131. Chapter 131 Interview, Mantle

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  Chapter 131 Interview, Yibo

  Liu Daoyuan? !

  The moment the voice sounded, the name popped into Lu Yuan's mind.

  He fixed his eyes and looked hard at the two points of blue light.

  Through the faint blue light, an old face could be vaguely seen.

  His hair, eyebrows, and beard are all long, and his face is expressionless.

  Those two dots of blue light were actually his "eyes", set in his eye sockets, completely replacing the position of his eyeballs.

  At first glance, Liu Daoyuan looked quite similar to a character in a game he had played before.

  "Come closer, come closer."

  The voice that sounded like a rusty blade was still urging.

  This time Lu Yuan could see clearly that it was indeed coming from Liu Daoyuan's mouth.

  "Why don't you turn on the light?"

  Lu Yuan thought for a while and took two steps forward.

  Liu Daoyuan, who had two big light bulb eyes open, was stunned for a moment, as if he didn't know how to answer.

  Lu Yuan saw at this moment that

  the body under Liu Daoyuan's head had no hands or a right foot.

  Only one left leg remains.

  Even the remaining left leg was only half-length, and there was nothing under the knee.

  He was very thin, and looked like a slender bamboo pole with two blue light bulbs on top, which was both eye-catching and inexplicably funny.

  There is no further road to go.

  I don't know if the expression on his face just now inadvertently irritated Liu Daoyuan.


  The two blue light bulbs that were the only light sources in the room suddenly went out.

  The light source was extinguished in an instant, causing Lu Yuan's pupils to change, and he fell into a state of temporary blindness.

  However, his mental power was always in a state of divergence, and he did not lose control of the surrounding environment.

  However, the next second, something suddenly broke into the mental radiation field around Lu Yuan.

  The speed is incredible!

  Even his 16 points of agile nerve reaction speed failed to catch it, and he was hit hard on the back.

  As if being punched hard by a hard object, the huge force pushed Lu Yuan staggering forward.


  Lu Yuan couldn't help but cursed in his heart, but he was more horrified.

  His martial body, which had been well trained in skin and flesh, was hit so hard that his back was dented, causing great pain.

  You don't need to look to know that there are definitely bruises and severe bruises on the skin and muscles.

  However, before he could subside from the pain, he was hit hard on the left side of his ribs again.


  This time Lu Yuan even heard the sound of his own ribs cracking slightly.


  After two consecutive blows, Lu Yuan's face turned ugly in the darkness.

  He probably guessed the purpose of Liu Daoyuan's attack on him, and the anger flashed in his eyes, and he simply stopped hiding it.

  lv2【Special power】!
  lv3【Absolute concentration】!

  "Crack, click, click -"

  Lu Yuan's whole body expanded rapidly like a balloon, his muscles undulated like waves, and veins sprouted out. "
  Buzz -"

  An invisible violent momentum centered on Lu Yuan and rapidly spread to all directions. Spread out.

  He was breathing heavily like a giant beast.

  The "feeling of falling into the water" brought about by lv3 [Absolute Concentration] made his mind clear and calm, just like a frozen lake on a snowy night in winter.


  Lu Yuan suddenly punched his right front without any warning.

  The fist broke through the air, followed by bursts of explosions like cracking silk.


  This punch hit Lu Yuan directly on the floor of the room.

  The fine wooden floor was blasted into a big crater with a "bang", and wood slag and sawdust were flying everywhere.

  Lu Yuan supported the ground with his left hand and pulled his right hand out from under the collapsed floor with an expressionless face.

  He stood with his feet spread apart, his mental energy highly concentrated, and his whole person entered an unprecedented state of concentration.

  But Liu Daoyuan, who was hiding in the darkness, seemed to no longer attack him.


  Two beams of blue light suddenly shone on Lu Yuan.

  Lu Yuan lowered his head and watched the light blue divergent beam moving repeatedly on his body, as if he was doing some kind of scanning.

  Look along where the blue beam of light comes from.

  Liu Daoyuan, who reopened the two light bulb eyes, returned to his original seat without knowing when.

  The expression on the old face seemed to be in some kind of inexplicable excitement.

  The almost fiery gaze staring at him made Lu Yuan unable to help but get goosebumps all over his body.

  "Hit me!"

  Liu Daoyuan suddenly said.


  Lu Yuan was stunned for a moment.

  "I told you to hit me, just in your current state.

  Use your most powerful attack to hit me!"

  Liu Daoyuan's voice was full of irritability and impatience, and he kept urging: "I don't want to get hurt again. How many times, boy?"

  Lu Yuan's eyes flashed.

  Take a quick deep breath.

  "As you wish."


  The next second, the floor beneath Lu Yuan exploded and collapsed.
  His huge body suddenly appeared a few meters in front of Liu Daoyuan as if teleporting.

  The arms as thick as a giant python were raised high.

  Aiming at Liu Daoyuan's bamboo pole-like body.

  lv2 [Special Power] Change the power level!
  lv1 [He Jin]!
  lv1 [Crane Shadow Floating in the Sky]!
  A trace of mysterious energy burst out from the collision of muscles and periosteum.

  The fist presses down
  under the blue light source, squeezing out circles of blue-white air waves visible to the naked eye.

  In my mind, there is a spiritual crane soaring into the sky, its chirping sound piercing the clouds and cracking the rocks.

  The beard and hair on Liu Daoyuan's face were blown in all directions by the terrifying fist wind, but instead of showing any intention of dodging, with a smile on his face, he seemed to be eagerly anticipating something.


  Lu Yuan's punch hit Liu Daoyuan's dry torso firmly.

  With the blessing of He Jin, the pure power of this punch may be far more than three tons.

  Lu Yuan was almost confident that he could directly smash a light truck and overturn it. However, when such terrifying power hit Liu Daoyuan, there was not even the slightest ripple.

  On the other hand, Liu Daoyuan suddenly became excited, his long eyebrows and beard stood up messily, his mouth opened, and he let out a harsh laugh.

  "Okay, okay!"

  "The Palace of Flesh! It is indeed the Palace of Flesh!" "

  Boy, you will be the only successor of our Crane Sect from now on!"

  Lu Yuan was startled before he could react.

  There was a "click" sound.

  Liu Daoyuan's figure was completely lost before his eyes, and then a bright light suddenly brightened in the dark venue.

  "It's the Palace of Flesh, that's right."

  In the assessment room, a group of disciples stood in front of the video projection, staring intently at the frozen picture on the screen, with a strange light in everyone's eyes.

  "Innate ability to control muscles, incredible physical strength.

  Flesh and blood is as gorgeous and magnificent as a palace made by heaven." The body

  in the freeze-frame picture is ferocious, and the muscles are tangled. In the eyes of a group of direct disciples, it seems like the world The famous paintings left by great masters are like the ones handed down from generation to generation.

  Every line is full of thrilling beauty.

  ".I remember that the Bailian Sect had a palace of meat. In

  ten years, Bailian Sect, which was originally a third-rate sect, was brought to a first-rate and almost top-level sect. It is said that

  at his peak, even the Grandmaster dared to In the first battle, he could tear apart Hong Kong Steel with his bare hands.
  Unfortunately, he acted too arrogantly and got into trouble with the authorities, and was besieged and killed by more than a dozen mechas."

  Someone sighed, suddenly paused, and added.

  "I didn't expect that our Crane Sect would have the opportunity to welcome a genius with such a talent!"

  These words made the rest of the people's bodies shake slightly.

  Then there was some inexplicable look on all the faces.

  It seemed like
  I was thinking of something from this.

  "The five legendary talents in the martial arts world.

  The Abyss of Skin, the Palace of Flesh, the Mountain of Bones, the Immortal of the Five Zangs and the Divine Power of the Brain.
  No matter which one they are, they are all rare treasures in the world."

  Someone murmured and whispered: "This Lu Yuan possesses the palace of flesh, and he has mastered the true martial arts of our Crane School after only three months of martial arts training." "

  And it is also the true secret of the boxing skills that I have learned through the pile method." The

  short-haired woman suddenly spoke and asked Lin Zhiqin who was standing aside: "I Are you right, Junior Brother Lin?"

  Lin Zhiqin was in a daze. When he heard the short-haired woman's words, he came back to his senses and nodded subconsciously: "Yes, Lu Yuan's true skill was realized from the basic pile method, but he realized it at the beginning Just a little bit of fur."


  There was another gasping sound on the field.

  All faces were moved.

  He could understand the true secrets that represent the core of a sect's inheritance just by relying on pile techniques. Even if he only scratched the surface, it still showed that Lu Yuan had a good understanding of martial arts.

  Coupled with the talent of the Palace of Flesh, this qualification can no longer be described as a monster.

  Even the person who was sentenced to escape from the school in the first place.

  Compared with the long road in front of me, it also seems mediocre.

  After a short period of shock and silence, someone finally spoke: "Junior Brother Lin has recruited such a talented person to the sect this time, and the teacher will definitely reward him. Congratulations in

  advance to Junior Brother Lin for returning to the ranks of direct disciples."

  "Senior Brother Lin, come and see me when you have time. Let's drink tea."

  "Senior Brother Lin"

  and all his disciples greeted Lin Zhiqin one after another, temporarily repairing the relationship.

  Each one of them is full of complexity in their hearts and faces.

  Among them, Qin Feng is probably the worst one.

  He and Lin Zhiqin were in the same martial arts gym in Jiaoyan.

  When Lu Yuan was training at the Yuanwu Hall, he met him countless times.

  But there is such a monster genius under his nose, and he can actually ignore it. He is really blind from practicing martial arts.

  "Lin Lin..."

  Qin Feng opened his mouth to Lin Zhiqin several times, but didn't know what to say, and finally turned and left with a gloomy expression.

  A group of personal disciples left one after another with the candidates they recommended.

  The dark-haired middle-aged man who has always turned his back to everyone and remained silent is the last one.

  He watched the entire video alone, then turned around and patted Lin Zhiqin's shoulder lightly with no trace of happiness or anger on his face.

  After saying, "Junior Brother Lin has suffered a lot these years,"

  the black-haired middle-aged figure also disappeared from the door of the assessment room.

  In the huge venue, only Lin Zhiqin, who looked confused, and two women with short hair were left.

  "Junior Brother Lin,"

  the short-haired woman called Lin Zhiqin.

  Lin Zhiqin raised his head when he heard the sound, looked at the woman intently, was silent for a while, and then said: "Sister, I am, I really don't know." The

  short-haired woman was startled when she heard the words, and suddenly smiled.

  "I understand."

  Then he turned to look at a certain young man in the video screen and said in a low voice: "Who would have thought of it?

  You didn't think of it, I didn't think of it, the second senior brother didn't think of it,
  even the teacher would never think of it."

  Suddenly opened the door The lights are a bit dazzling.

  Lu Yuan raised his hand and covered it in front of his face, squinting for a while before slowly adapting to the light in the room.

  The entire venue was completely presented to him.

  Just as he expected.

  Empty and huge.

  There was almost nothing in the venue except a chair in front of him.

  There were several collapsed and broken floors not far away, and wooden planks and sawdust were scattered on the surrounding ground.

  Liu Daoyuan has disappeared.

  Lu Yuan glanced around.

  I found that the door closest to the chair in front of me was dozens of meters away.

  I don’t know how Liu Daoyuan, who looked like a human stick, disappeared out of thin air.

  "Weird, moody, crazy old monster!"

  Lu Yuan had a sullen face and mentally labeled Liu Daoyuan.

  This "interview" experience left him in a bad mood.

  Lu Yuan dispersed the muscle control of [Special Force], and his swollen body returned to normal size.

  There is still a faint pain in the left rib and back where he was hit.

  While Lu Yuan was adjusting and recovering, he recalled what Liu Daoyuan had just said with a laugh.

  "What is the Palace of Flesh?"

  "Why is he so happy as if he has won the lottery?"

  (End of Chapter)

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