132. Chapter 132 True meaning, Grandmaster, Tiangang Overlord Body

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  Chapter 132 True meaning, Grandmaster, Tiangang Tyrant
  Lu Yuan took advantage of the gap between his body to recover and called up his career panel.

  [You have experienced a battle, professional experience +312]

  [You have experienced a battle.]

  After the assessment, Lu Yuan came directly here and never had the chance to open the panel to check.

  There is a lot of improvement news accumulated on the panel.

  After taking a look, I found that the level of the [Fighter] profession had indeed increased.

  [Occupation: Fighter lv7 (890/6400)]

  After being promoted to lv7, he has 1 more attribute point and skill point at his disposal.

  [Fighter] The experience required to upgrade after level 7 is doubled again.

  But as his strength increases, the opponents he encounters become stronger and stronger, and the professional experience he can gain after each battle also increases. The upgrade speed is the most stable and fastest among several professional panels.

  "It's almost done."

  Lu Yuan sat in the venue for a while, and the two injuries on his body had fully recovered under his 17-point constitution.

  He stood up from the floor and glanced around.

  Thinking about what to do.

  At this time, the wall facing him suddenly made a crunching sound.

  Along with the sound of the machine rotating, the entire wall began to rise slowly, and steps and light were revealed from behind the rising wall.

  Lu Yuan's eyes moved slightly, and he stood quietly watching the entire wall rise completely.

  What then appeared in front of him was a dense bamboo forest. There was a path in the bamboo forest, and a cool breeze blew slowly from the forest.

  "Come here."

  An old voice came from the forest.

  Lu Yuan recognized Liu Daoyuan's voice.

  He thought for a moment and strode over.

  Walk out of the venue and walk down a few steps to the bamboo forest path.

  After taking a few steps, he suddenly stopped. He turned sideways and rummaged through the haystacks beside the trail, and found something about the size of a half-palm, similar to a Bluetooth speaker.

  Needless to say, Liu Daoyuan's voice he heard just now came from this speaker.

  "Pretend to be a ghost."

  Lu Yuan put down the stereo quite speechlessly, shook his head, and continued walking along the path deeper into the bamboo forest.

  After walking a few dozen meters, the vision gradually became clear.

  At the end of the bamboo forest, there is a stone table.

  There is a fish pond next to the stone table, and the sound of running water makes a splash.

  This place is arranged very cleverly, and the sunlight is blocked from the stone table just right, making it neither stuffy nor dark.

  Half bright and half cool in the forest.

  Lu Yuan's eyes were always staring at a certain figure sitting in front of the stone table quietly drinking tea.

  He was an old man. His beard and hair were all white and hung down in long lengths.

  He had a clear face and a calm mind, and the cool breeze blew his spotless snow-white practice clothes.

  The dust is misty, like wandering clouds and wild cranes.

  "Are you Liu Daoyuan?!"

  Lu Yuan had a look of shock on his face.

  He really couldn't connect the extraordinary old man in front of him with the Liu Daoyuan who had blue eyes, physically disabled and crazy like he was acting in a cyber horror movie that he had just seen in the venue.

  He carefully observed the eyes and limbs of the old man in front of him.

  I didn't see any clues.

  It is so vivid that it is no different from a normal person with sound limbs.

  "You can call Liu Daoyuan? Call me teacher!"

  The old man who was drinking tea suddenly snorted coldly, but he didn't even raise his hand.

  A violent sound of breaking through the air was approaching in an instant.

  Lu Yuan reacted very quickly and raised his hand to block.

  A ball of porcelain shards exploded in the palm of my hand. It didn't hurt at all, but my mood gradually calmed down.

  "Am I officially included in the lineage?"

  Lu Yuan looked at Liu Daoyuan in front of him and spoke slowly.

  "What kind of personal inheritance?"

  Liu Daoyuan narrowed his eyes and looked at him, and the aura of Chuchen in his body gradually began to fall apart.

  "You are now the true successor of my Tianshui Hexian Liu Daoyuan, the only successor!"

  "Tianshui Hexian."

  Lu Yuan chewed the word, always feeling something was wrong.

  He walked up slowly, and when Liu Daoyuan didn't respond, he sat down in front of the stone table.

  There was no expression on Liu Daoyuan's face, but his eyes seemed to have become slightly colder.


  Lu Yuan called out tentatively.

  The old man's eyebrows softened immediately, he pointed to the teapot on the table and said casually: "If you want to drink, pour it yourself." "

  Thank you, teacher."

  After the first shout, the second one was much smoother.

  Lu Yuan didn't have a particularly strong sense of belonging to the Crane Sect. He only called Teacher Liu Daoyuan the same as calling the teachers in school.

  Since he likes to listen, it doesn't matter if he shouts a few more times.

  Lu Yuan was already a little thirsty, so he picked up the teapot on the table and poured himself a cup.

  I don’t know what kind of tea Liu Daoyuan brewed. The color of the tea was clear and almost transparent, and there were a few bubbles when it was poured into the cup.

  Picking it up and smelling it, it has a strange fruity aroma.

  Put it in your mouth
  and "wipe it."

  Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Liu Daoyuan, "Soda? Is it apple flavor?" "


  Liu Daoyuan calmed down and took a sip from the teacup, "Why, I've never seen martial arts before. Masters drink soda?"


  Lu Yuan didn't know what to say.

  From the moment he stepped into the venue, everything he experienced had a feeling of subverting his three views.

  He stared at Liu Daoyuan's eyes and hands for a long time. The latter became a little impatient and replied: "Don't look at it, it's fake." "


  Lu Yuan finally solved the puzzle, and the next second he saw Liu Daoyuan's painting style change. Turning around, the whole person became cold.

  "I was killed by a powerful enemy back then, and my hands and feet were torn off, and my eyes were taken away. I

  accepted you because I wanted you to avenge me one day."

  Liu Daoyuan's eyes were burning, he looked at Lu Yuan, and said: "Your qualifications Excellent, and possessing the talent of the Palace of Flesh.

  Coupled with my careful cultivation,

  within three years, he will definitely be able to unify the southern martial arts world. Within five

  years, he will enter Xia Bang, slaughter all the Snake Sect, and reunite with Tianliu Shui glory. Down.

  It’s not impossible to penetrate Wusheng Island in ten years, subvert Penglai in twenty years, and dominate the entire Xia Kingdom’s martial arts world in thirty years.” “


  Lu Yuan choked directly on the soda in his cup, with a look of astonishment on his face. Looking at Liu Daoyuan.

  What about the southern martial arts world?

  What about Wu Sheng Island?

  What about Penglai?
  What about dominating the martial arts world and unifying the rivers and lakes
  ? It’s all about the same thing?

  He suddenly felt like he was on the wrong ship.

  If Liu Daoyuan hadn’t changed his next sentence immediately He almost stood up and ran away.

  "But it's too early for you now.

  You should still be practicing bone training, right? "

  Liu Daoyuan glanced at him and said calmly.

  Lu Yuan nodded and did not deny it. He had just fought against Liu Daoyuan, and he couldn't resist this kind of thing. He would know it once he tried it.

  "After training the bones, it is time to train the internal organs.

  Now that you are full of strength, you have half-stepped into the martial arts realm.

  Only when the strength is practiced all over the body and the true meaning is understood from the three true skills of my crane sect can one be considered a master of martial arts." "

  True meaning."

  Lu Yuan had heard the word martial artist mentioned before during the assessment, which should have given birth to crane strength. , the level passed down by several major disciples of the Crane Sect.

  This is the first time I have heard of Zhenyi.

  “Teacher is a Zhenyi level master? "

  Lu Yuan asked tentatively.

  "Yeah. "

  Liu Daoyuan said lightly: "The true meaning level is also called the sect leader level. The hall leader level is because only by understanding the true meaning can one be qualified to call himself the leader of a sect and a hall.

  This is the division of the orthodox martial arts world, and it is different from those cats and dogs you usually hear calling themselves. "

  "Then what level will it be if the sect master who understands the true meaning reaches the next level? "

  Lu Yuan has always been confused and unclear about the hierarchy of the martial arts world.

  Now that he has the opportunity, he wants to figure it out in one go.

  "Assigning the master to the higher level will lead to the master.   It requires the unity of strength and intention. It is too far away from you to

  reach the state of being the only one . You may not be able to achieve it in this life. You don’t need to understand it too deeply.

  Liu Daoyuan said to Lu Yuan with a serious expression: "Now you only need to master the inheritance and inheritance of several major skills of our Crane Sect.

  Then just develop your Palace of Flesh talent to the extreme.

  The Palace of Flesh is a one-in-a-million legendary martial arts talent. If you use it well, even if you cannot become a grandmaster, you may not be weaker than the grandmaster. "

  Lu Yuan's eyes flashed slightly. He had been hearing Liu Daoyuan mention the three words Palace of Flesh. He

  was about to ask.

  "What exactly is Palace of Flesh? "

  "That's what you showed, the ability to control muscle mobilization.

  The five legendary qualifications in the martial arts world.

  The Abyss of Skin, the Palace of Flesh, the Mountain of Bones, the Immortal of the Five Zang Organs and the Supernatural Power of the Brain. The
  Palace of Flesh represents the absolutely invincible physical power.

  Developed to the extreme, it is a terrifying power that can make even masters fear it."

  It turns out that the effect of [Special Power] is so praised in the traditional martial arts world as "divine"? The
  Palace of Flesh!
  Think about it carefully and activate it yourself The muscles in his [Special Power] were indeed as majestic as a palace.

  Lu Yuan's eyes were filled with strange light, and he filled the tea cup in front of Liu Daoyuan with soda, and said with encouragement: "Teacher, the other four... will also expand. Talk about it. "

  Liu Daoyuan glanced at him, hummed softly, picked up the tea cup in front of him and drank it all in one

  gulp. Then he continued slowly.

  "It's okay for you to understand the other four.

  The abyss of skin means that the skin is as difficult to cross as the abyss of heaven. Any attack force falling on the skin will be as if it were submerged into the abyss of heaven, being dispelled without a trace.

  It represents absolute defense.

  Mountain of Bones means that bones are like sacred mountains, stronger than fine steel, indestructible and indestructible.

  Warriors with the talent of Mountain of Bones can practice any boxing and kicking skills, and their lethality is far higher than that of their peers, and they are better than others using weapons.

  The Five Zang Immortal means that the five internal organs are full of vitality, just like an immortal.

  Those with these five internal organs have physical resilience, longevity and vitality many times greater than those of ordinary people. It is a talent that even masters dream of.

  As for the magical power of the brain."

  Liu Daoyuan paused and said: "It has not appeared a few times in the martial arts world, and I have only heard about it a little bit.

  It is said that those with supernatural powers have extremely high levels of understanding and practice skills by leaps and bounds.

  Moreover, he can simulate the battle in his mind, predicting the enemy beforehand, and it is difficult to meet the opponent when facing the enemy.

  And breaking through the realm of true meaning is as easy and simple as eating and drinking. As long as the physical talent is not too bad, the master is also within easy reach." The

  simulated battle understanding is extremely high.
  Lu Yuan felt a little strange when he heard this.

  Isn't this the [imaginary enemy] and Is it the effect of [Flash of Inspiration]?
  In this way, he can be considered to have supernatural powers?

  But of course it is impossible to say these words to Liu Daoyuan.

  Lu Yuan thought for a while and couldn't help but ask: "Teacher, that true meaning level , or a higher master level, can they defeat those reformers?

  Can you handle the energy cannon? "

  Liu Daoyuan didn't speak, but looked at him strangely.

  "Why do you ask this?

  " If you're curious, just ask. " "

  Liu Daoyuan thought for a while and replied: "A top martial artist who has practiced all over his body will be difficult to be injured by ordinary thermal weapons."

  Lu Yuan perked up.

  But he heard Liu Daoyuan continue: "But against a large-caliber thermal weapon Weapons are still difficult to carry.

  Not to mention those high-intensity energy weapon attacks.

  Maybe the Grandmaster Realm can do it, but the True Artistic Realm can’t yet do it.

  Unless you kill the opponent first before they take action."

  "Pi Zhiyuan can't stop him? "

  Lu Yuan frowned.

  "Pi Zhiyuan's absolute defense is only against manpower. If it exceeds manpower too much, it will not be measured.


  Liu Daoyuan thought, "a person who combines the five talents of skin, flesh, bone, five internal organs, and brain can resist the attack of high-tech weapons.

  There have been rumors in the martial arts world that when the five great talents come together in one person, it is said that the martial arts will usher in unprecedented changes.
  However, this is also a legend, and it is impossible for such a person to be born in the world."

  "After losing my limbs and eyes, I realized that the decline of ancient martial arts was the torrent of the times and could not be resisted. Don't
  look at me now, but my strength is still much stronger than when my limbs and eyes were intact.

  If I go back to seek revenge, Killing the original enemy is not a problem.

  But that is like borrowing from outside forces, other people's hands.

  Even if it is revenge, it is meaningless."

  Liu Daoyuan sighed with emotion and drank the fruity soda in his hand. The feeling of liquor.

  Lu Yuan listened and couldn't help but curse.

  Yes, using high-tech prosthetics to take revenge is like borrowing someone else's hand, which is tasteless.

  Asking me to avenge you is not borrowing someone else's hand.

  I really belong to you, Liu Hexian!
  Liu Daoyuan finished his emotion, his expression became calm, and the topic turned back to Lu Yuan.

  "Your current level of development of the Palace of Flesh is still very low.

  But this is the first time I have encountered the Palace of Flesh, so I can't guide you.

  the last owner of the talent of the Palace of Flesh was in Bailianmen. There

  may be someone in Bailianmen. The cultivation experience he left behind should be helpful to you.

  Tomorrow I will go to Bailian Sect and borrow it for you."

  Although his so-called "Flemish Palace" was brought about by [Special Power], Upgrading just requires adding points.

  Others' experiences may not be useful to him.

  But when Liu Daoyuan said this, Lu Yuan was still a little touched.

  "Thank you, teacher.

  Are you familiar with the Bailian Sect?"

  "It's not bad. I killed several people with their original sect leader.

  But that person acted too high-profile and unscrupulously, and later got into trouble with the officials. As a

  result, he was all over the place . The Muscle Palace was blasted to pieces by more than a dozen heavy-duty mechas."


  After Liu Daoyuan finished speaking, he looked at Lu Yuan again, and sighed softly: "It's a pity that the body-building method of our Crane Sect can only be regarded as average, and it is not It's not perfect for you.

  If you can get the Tiangang Hegemony body training method from the former Holy Fist Sect.

  Only then can the peerless power of this body of muscle be brought into full play. "

  Tiangang Hegemony? !
  Lu Yuan blinked when he heard the name.

  (End of chapter)

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