Chapter 29 Too Exciting

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  Chapter 29 is so exciting: Yongle
  Ten Years.

  Since Emperor Yongle ascended the throne, the Zhou Dynasty implemented a policy of recuperation and recuperation.

  Today's Prime Minister: Zhang Weizheng is a famous prime minister.

  With the help of the monarch and his ministers, the national power of the Great Zhou Dynasty has not only been fully restored, but has also reached an unprecedented peak.


  Emperor Yongle finally showed his ambition and took action against neighboring countries.

  The first month of the tenth year of Yongle.

  Emperor Yongle ordered the general Zhan Jiang to be the general marshal of the three armies.

  Make Wei Dongming the vanguard general.

  He led an army of 100,000 people on Friday and approached the border of Zhao State, officially launching a war against Zhao State.

  Since ancient times, Zhou and Zhao have not dealt with each other.

  Especially after several generations of dynasty changes, Zhao State is even more eyeing.

  Although the battle in the second year of Yongle defeated Zhao Guo, it established its authority.

  But Emperor Yongle obviously had no intention of giving up just like that.

  This war came as a matter of course.

  In just two months, the 100,000-strong army on Friday finally broke through the Zhao border.

  Successfully captured one state of Zhao State.

  The State of Zhao sent people to the Zhou Dynasty for peace talks,

  but Emperor Yongle sneered and did not even see the ambassador for the peace talks, leaving only one sentence: wash your neck and wait.

  At this moment, Emperor Yongle showed his domineering side!

  The ambassador of Zhao was angry and prepared to fight to the death with Da Zhou, and began to travel around the world.

  Finally reached an alliance with Dayan.

  Dayan sent an army of 300,000 to Zhao.

  He gathered hundreds of thousands of troops from Zhao State and fought a fierce battle with Zhou Dynasty in Changping.

  The Three Kingdoms War fell into a stalemate.

  It's not over yet!

  The history of this battle is called: Battle of Changping.

  This year, Chen Luo was forty-two years old.

  Over the years, due to his immortal physique, Chen Luo has not aged at all, which makes both Li Chungang and Zhao Chong a little curious.

  Chen Luo didn't hide the fact that his appearance would not change, he

  just explained.

  This may be because the martial arts realm has reached sub-innate level.

  Li Chungang said it was possible.

  He was over seventy years old when he was promoted to Yaxiantian.

  So now he looks like a sloppy old man.

  Chen Luo entered Yaxiantian very early, so his appearance is naturally not too old!
  This day.

  Chen Luo is the same as usual.

  Watch the maids and concubines catching butterflies in the Imperial Garden.

  Suddenly and out of nowhere.

  Seems a little boring.

  I thought it would be better to go back and practice martial arts after watching this...

  Chen Luo was immediately startled when this idea came to him.

  This is not a good sign!

  Could it be that after being a eunuch for many years, I have become accustomed to it, and even this desire has become dull?

  Absolutely inappropriate!

  I am now a eunuch because I want to improve my experience after recovery.

  After all...

  when something is lost and found again.

  That kind of impact.

  Absolutely beyond words.

  Now that I have lost my desire for such a crucial thing, is this okay?
  Chen Ping'an hasn't been born yet!
  "Go to Li Chungang!"

  Li Chungang has a great interest.

  Whenever night falls.

  I always like to watch some palace maids and concubines playing in the water alone.

  It is well-known as: Cultivation of the mind!
  Chen Luo felt that it was necessary to make an appointment with Li Chungang tonight and take him into the door of mind cultivation.

  When they arrived at Tianwu Pavilion, they found Li Chungang carrying a sword on his back.

  Chen Luo rarely saw him carrying a sword.

  Seeing this...

  "Are you going out?"

  Chen Luo asked.

  Li Chungang nodded: "I have been in Tianwu Pagoda for decades. For a period of time, I always feel that staying like this is not an option.

  My life span is at most twenty years. I want to go out for a few years and see if there are any There is no chance to try to reach the Xiantian realm.

  I still don’t want to wait to die like this.”

  The general life span of Tianqiong Continent is 60-70 years here.

  Most martial arts experts can achieve 80-90.

  The stronger ones will have a chance to reach more than 100 the day after tomorrow.

  Yaxiantian can reach more than 110.

  Now that Li Chungang is approaching ninety... his lifespan is indeed a bit anxious.

  It's this last sentence...

  "Are you thinking about me?"

  Chen Luo asked.

  Li Chungang did not hide it: "It would be great if you heard it... Now that you have arrived at Yaxiantian, this palace cannot trap you. If you can go out and gain insights, you may really have a chance to enter the Xiantian realm. But

  you You have no intention of leaving at all.

  Do you really want to live alone here and wait for death?"

  "You don't understand our family's ways."

  Chen Luo didn't bother to explain.

  He can't say that you are worried about your life span, but my father-in-law feels that there is too much time and that life is endless?
  Others spend their whole lives pursuing immortality, but you will achieve immortality at the beginning.

  Of course,

  Chen Luo will also leave the palace.

  It's just not time.

  Before reaching the Xiantian realm, he thought it would be better not to leave.

  Although Li Chungang said it.

  There is no such thing as innateness in the world, but who dares to be sure?

  It's better to be more stable.

  Wait until you are firmly invincible in the world before leaving. There will definitely be no problem at that time.

  "I really don't understand your ways."

  Li Chungang complained: "A eunuch... obviously has no talent for martial arts, but he has become an acquired martial artist. Forget it... In just a few years, he has entered the Asian martial arts world. Innate realm.

  It is inappropriate to use common sense to explain you.

  And in the past few years, I have known your character to some extent. You guys have your own ideas in everything you do. If you want to know the innate way, you also have it. Got a clue."

  Li Chungang said: "Forget it, let's not talk about it. You are here just in time. I have something to tell you.

  While I am away, I would like you to take a look at the Tianwu Tower for me..."

  Li Chungang is from the Tianwu Tower. Tower Keeper.

  His duty is to protect the imperial city and prohibit those who are beyond the acquired level from entering the palace.

  As for not reaching this level...he won't take action at all.

  This is true even when dynasties change.

  This is also the reason why he was nowhere to be seen in these emperor changes.

  Of course.

  The so-called tower guardians should actually be said to be the guardians of the inheritors of the martial arts of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  After all, Tianwu Pagoda contains more than 90% of the martial arts skills in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty.

  Tianwu Tower is here.

  The martial arts of the Great Zhou Dynasty are there.

  This is probably the duty of the tower guard!
  "It's no problem to guard the Tianwu Pagoda. Anyway, our family usually stays here at the Library Pavilion and Tianwu Pagoda, but the question is when will you come back? What if you haven't come back when our family is about to leave?" "As many as

  ten Eight years, as few as three to five years..."

  Li Chungang said: "Anyway, if I don't come back and you want to leave, just leave... No one dares to break into the Tianwu Pagoda today... Go, old man! "

  After saying this, Li Chungang had already left through the air.

  Looking at Li Chungang who disappeared quickly.

  Chen Luo stood there for a few seconds.

  What did you... just come to see Li Chungang for?

  I remembered.

  That’s it!

  Only Li Chungang would do such despicable things, and he, Chen Luo, would never do such a thing.

  That night.

  The new concubine Rong Cairen screamed in the palace.

  "Catch the assassin, catch the assassin!"

  A figure fled from Rong Cairen's palace in embarrassment. When he came out, he covered his nose with one hand and kept mumbling to himself.

  "How can it be so big? So white?"

  "It's so exciting!"

  "It's really exciting!"

  "I didn't expect that I, Li Chungang, a wise man in this life, would do such a thing."

  "Criticism must be criticized!"

  (End of this chapter) )

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