Chapter 44 Your whole family was killed

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  Chapter 44: Your whole family was killed in

  the vast Zhou Dynasty, with endless mountains and rivers of 30,000 miles,
  a country that lasted for thousands of years, and the inheritance of thirty generations of emperors.

  After traveling for twenty-five years, Chen Luo truly understood the world this time, and it was also the first time he personally experienced the vastness of the Zhou Dynasty.

  There are many sects and many disciples.

  There are Jianghu gangs, gathered in the green forest.

  There are knights drinking and singing.

  He is full of energy, so free and at ease.

  There is a spear with a red tassel and a red face with a sword.   One

  person writes   a pen, a gun   ,   a horse and   a sword   , and Chen Luo stops and goes along the way, witnessing a lot and experiencing a lot.   Yongle fifteen years!   He saw people fishing on the banks of the Yangtze River...   and witnessed their daily meals, three meals a day, and four seasons.   Although bitter.   But enjoy the hardships and   enjoy sixteen years of eternal happiness!   He transformed into a beggar in the market, wearing a broken bowl, a short staff, and old clothes, witnessing the cold eyes of the world.   There is no place to stay, but there is home everywhere.   Yongle nineteen years.   He watched the battle between the two sects, killing people, seizing treasures, men, women, old and young, and wiping out the entire sect.   Because it was discovered.   The escape lasted for several months.   Although he can fight back.   But he is happy with it and enjoys this kind of treatment.   Twenty years of Yongle.   He wielded his sword in the arena, but no one dared to look at him.   Even if the innate aura is well concealed, one can still feel the master aura on his body.   Just a face to face.   He turned around, threw down his weapon, and ran away.   In the blink of an eye, only a puff of dust and smoke is left.   Not even a ghost was left behind.   Chen Luo held his sword and looked at the group of robbers running faster than anything in front of him.   He lowered his head.   Don't know where the problem occurs.   But soon he started laughing.   Ha...   this is Jianghu.   It turns out that this is Jianghu!   It's not the kind of retarded drama in novels where the villain comes up to you and insists on giving yourself a slap.   No one is stupid.   And no one is blind.   Although this world is not as good as the harem, it requires a hundred and eighty minds to survive.   But if there weren’t those ten-nine looks in his eyes, he wouldn’t be able to take a few steps!   [You travel around the Jianghu, looking at the sword in your hand, you seem to understand what the Jianghu is.   For martial arts, your experience points are increased.   Martial arts experience value +20!   PS: Read thousands of books, travel thousands of miles, be a martial artist, and practice martial arts]   Chen Luo smiled slightly.   Sheathed the long sword in his hand and   threw it out.   Hang on the side of the donkey.   Then he landed on the little donkey... and patted his butt gently. The little donkey carried Chen Luo swayingly and continued westward.   These were the three little donkeys that Chen Luo replaced.   The first one was stolen along the Yangtze River.   When Chen Luo found it, it had been passed through six or seven hands and he could no longer recognize it.   The second one died of exhaustion on the way to escape.   That day, Chen Luo ate three more bowls of rice with tears in her eyes, in exchange for a few taels of silver.   This third one... is still strong.   He should still have several years to live.   So Chen Luo gave it a name: Xiaohong.   After all, this name is quite suitable for a female donkey.   Although I didn't know what it was shouting at the time.   Only later did Chen Luo find out.   This is not a female donkey at all, but a standard male donkey.   The reason why he discovered it was because Chen Luo accidentally lowered his head and discovered a scale that made all men ashamed.   Chen Luo was not ashamed.   As a eunuch.   He didn't think there was anything good about that thing...   He hated that kind of thing the most.   As for the name.   He discussed it with Xiaohong.   The two agreed that the name was very good and did not need to be changed.   As for its humming...   maybe it's because it's too satisfied.   certainly. The most unforgettable thing in Chen Luo's heart was the fishing on the Yangtze River in the 15th year of Yongle.   The treasure that was originally hanging on the side of the donkey accidentally fell into the Yangtze River.   The rolling river water swept the baby away in an instant.   He disappeared into the river in the blink of an eye,   and even Chen Luo, who was in the innate realm, could only be messed up in the wind at that time.   He had some doubts about whether the trip to the cleaning room he went to when he went out was still necessary?   Is it just   to hide the treasure in the river?   The soul returns to the fish belly?   He shook his head...   and muttered.   keep going.   In the past few years, Dazhou has undergone many changes.   Emperor Yongle devoured the territory of Zhao State, the entire Great Zhou Dynasty developed rapidly, and the people began to enter a new round of peace and prosperity.   In the court room.   Emperor Yongle's reign was smooth with Zhang Weizheng's help.   As for anything else...   not really.   A few years ago, hundreds of officials talked about the crown prince's position.   But then it was settled.   Today Emperor Yongle is in his prime.   There is no rush for the position of prince.   On the contrary, the reputation of the third prince Xiao Ping has been rising in recent years.   I heard that the third prince is a strong martial artist.   Now he has entered the first-level martial arts realm.   People lamented that it was indeed the name chosen by the indisputable master Chen Eunuch.

  This talent is indeed outstanding.

  Some people also say that this is an inheritance of not fighting for father-in-law.

  When Chen Luo, who was walking in the rivers and lakes, heard this, he almost wanted to kill the person who said this.

  This is slander!

  This is naked slander!

  He is a father-in-law, where did he get his inheritance from?

  How dare you say that you won't be able to hit a pole in eight lifetimes?

  Concubine Mi?
  That is indeed a beauty...

  this thought.

  Chen Luo became thoughtful. It seemed like he hadn't been to Hongxiu Zhao for a long time in the past few years?


  Then go for it!


  The land of Yizhou.

  Suizhou City.

  Red sleeve move.

  Chen Luo walked out of it a little embarrassed, feeling dizzy but feeling very uncomfortable.

  Wipe the blood from your nose.

  Ignore the beautiful woman standing at the door begging.

  Chen Luo was filled with joy.

  "It's still a familiar feeling."

  "It's still like soul-eating and bone-crushing..."

  "Not coming!"

  "Not coming!"

  "We will never come again. If we come here a few more times, Tao Xin will understand It's unstable!"

  [You have performed a pleasant activity, your mood has been greatly improved, and you have a vague understanding of martial arts.

  Experience value +5!

  PS: Although this event is fascinating, it is still recommended to come less often. After all, the impact is not good]

  Chen Luo chose to ignore the prompt at the end of the system.

  As an innate strong person.

  What you care about is your happiness?
  Do you care about that little bit of martial arts experience?
  The layout is smaller!

  Too vulgar!

  My father-in-law just wants to give those poor girls a strong and powerful harbor.

  Red sleeves move inside.

  The singer who was reluctant to leave Chen Luo was asked.

  "Isn't that man... a father-in-law? Why can't you give up? Could it be that... this eunuch can do it too?" The

  woman was very gossipy.

  If the eunuch comes to red-sleeve move, it will be really bad.

  The singer's eyes were blurred...

  with an unspeakable sinking look.

  "You don't understand. Only by experiencing it can you understand what a wonderful person Eunuch Li is..."

  "Eunuch Li? His surname is Li?"

  "His surname is Li, his first name is Chun Gang... he is a wonderful man!"

  These Chen Luo are I don’t know.

  He was walking on the streets of Suizhou City.

  Suddenly someone shouted from behind,

  with a tone full of gloating:
  "The surname is Zhao, your wife and child were killed by the prince, hehehehe..."

   The data is poor, and the editor said that it is difficult to enter the second round. I guess I can only test the water. Kneel down for a round, beg for recommendation votes, monthly votes, follow up reading... beg for support!

  (End of chapter)

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