198. Chapter 196 Two truths, Chiming City

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  Chapter 196 Two Truths, Chiming City
  "...Junior Brother Pei is the eighth direct disciple accepted by the teacher, and he is also the one who is most loved by the teacher." "

  His martial arts talent is very good. Before you, little senior brother, appeared, It's the only one I've ever seen in my life.

  He mastered various inheritances within half a year of his introduction, and even understood a real skill.

  But it took us almost ten years to achieve this step." "

  The teacher regarded Junior Brother Pei as a master . In order to hope for the rise of the Crane Sect, almost all the efforts were devoted to Junior Brother Pei. The bias was so serious that

  for a while it even aroused the dissatisfaction of the fellow junior brothers.

  But Junior Brother Pei himself was outstanding enough that even if everyone had complaints, he still I always have nothing to say."

  "Junior Brother Lin has the best relationship with Junior Brother Pei among all the people.

  When Junior Brother Pei first started, Junior Brother Lin helped lay all the foundations.

  Later, Junior Brother Pei showed his prowess and began to give guidance in turn. Give me some guidance, Junior Brother Lin."

  "What happened next?
  Why did Pei Ye betray the master?"

  There was a long silence.

  Finally he spoke slowly.


  "Later, the teacher lost a bet with the leader of the Snake Sect.

  He was seriously injured. The Snake Sect gathered all the martial arts sects to put pressure on our Crane Sect, trying to completely expel our lineage from Xia Bang and Tianliu Shui. .

  On the way away from Chabon, the teacher’s former enemies also came after hearing the news and wanted to kill us completely.” “In

  that battle, the teacher lost his arms and legs, his eyes were gouged out, and his heart was slapped several times. , almost dying.

  Three of our eight direct descendants died, and almost all the rest were seriously injured.

  And Pei Ye escaped before the battle started."

  "He was afraid?"


  Maybe so . I don’t think there is any need to be tied to death with those of us who are about to be forced to die.

  After all, he is extremely talented and has a great future and an infinitely bright future. Why should he accompany us to die together? (laughing)” “.


  "Coach Lin let him go?"




  "Junior brother Lin was the first one among all our disciples to discover that Pei Ye wanted to escape. I don't know what Pei Ye said to him. In the end, Junior Brother Lin did let him go without telling anyone.

  But..." "

  In fact, the teacher also knew that Pei Ye wanted to leave that night.

  When Pei Ye escaped, the teacher followed him and protected him all the way. .Finally

  watched him disappear into the vast night without looking back."

  The conversation he once had with Zhuang Xiujie flowed through Lu Yuan's mind like water.

  This is the truth behind the legendary Lao Ba who defected from the Crane Sect.

  It was just Zhuang Xiujie who said it alone, and Lu Yuan could not be sure that this "truth" was 100% consistent with the facts.

  But I think it's pretty much the same.

  Although Lao Liu is evil and domineering, what Zhuang Xiujie said seems to be something he can do who has always been cold-hearted and extremely protective of his shortcomings.

  "Lao Liu is still soft-hearted,"

  Lu Yuan murmured: "If it were me, since Pei Ye wants to leave, I must respect his own choice.

  But I have to keep all the things from the Crane Sect.

  Why did you cut off his limbs, give up all his martial arts skills, and then send him out with Didi?"

  Lu Yuan returned his gaze to the information in front of him and watched the video in the information several times.

  His expression grew colder and colder.

  "Evil Martial Alliance, Night Emperor. What a great name, what a cool nickname." "You have

  been living outside, and you have returned home in fine clothes. Are you ready to show off to your old acquaintances?"

  Lu Yuan Thinking quietly, he continued reading along the information.

  What follows is nothing surprising.

  Lin Zhiqin came back from Xia Bang a week ago. He first went to the martial arts school, then returned to his hometown, and then...

  Lu Yuan's eyes suddenly froze, and he stared at a small paragraph of text on the information. .

  ——"I went to the Jiaoyan Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau at nine o'clock in the morning on October 8th and went through the relevant divorce procedures with my lover."

  Lin Zhiqin is divorced? !
  On the day I met myself, an hour before the dinner date? !


  Lu Yuan was confused and quickly looked at the entire information carefully from the beginning.

  "A man took his daughter Lin Mo to Xia Bang to seek medical treatment. After returning, he and his wife went through the divorce procedures and left all the property to the other party." "What happened to

  make Coach Lin make such a decision?

  Or was it because of Pei Ye?"

  Lu Yuan frowned tightly, while checking the information, he quickly used his authority to obtain more new information about Lin Zhiqin from Huang Xiong.

  "Martial arts school, hometown, divorce, clean up and leave home, give me notes when we meet, go to Weishan to meet Lao Liu" "

  Lin Zhiqin is"

  "dealing with everything one by one."

  "He seems to have a death wish?!"

  Lu Yuan's eyes suddenly shot out with a bright light.

  Something caught in the moment.

  Immediately click on the information about Lin Zhiqin's daughter Lin Mo.

  The next moment,
  the answer is revealed.




  "Blue sheep."

  "Where's the invitation?"


  In a small independent room, Lin Zhiqin faced a capable woman with short hair. sit.

  He answered every question raised by the other party with a calm expression. "It's routine, please understand."

  After the woman asked the last question, she smiled at Lin Zhiqin, and then handed him a document.

  "Take a look, no problem, sign underneath.

  Then someone will arrange for you to rest. Just wait for the bloody battle to begin." "


  Lin Zhiqin nodded, picked up the document and read it line by line.

  After reading the last word, he picked up the pen.

  He hesitated for a while before writing, as if he wanted to confirm something again. He raised his head and asked the woman: "As long as you save 10,000 victory points, you can redeem the 'sacred blood'. Is that right?" The woman


  . , and then laughed happily.

  "Uncle, you have asked this question four times."

  "Yes, that's right."

  "Among the redemption items for 10,000 win points, there is indeed 'blood of the immortal god'.

  'Blood of the immortal god' is great." The gift of the God of Martial Arts and Hunting.

  It possesses incredible supernatural power, far stronger than those genetic optimization fluids and body enhancers on the market.

  People who take the blood of the God will obtain the 'God of Martial Arts and Hunting'. 'Blessed with an unquenchable fighting spirit and an indestructible body."

  The woman Balabala said a lot, as if she was already very familiar with this set of words.

  At the end, she half-jokingly said to Lin Zhiqin: "Uncle, aren't you martial arts fighters coming to participate in the bloody battle for this reason? Why are you still hesitant and unsure
  ? "

  I'm just worried that it will be useless."

  Lin Zhiqin lowered his head and replied vaguely.

  The woman glanced at the computer screen next to her and said with a smile: "Uncle, you have redeemed the weakened version of divine blood in our Mosa several times. Don't you know if you have used it? The weakened version you redeemed before has
  even There is not even a drop of divine blood, it has been diluted.

  This time, the 'immortal divine blood' is a whole bottle of pure blood.

  The effect is a hundred times, a thousand times or even ten thousand times that of the former!"

  Lin Zhiqin Without looking at the woman's exaggerated expression, she hummed and silently signed her name.

  After signing, Lin Zhiqin walked out of the room.

  Someone happened to push the door out of several small rooms nearby.

  The man looked Lin Zhiqin up and down with inexplicable eyes, then turned and left with a sneer.

  Lin Zhiqin ignored it and just walked out of the building calmly.

  The streets seemed deserted.

  Today's weather seems a bit gloomy, and the autumn wind blows a few plastic bags that fell on the street and rolled them around.

  Lin Zhiqin took out a cigarette and lit it silently.

  Then he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and turned it on.

  A picture of a young, beautiful girl with a bright smile was displayed on the screen.

  In the light blue smoke, Lin Zhiqin squinted his eyes and stared at the screen of his mobile phone, as if he wanted to deeply imprint the appearance of the girl on the screen into his mind.

  for a long time.

  A cigarette burns out.

  Lin Zhiqin put his cell phone back into his pocket and walked alone towards the end of the long street where he didn't know the direction.

  "Lin Mo, Dad, I will definitely let you live well." "

  Congenital Cell Fatigue!"

  Lu Yuan looked at Lin Mo's information with a dazed look on his face.

  "Patients with this disease have innate cell activity or cell lifespan, which is only one percent of normal people's lifespan. They are extremely prone to early
  It is a world-class difficult and complicated disease.

  At present, in addition to uploading consciousness and replacing the body, There is no better solution.

  And even patients who have completed the transfer of consciousness still have a high probability of experiencing this disease again.

  This disease is like a curse bound to the soul." "

  Lin Zhiqin took Lin Mo waited in Xia Bang for more than a month.

  The world's top expert who had originally made an appointment temporarily canceled the trip the night before the agreed time and did not come to Xia Bang." "In other words,

  Lin Zhiqin and Lin Mo Mo waited in vain for more than a month in Xia Bang. In the end, let alone the operation, he came back without even seeing the expert." "Lin

  Mo's last vestige of life was also snuffed out. No wonder "No wonder Lin Zhiqin would do this." Lu

  Yuan closed the document, sat on the sofa and looked at the white wall opposite in trance.

  When he met Lin Zhiqin, he asked about Lin Mo.

  Lin Zhiqin responded quickly and naturally, saying that the operation went well and that Lin Mo would recover soon.

  He didn't show the slightest bit of strangeness, and there wasn't even any change in his mood swings.

  So much so that Lu Yuan really thought everything was going well.

  "I guess he had already made all the plans before that time."

  Lu Yuan came back to his senses and silently checked Lin Zhiqin's current movements through Huang Xiong.

  "Three days ago, Chiming City." Lu

  Yuan's eyes moved slightly, feeling like he had seen this address somewhere.

  He quickly found the source.

  "Mossa's invitation to the ultimate bloody battle. The location of the bloody battle marked on it is in Chiming City!" "I


  Lu Yuan stood up from the sofa with a calm expression.

  "Is it natural for Mosa to become the last life-saving straw again?"

  "Coach, it's hard to carry this alone.

  Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

  "The clue to the 'key' of the Ganesha Cult also ended in Mosa, right?" .

  It seems that it is indeed necessary to go to this ultimate bloody battle."

  Lu Yuan casually found some clothes from the sofa and put them on.

  He got dressed, took his mobile phone, and walked step by step towards the door of the living room.

  The strong body rises and falls, like a sleeping beast slowly waking up.

  Lu Yuan walked to the door, stopped, lightly tapped his ear, and spoke in a low voice.

  "Peregrine Falcon, arrange a shuttle.

  Come and pick me up now."

  (End of Chapter)

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