Chapter 60 Thunder falls

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  Chapter 60 Thunder Luo
  Xiao Qian looked at Chen Luo.

  It's like looking at a stranger.

  "I've met Grandmaster Chen,"

  he said.

  But he didn't even salute.

  He no longer had the respect he had when he first met Chen Luo.

  Chen Luo said nothing.

  He just glanced at him lightly, and then smiled softly.

  Turn around.

  Walk back to the recliner.

  Lie down.

  Closed his eyes.

  The wind blows.

  The recliner swayed gently, and Chen Luo's hand tapped gently on the handle to follow the sway of the recliner.

  Boom, boom, boom.

  The sound is crisp and clear.

  Echoing in the courtyard like a lark.

  "Our courtyard is a bit small. If your Highness is fine, please leave and don't disturb our family's sunbathing."

  Xiao Qian frowned slightly.

  The coldness in his eyes gradually increased.

  But that's all.

  He quickly returned to normal, just like a scholar.

  It was as if everything just now was an illusion.

  "My Highness has no intention of disturbing the Grandmaster. I just have one thing, and I want to ask the Grandmaster for an answer... If the Grandmaster is willing to answer the question, Your Highness will leave now." "What if our family is unwilling to answer the question?" Chen Luo still didn't open his


  . .

  But his hand on the handle had stopped knocking.

  Xiao Qian said nothing.

  for a long time.

  Shaking his head...

  "The grandmaster has no fight with the world. Since he doesn't say it, he has his reasons. Naturally, this prince does not dare to force the grandmaster to do anything.

  But... I really want to know.

  Three days ago,

  Sima Junliang entered the palace, and the grandmaster Do you know?
  That day Li Chungang came to look for the Grandmaster...Does he mean to be the Grandmaster?"

  Chen Luo slowly opened his eyes.

  Looking at Xiao Qian,

  "How do you want our family to answer?"

  Xiao Qian was silent again.

  For a long time...

  he smiled.

  "Please don't blame me, Grandmaster, for disturbing me today!"

  he said.

  He slowly exited the courtyard.

  Outside the yard.

  An old monk holding a Zen staff stood quietly outside waiting.

  After seeing him come out.

  He looked at the yard inside again.



  "Let's go!"

  Xiao Qian said.

  But the coldness in his eyes has appeared.

  Even, thicker.

  It was so cold that it could almost condense into ice cubes.

  "Tonight...please take action, Master!"

  Xiao Qian said.

  The old monk said nothing.

  Just nodded.

  One person and one monk, they walked slowly towards Tianlong Temple.

  In the courtyard.

  Chen Luo looked through the wall towards the direction Xiao Qian left.

  "Old bald donkey?"

  "People from Tianlong Temple?"

  "That old monk... is a bit weird!"

  "Tianlong Temple, have you finally started to lay out the layout?"

  Chen Luo actually knew about it when the old monk came.

  But since he didn't come in, Chen Luo naturally pretended that he didn't know.

  In the past two years.

  Dawei is also good.

  Da Qin is also good.

  Baiyun Sect and

  Agni Fire Sect.

  Not only they are vigorously developing incense, but also major sects have begun to appear.

  Although the state religion has not yet been established in Dazhou.

  But the battle for incense has already begun...

  Chen Luo has been thinking, when will Tianlong Temple start its layout?

  Now it seems that the layout of Tianlong Temple has actually started a long time ago, but I just don't know it.

  And the target of their layout is Xiao Qian?

  Is this why Sima Junliang wants to kill Xiao Qian?
  Sima Junliang didn't know much.

  And... if he knew this, not only did he not have the ability to change it, but he should also know that with Ya's innate power, he was unable to change anything.

  Not to mention that this has nothing to do with Concubine Mi.

  It seems...

  Sima Junliang had other reasons for killing Xiao Qian and Concubine Mi.

  "Hey... I still like that little kid who secretly hid and read Yuanyang's Secret Records back then.

  Think about that time...

  tsk tsk.

  How pure it was.

  I thought I would secretly stuff it into my arms and take it away without our family knowing."

  Chen Luoba chiba chirped twice, looked around, returned to the room, and rummaged through the boxes and cabinets.

  I found a yellowed book from the cabinet.

  Two naked people could be vaguely seen above.

  As for the title of the book, I have long since lost sight of it.

  "Sometimes this memory brings back memories, and you always need to recall them in order to make up for the shortcomings in your heart." "

  Our family just remembers the lost youth."

  "We also commemorate the fickle person." "

  Absolutely nothing. He thinks!"

  [You looked at a book whose name has long been lost. There is a vague meaning of the intersection of Yin and Yang, Tai Chi.

  Invisibly, it has a great fit with the Tai Chi Heart Sutra!

  Immortal experience +100!

  There has been a great breakthrough in the Tai Chi Heart Sutra.

  PS: When studying this book... it is recommended that you read it frequently!

  Chen Luo: ...

  Destiny is difficult.

  In addition to remembering youth.

  In fact, I had no choice but to go see it in order to improve my cultivation.


  everything in this world always needs to be observed with two-sided eyes. It should not be one-sided I think, but what I think.

  Otherwise, it will be a blinding sight.

  This is the true meaning of life that I have realized after being a eunuch for decades.

  Get a pen and

  take note!


  that night.

  Chen Luo couldn't sleep.

  Tossing and turning.

  I always feel a little uneasy.

  I just think the pillow on the left is a bit annoying.

  The pillow on the right is also a bit annoying,

  maybe because of insomnia?
  Chen Luo thought like this.

  Since you can't sleep, get up...

  and take a broom.

  Facing the moonlight.

  It's midnight.

  Cleaning the fallen leaves in the yard.

  This scene looks a bit sad and a little weird.

  But I have to say that with this broom in hand, my heart calmed down inexplicably.

  [You cleaned a circle in the yard late at night, and your originally impetuous heart calmed down.

  You have a realization:
  If you don’t clean one house, how can you clean the whole world?
  The broom in your hand is sometimes more than just a broom.

  It is also the floating dust of the soul.

  It can sweep away the gloom and veils in your heart...making your heart become clear.

  Cleaning experience points +200!

  PS: It’s always right to be more diligent...]

  It was also at this time...

  Thunder broke out from the ground, and

  the night suddenly flashed with brilliance.

  I saw a bolt of lightning passing through the night and falling directly on the highest point of the palace!

  The depths of the palace were filled with flames.

  This terrible movement shocked the people of Kyoto in the middle of the night!

  Far away.

  Chen Luo could see that most of the night was illuminated.

  "Thunder descending from the sky? That direction is... Tianwu Tower!!!"

  Chen Luo's pupils narrowed instantly.

  Li Chungang!
  He stood up from the ground, walked in the air, and rushed towards the Tianwu Tower...

  When he came to the Tianwu Tower, he

  saw sparks flickering on the top of the Tianwu Tower. From time to time, there were still sparks shining from the top of the tower. Fall down.

  There were many people surrounding the entire Tianwu Tower.


  among the crowd,

  you can clearly see Li Chungang sitting cross-legged there.

  His breath was weak.

  Most of the body was black, and the entire left arm seemed to be burnt, exuding the aroma of meat.

  The white beard has become a black beard.

  Chen Luo squinted his eyes...

  Sure enough.

  This thunder is aimed at Li Chungang!
  But fortunately, he is still alive.

  And to be alive is to be lucky.

  (End of chapter)

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