Chapter 59 Death of Concubine Mi

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  Chapter 59 The Death of Concubine
  Mi said.

  Sima Junliang suddenly knelt on one knee in front of Chen Luo.

  "What are you doing?"

  Chen Luo frowned.

  "Jun Liang knows that your husband doesn't like to get involved in worldly affairs, and he also knows that his personality is aloof and troublesome.

  Jun Liang doesn't want to ask your husband to take action.

  It's just that Jun Liang just invited someone to drink, but Jun Liang is now You may be a little busy tonight.

  Please sir, take Jun Liang's place and accompany him.

  At least... let him drink to his heart's content. "


  To keep company?

  Let our family have a Qi-training state as a companion. It seems that this person is not simple.


  "The gatekeeper of Tianwu Tower, Li Chungang!"

  Chen Luo looked deeply at Sima Junliang who was kneeling on the ground.

  Sima Junliang was silent.

  Finally, Chen Luo turned around and returned to the courtyard.

  took out the fishing rod.

  Went on fishing.

  Sima Junliang looked at Chen Luo's leaving figure and bowed deeply at the end: "Sima Junliang, thank you for your kindness!"

  Sima Junliang left.

  Chen Luo, who was fishing, sighed softly.

  "This guy... embarrassed two people at once, but... the one who is more in trouble is the old pervert." [

  Your mood is a bit low. Although you are fishing, there is no improvement!
  Fishing experience value +0!

  The pleasure level has decreased slightly.

  PS: I suggest you read more books to relax your mood...This is definitely an excellent way to nourish your mind.]

  Li Chungang is here.

  When he arrived, Chen Luo was lying in the yard reading a book.

  The title of the book "Fighting and Not Fighting, Seeing and Not Seeing, Hearing and Not Hearing"

  is quite long.

  But it is very suitable for Chen Luo now.

  In this book, there is such a sentence that made Chen Luo deeply understand:
  Habitat, a good place;
  Heart, a good abyss;
  With, a good benevolence ;
  Speech, a good faith;
  Government, a good governance;
  Things, a good ability;
  Action, When it is good,

  the husband will not fight, so there is no need.

  There is also a saying like this:

  The greatest good is like water. Water is good for all things and does not compete with it. It is what everyone hates, so it is almost in line with the Tao!

  These two sentences are Chen Luo's favorite.

  Li Chungang glanced at Chen Luo when he came in.

  He pulled out a lounge chair and lay down next to him.

  "Where's the wine?"

  he asked.

  Chen Luo said nothing.

  He just grabbed his hand towards the house.

  A bottle of wine flew out and fell into Chen Luo's hand.


  It was placed on the small chopping board between the two of them.

  Li Chungang stroked his beard and said, "Good work, you should be rewarded!"

  "Full of it!"

  Chen Luo said,


  Li Chungang took a sip, rubbed his hands, and carefully opened the bottle of wine.

  Laofen wine!

  A good thing worth a thousand dollars.

  I can finally drink to my heart’s content tonight!

  No one talks about Sima Junliang.

  It was as if it was not him who made the date for a drink this time, but Chen Luo and Li Chungang themselves.

  But that night, something happened in the capital.

  Late at night.

  The capital is brightly lit.


  East Factory.

  Royal Guards.

  They flocked to the palace.

  The people in the entire capital were in panic and closed their doors tightly for fear of being affected.

  Some people speculate... is this someone rebelling?
  Only through rebellion can this movement be so big.

  Chen Luo and Li Chungang didn't know anything about this.

  The two of them were already drunk.

  The second day.

  Xue Yuan from the Ji family is here.

  Ji Bao has been in poor health recently.

  Seems to be sick.

  I couldn't come in person, so I had to ask Xue Yuan to come.

  When they came in, Chen Luo and Li Chungang were still lying in the yard, snoring like thunder. Xue Yuan obediently went to clean up the wine bottles, bowls and chopsticks.

  I took the opportunity to clean up the yard.

  "What time is it?"

  Chen Luo woke up in a daze, still yawning. Li Chungang next to him turned over, muttered a few times and continued to sleep.

  Chen Luo glanced at this guy with contempt.

  Sleeping so soundly, without any vigilance as a strong man?

  Aren't you afraid of being pinched?
  But it's okay. If the waist is pinched, you can stop the bleeding yourself.

  He will definitely not die from excessive blood loss.

  "Grandpa Chen, are you awake?"

  Xue Yuan saw Chen Luo waking up and hurriedly came over to give Chen Luo some sobering tea and put on his shoes.

  Although this sobering up tea is of little use to Chen Luo.

  But it was quite comfortable to have a drink in the early morning.

  "It's already Chen time."

  Chen Luo nodded.

  I slept a little late.

  This time Xue Yuan brought a piece of news.

  In fact, even if she didn't bring this news, Chen Luo would know it as long as he left the courtyard.

  Now it has spread throughout the capital.

  Streets and alleys.

  Men, women, old and young.

  It's hard not to know:

  there was an assassination attempt in the palace last night... many people were killed... especially those from Dongchang and Jinyiwei, and the casualties were even more heavy.


  This is not the most important thing.

  The most important thing is that Concubine Mi is dead...

  The assassination took place in Concubine Mi's palace.

  Concubine Mi's neck was broken by a gunshot. I heard that her head was split in two and her body was broken into pieces.

  Very tragic!
  A eunuch saw it from a distance, turned around and vomited.

  According to the eunuch, he had never seen a person die so miserably!

  The person who killed Concubine Mi was none other than:

  the former commander of the Jinyi Guards, the former Conglong Chongchen, the spear king who returned from the border of the Great Wall with His Majesty, and now the master: Sima Junliang!

  I heard that when Sima Junliang was surrounded and killed last night, His Majesty also appeared.

  He shot an arrow at Sima Junliang.

  This arrow poses no threat to a Yaxiantian at all, and it cannot even break through the protective aura.

  But this arrow hit!
  Sima Junliang didn't even hide, he even withdrew his energy, allowing the arrow to hit him, and finally walked away indifferently among the thousands of troops.

  Emperor Yongle couldn't hold back and spurted out another mouthful of blood.

  As for what happened next, no one knows.

  After Xue Yuan left, Li Chungang had woken up.

  Of course he heard the news.

  "It was Mi Mi he wanted to kill."

  Li Chungang frowned: "But I really can't find any reason to explain why he wanted to kill her. Logically speaking, he has no reason!" "

  What if it is related to the eldest prince? "

  Chen Luo didn't say this.

  Sima Junliang told himself yesterday that he must kill Xiao Qian.

  But what the reason was, he didn't say.

  Now that Concubine Mi is dead...

  it was Sima Junliang who went deep into the imperial city and committed suicide himself.


  The reason for killing Xiao Qian has nothing to do with Concubine Mi's inability to escape.

  It's just...

  one is His Majesty's eldest prince,

  the woman whom His Majesty loves most.

  What other reason could there be for Sima Junliang to sacrifice everything and kill the two of them?

  Chen Luo didn't want to understand, nor did he want to understand.

  When it comes to royal secrets, even if you are in the Qi training realm, you will become muddy if you wade through the water.

  Of course.

  He hoped that this matter had nothing to do with Tianlong Temple.

  If it has something to do with Tianlong Temple...this matter will be troublesome, but if you think about it, it should be quieter these days.

  The opposite turned out to be true.

  The capital is not stable at all these days,
  not even Chen Luo's yard.

  Because someone whom I haven’t seen for a long time has arrived...

  the eldest prince Xiao Qian.

  When he saw Xiao Qian again, he couldn't find any trace that had any connection with the one hiding in the library.

  Just like a scholar.

  Full of elegance.

  But... his eyes were cold.

  That is a coldness towards oneself.

  Chen Luo himself was a little confused.


  Sima Junliang wants to kill you, do you have cold feelings towards our family?
  Boy...are you making trouble?
  (End of chapter)

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