrew his mental power.   He took off the mask on his face as if nothing had happened, and calmly issued instructions to Peregrine Falcon and others through the Golden Bear authority to find Lin Zhiqin's whereabouts.   Then I saw instant noodles on the snack shelf in the room.   His expression changed slightly   after five minutes.   Lu Yuan held a bowl of instant noodles and stood in front of the window, looking at the brilliant flower fields in the distance.   He picked up a forkful of instant noodles, blew on it gently, and put it in his mouth.   While eating, I thought about it.   "The Black Iron Spear Bearer is   interesting."    There will be an update in the early morning, but I'm not sure when   (end of chapter)



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