Chapter 45 After the old friend

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  Chapter 45 Will an old friend
  call us home from now on?
  When did our family name become Zhao?
  When did we have a wife?
  Looking back, the person speaking was a tall, thin man who looked a bit wretched.

  He was full of gloating.

  "Get out!"

  came a voice.

  It was a man not far away,

  Chen Luo suddenly realized.

  That's right.

  If you don't say that your surname is not Zhao, and you don't have a wife... you

  are admitting to the wrong person.

  You think someone is giving you a wife.

  Looking forward to it in vain.

  The thin man who was scolded was not angry either.

  Instead, the smile on his face became even bigger.


  "Don't worry... You are so arrogant now, you will cry so hard later. Let

  me tell you, I have even seen your wife's body.


  your child is also dead.

  "Song Yanxing, what the hell am I doing? I'll beat you to death! "

  As soon as the thin man finished speaking, he was punched by the person called Zhao Sui.

  The two soon struggled into a ball.

  This scene attracted the attention of many people, and I don't know who watched the fun. It was such a big deal that he even secretly threw two kitchen knives in.

  Looking at the two kitchen knives that clattered down next to them,

  Chen Luo was slightly stunned.

  He didn't know how to describe it.

  He just felt that this The folk customs in Suizhou City are really simple! Some
  even fanned themselves to watch the excitement.

  However, the two scuffles quickly stopped, and the one Zhao Sui almost rolled away.

  Just because someone called Zhao Sui Sui.

  "Zhao Sui, why are you still here?" Hurry, something happened at your home, your wife and children were killed! "

  As soon as this sentence came out, it was like thunder, and it instantly stunned Zhao Sui.

  Looking at Song Yanxing below him, and remembering what he had just said, his whole body trembled. He

  ran away quickly.

  Song Yanxing got up from the ground, his face His eyes were all blue and red, but he wasn't angry either.

  Instead, he started to gloat even more:
  "Tsk, tsk, it's so miserable! "

  As he said that, he quickly followed Zhao Sui.

  Looking at Zhao Sui leaving, someone finally reacted:
  "The whole family was killed? A family was exterminated in Zhonghe Street just now. It seems to be the Zhao family? Is it really his home? "

  That's really miserable! " I heard that Prince Wang directly kicked open the door of that house, and after entering, he stripped the woman directly.

  It's been a long time.

  "How desperate that woman is.

  That child's head is right in front of the woman."

  "Shh, don't talk about the prince. Don't you want to live?"

  After hearing this, the man immediately closed his mouth.

  Wang family, that is a taboo that cannot be mentioned in Suizhou City.

  "I...I recognized who that person was just now. He was Zhao Sui of the Zhao family...that Zhao Sui of the Zhao family who used to be in the palace and was supported by a chief eunuch!" "I recognized it too, tut tut

  . , I remember saying that one person from the Zhao family survived, but I didn’t expect it to be him. Tsk, that’s really miserable. I heard that the Wang family specially let him live. I didn’t expect that several years have passed, and Young Master Wang has come to mess with him again. "!"

  "When Zhao Chong, the former Zhao Chong, was still alive, we were a big family in Suizhou. In those years, they were crazy!
  When everyone saw people from the Zhao family, they had to lower their heads. Walking, it has only been a few years, and he is the only one left in the entire Zhao family.

  The children have grown up a little in the past two years, but they were all killed...!"

  Chen Luo, who was about to leave, heard these words .

  The steps paused.

  Zhao Chong.

  A very familiar name...


  This is Suizhou.

  He remembered that Zhao Chong said that his hometown was Suizhou City.

  I didn't expect that I would come here by chance...

  and the one named Zhao Sui, wasn't he the same boy from the Zhao family who was said to be his successor? Chen Luo heard Zhao Chong mention this name.

  "It's quite a coincidence that I can meet an old friend."

  Chen Luo lamented the coincidence of fate.

  I didn't expect that in just a few years, the Zhao family would be reduced to what it is now.

  Chen Luo probably knew the development and rise and fall of the Zhao family in recent years from the comments on the side.

  The Zhao family prospered because of Zhao Chong,

  but died because of themselves.

  During the decades when Zhao Chong was still there... the Zhao family expanded their industry unscrupulously and became the overlord of the entire Suizhou City.

  Even the county government in Suizhou City did not dare to offend them.

  Now the overlord of Suizhou, the Wang family, relied on the Zhao family to survive.

  It can be said.

  At that time, the Zhao family was the king of Suizhou.

  The children of the Zhao family have become bullies in the entire Suizhou City.

  Robbery of women.

  Looting property.

  Killing people in the street.

  All kinds of behaviors are too numerous to describe.

  But at that time, no one dared to do anything to the Zhao family.

  The Zhao family, which has a harem relationship, is difficult to shake...

  But this scene ended in the thirteenth year of Yongle.

  As soon as Zhao Chong died, the Zhao family was destroyed, among which the Wang family contributed the most... Now the Zhao family's property is controlled by the Wang family.

  The huge Zhao family has suffered many deaths and injuries...

  In the past two years, only Zhao Sui and her daughter-in-law are left.

  But now it seems...

  there is only one person left in the Zhao family.

  Chen Luo has said before that sudden power and wealth can make people lose their eyesight.

  Chen Luo had vaguely reminded Zhao Chong at that time.

  Zhao Chong also mentioned it to the Zhao family.

  Obviously the Zhao family didn't listen.

  Chen Luo thought for a moment and followed him... When he arrived at the Zhao Mansion, the Zhao Mansion was already surrounded and Zhao Sui had also been beaten.

  Lying in the yard, although he was still alive...

  he was breathing out more than he was breathing in.

  His eyes were blurred, and he had already lost the will to live.

  Not far from the yard.

  A woman was lying on the ground, like a stripped fish, thrown casually on the ground.

  And not far away from her.

  A child's head was sitting there.

  The child's eyes stared at her with indescribable sadness.

  Her eyes were wide open, filled with countless resentments and despair, was no use.

  She is dead!
  Although Zhao Sui, who was not far away, was not dead.

  But if he hadn't been saved...

  he wouldn't have lived long.

  But no one dared to go up.

  The prince was sitting not far away, with his legs crossed, drinking tea... looking at this scene with amusement.

  Chen Luo finally saw it.

  This prince...

  did it on purpose.

  He wanted to humiliate Zhao Sui well.

  He wants his woman to still be pointed out by others until she dies.

  In the same way, he also wanted him to watch this scene helplessly until... he died in front of her woman.

  This feeling of hopelessness and powerlessness.

  Apparently something fascinates the prince...

  (End of chapter)

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