Chapter 30 Do you want a son?

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  Chapter 30 Do you want a son?
  The next day.

  Zhao Chong arrived in a hurry.

  Brought a piece of gossipy news to Chen Luo.

  "Did you know that there was an assassin in Xishuang Palace last night, and I heard that he was discovered by Rong Cairen."

  Chen Luo asked calmly, "Really? There is an assassin again? Do you know what the assassin looks like?"

  Zhao Chongyao shook his head.

  "The Shangwu Bureau searched for most of the night and found nothing. It seems that the assassin escaped. Tell me, why can't this palace be quiet for a while in the past few years? In the past few years, there have been several assassinations here."

  Chen Luo didn't say anything.

  Assassins are the most annoying.

  Zhao Chong, this is the same as usual.

  Mainly because I had nothing to do and wanted to chat with Chen Luo.

  Now his status in the harem is gradually rising. Although many people below him are fawning over him, Zhao Chong feels that only Chen Luo is his close friend.

  This has nothing to do with Chen Luo's strength.

  The most important thing is fate.

  He felt that he and Chen Luo had a good relationship.

  If there weren't so many people, how could I still be alive?

  This time Zhao Chong had another key thing to share with Chen Luo.

  He has a son!
  Chen Luo didn't react when he heard this.

  Isn't Zhao Chong an eunuch?
  Where did the son come from?

  Soon Chen Luo knew what was going on.

  Zhao Chong was originally from Suizhou. Because his family was poor, he came to the capital and became a eunuch.

  If there are rewards in the palace over the years, they will be sold into some money and sent back to the family.

  The family that was originally going to be ruined finally blossomed because of Zhao Chong, and started some business in Suizhou, and it has become more

  prosperous in recent years.

  Just the other day.

  Letters came from the family.

  Prepare to adopt a boy in the family to Zhao Chong.

  That kid Zhao Chong has also seen it.

  I had been to the capital two years ago and seemed to be very honest, and Zhao Chong was also very satisfied.

  Of course.

  Chen Luo understood clearly that the Zhao family had made this decision.

  It was simply because Zhao Chong had developed very well over the years.

  You must know that Zhao Chong is now the chief manager of the inner palace.

  Not only was he in charge of the imperial kitchen, but also most of the eunuchs were under his control.

  Is the Zhao family able to develop to this extent not because of Zhao Chong?
  Now it is appropriate to give Zhao Chong an adopted son.

  It also means to tie Zhao Chong firmly to the family boat.

  Chen Luo understood it, and so did Zhao Chong.

  After being in the harem for so many years, he wouldn't be able to understand these things.

  "My parents passed away early, and I was the only one of my generation to survive. I had no choice but to become a eunuch in order to survive.

  But if there is a chance, who would be willing to become a eunuch?

  My biggest wish in this life is It can leave a continuation of our lineage.

  But this is impossible.

  Sometimes I wonder, if I die one day, how will I face my dead parents when I go down there?

  Tell them... ...Their incense will be cut off when they reach my place?"

  Zhao Chong said.

  His eyes were red, and the tears still flowed out uncontrollably, but they were quickly wiped away by him.

  "Now that my family is willing to give me an adopted son, it can be regarded as continuing the incense of my lineage... As for me, I have nothing to ask for, so that's great!" Chen Luo could understand


  People say there are three types of unfilial piety, the greatest being not having offspring.

  As an eunuch, Chen Luo knew very well what Zhao Chong was thinking now.

  It's not just him.

  This is true for most of the entire inner palace.

  No one wants to be a eunuch.

  But this is life...

  "What about you? What do you think?"

  Zhao Chong asked.


  Chen Luo was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

  "Although you are an innate master, you are also a eunuch. Do you have any ideas about finding a son?"

  Zhao Chong said: "You are already in your forties this year. If you find a good one early, at least you can continue the Chen family. It's so popular.

  How about it?
  Do you want me to help you find one?
  If that doesn't work, you can also find some of the new little eunuchs in the harem.

  Then you can also provide for them until they die!"

  Chen Luo's mouth twitched.

  Thank you so much, Zhao Chong. Back then, someone wanted to introduce the right food to him, and he persevered.


  They are dead.

  Now you, Zhao Chong, are looking for a son for my father-in-law?
  Then I hope you live a long life.


  In December of the 10th year of Yongle.

  This month was destined to be the worst month for Emperor Yongle.

  The war in the northern Zhao Kingdom has taken a completely new change.

  This war lasted for nearly a year.

  Originally it was just the coalition forces of Dayan and Zhao.

  Now the Zhao State has roped in another Chu State...

  The Zhou Dynasty invested more than 800,000 troops in the Changping Battle in just one year, and the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces exceeded one million.

  The number of casualties has reached an exaggerated number of more than half a million.

  Just a few days ago.

  Letter from the front... General Zhan Jiang accidentally shot a cold arrow and may be in danger of his life.

  When the news came back, Emperor Yongle didn't sleep a wink for a whole day and night.

  Once General Zhan Jiang dies, it will definitely have a terrible impact on the Changping Battle.

  The land of Yizhou, which was finally captured by Zhou Dynasty, is likely to be taken back again.


  Da Zhou faces a difficult choice.

  Continue the war or make peace?

  Xiao Jing summoned hundreds of officials.

  We discussed it for several nights, but still no decision was made.

  When Chen Luo heard the news, he already knew what the outcome would be.

  It’s not that discussions between officials are ineffective.

  But the answers given by these officials were not the answers Xiao Jing wanted.

  Emperor Yongle was definitely a more ambitious emperor than Emperor Tianqi.

  He spent ten years pushing the national and financial strength of Zhou Dynasty to the highest level in history.

  He would never give up just by asking for one state of Zhao State,

  just as Chen Luo guessed.

  The third day.

  Emperor Yongle made a decision!

  The Kingdom of Zhao will never be destroyed.

  Da Zhou will never give up!


  this time Zhao State brought Yan State and Chu State together, so Emperor Yongle of these two countries would never give up.

  You must know that Emperor Yongle was a very vengeful person.

  After this decision was made, Zhou sent envoys to the remaining states of Qin, Qi, and Wei.

  No one knows what the envoys of Zhou Dynasty did.

  But in the eleventh year of Yongle.

  Qin suddenly launched a war against Yan.

  A war broke out in Yan State, and the Yan State army, which was at the Changping Ping of Zhao State, had to retreat and return to support the homeland.

  Almost not long after Yan State retreated.

  Qi State also launched a war against Chu State at the same time.

  Zhao State, which was already under great pressure because of Yan State's retreat, and Chu State retreated again... In just a few days, Changping fell.

  However, after capturing Changping, Dazhou did not attack again, but stopped.

  The reason is that General Zhan Jiang is dead.

  Although Da Zhou changed coaches in time.

  But at this time, the morale of the army is unstable and eager to attack, which is definitely not a good strategy.

  The Seven Kingdoms...

  and the Six Kingdoms are at war.

  Only the state of Wei still stood still.

  As the most remote country and the country farthest from the battlefield, Wei State has made obscene and developmental policies.

  Chen Luo ignored these,

  and all countries were at war.

  It doesn’t matter if the sky falls apart and the earth falls apart.

  He just wanted to bask in the sun in the harem, read a book, and occasionally cultivate his mind.


  that night, there were still uninvited guests in the library.

   I beg you for your recommendation votes...


  (End of chapter)

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